## $Id: interfaces.py 15246 2018-11-16 16:05:31Z henrik $ ## ## Copyright (C) 2011 Uli Fouquet & Henrik Bettermann ## This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify ## it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by ## the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or ## (at your option) any later version. ## ## This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, ## but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of ## MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the ## GNU General Public License for more details. ## ## You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License ## along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software ## Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA ## #from datetime import datetime from zope.component import getUtility from zope.interface import Attribute, Interface, invariant, Invalid from zope import schema from zc.sourcefactory.contextual import BasicContextualSourceFactory from waeup.kofa.browser.interfaces import IStudentNavigationBase from waeup.kofa.interfaces import ( IKofaObject, academic_sessions_vocab, validate_email, ICSVExporter, ContextualDictSourceFactoryBase, IKofaUtils) from waeup.kofa.interfaces import MessageFactory as _ from waeup.kofa.schema import TextLineChoice, FormattedDate, PhoneNumber from waeup.kofa.students.vocabularies import ( StudyLevelSource, contextual_reg_num_source, contextual_mat_num_source, GenderSource, nats_vocab ) from waeup.kofa.payments.interfaces import ( IPaymentsContainer, IOnlinePayment) from waeup.kofa.university.vocabularies import ( CourseSource, StudyModeSource, CertificateSource, SemesterSource, CourseCategorySource ) class PreviousPaymentCategorySource(ContextualDictSourceFactoryBase): """A source that delivers all selectable categories of previous session payments. """ #: name of dict to deliver from kofa utils. DICT_NAME = 'PREVIOUS_PAYMENT_CATEGORIES' class BalancePaymentCategorySource(ContextualDictSourceFactoryBase): """A source that delivers all selectable items of balance payments. """ #: name of dict to deliver from kofa utils. DICT_NAME = 'BALANCE_PAYMENT_CATEGORIES' # VerdictSource can't be placed into the vocabularies module because it # requires importing IStudentsUtils which then leads to circular imports. class VerdictSource(BasicContextualSourceFactory): """A verdicts source delivers all verdicts provided in the portal. """ def getValues(self, context): verdicts_dict = getUtility(IKofaUtils).VERDICTS_DICT return sorted(verdicts_dict.keys()) def getToken(self, context, value): return value def getTitle(self, context, value): verdicts_dict = getUtility(IKofaUtils).VERDICTS_DICT if value != '0': return verdicts_dict[value] + ' (%s)' % value return verdicts_dict[value] class IStudentsUtils(Interface): """A collection of methods which are subject to customization. """ def setReturningData(student): """ This method defines what happens after school fee payment depending on the student's senate verdict. In the base configuration current level is always increased by 100 no matter which verdict has been assigned. """ def setPaymentDetails(category, student, previous_session=None, previous_level=None,): """Create Payment object and set the payment data of a student for the payment category specified. """ def increaseMatricInteger(student): """Increase counter for matric numbers. This counter can be a centrally stored attribute or an attribute of faculties, departments or certificates. In the base package the counter is as an attribute of the site configuration object. """ def constructMatricNumber(student): """Fetch the matric number counter which fits the student and construct the new matric number of the student. In the base package the counter is returned which is as an attribute of the site configuration object. """ def setMatricNumber(student): """Set matriculation number of student. If the student's matric number is unset a new matric number is constructed according to the matriculation number construction rules defined in the constructMatricNumber method. The new matric number is set, the students catalog updated. The corresponding matric number counter is increased by one. This method is tested but not used in the base package. It can be used in custom packages by adding respective views and by customizing increaseMatricInteger and constructMatricNumber according to the university's matriculation number construction rules. The method can be disabled by setting the counter to zero. """ def getAccommodation_details(student): """Determine the accommodation dates of a student. """ def selectBed(available_beds): """Select a bed from a list of available beds. In the standard configuration we select the first bed found, but can also randomize the selection if we like. """ def getDegreeClassNumber(level_obj): """Get degree class number (used for SessionResultsPresentation reports). """ def getPDFCreator(context): """Get some IPDFCreator instance suitable for use with `context`. """ def renderPDF(view, subject='', filename='slip.pdf',): """Render pdf slips for various pages. """ def renderPDFAdmissionLetter(view, student=None, omit_fields=(), pre_text=None, post_text=None,): """Render pdf admission letter. """ def renderPDFTranscript(view, filename, student, studentview, note, signatures, sigs_in_footer, show_scans, topMargin, omit_fields, tableheader, no_passport): """Render pdf slip of a transcripts. """ def renderPDFCourseticketsOverview( view, session, data, lecturers, orientation, title_length, note): """Render pdf slip of course tickets for a lecturer. """ def warnCreditsOOR(studylevel, course=None): """Return message if credits are out of range. In the base package only maximum credits is set. """ def getBedCoordinates(bedticket): """Return descriptive bed coordinates. This method can be used to customize the `display_coordinates` property method in order to display a customary description of the bed space. """ def clearance_disabled_message(student): """Render message if clearance is disabled. """ class IStudentsContainer(IKofaObject): """A students container contains university students. """ def addStudent(student): """Add an IStudent object and subcontainers. """ unique_student_id = Attribute('A unique student id') class IStudentNavigation(IStudentNavigationBase): """Interface needed for navigation and logging. This interface is implemented by all content classes in the students section. """ student = Attribute('Student object of context') def writeLogMessage(view, message): """Add an INFO message to students.log. """ class IStudentBase(IKofaObject): """Representation of student base data. """ history = Attribute('Object history, a list of messages') state = Attribute('Registration state') translated_state = Attribute('Real name of the registration state') certcode = Attribute('Certificate code of any chosen study course') depcode = Attribute('Department code of any chosen study course') faccode = Attribute('Faculty code of any chosen study course') entry_session = Attribute('Entry session') current_session = Attribute('Current session') current_level = Attribute('Current level') current_mode = Attribute('Current mode') current_verdict = Attribute('Current verdict') fullname = Attribute('All name parts separated by hyphens') display_fullname = Attribute('Fullname as displayed on pages') is_postgrad = Attribute('True if postgraduate student') is_special_postgrad = Attribute('True if special postgraduate student') is_fresh = Attribute('True if fresh student') before_payment = Attribute('True if no previous payment has to be made') personal_data_expired = Attribute('True if personal data expired') transcript_enabled = Attribute('True if transcript processing is enabled') clearance_locked = Attribute('True if clearance form is locked') studycourse_locked = Attribute( 'True if nobody is allowed to change studycourse, studylecel or ' 'course ticket data, neither through the UI nor via import') password = Attribute('Encrypted password') temp_password = Attribute('Dictionary with user name, timestamp and encrypted password') suspended = schema.Bool( title = _(u'Account suspended'), default = False, required = False, ) suspended_comment = schema.Text( title = _(u"Reasons for Deactivation"), required = False, description = _( u'This message will be shown if and only if deactivated ' 'students try to login.'), ) flash_notice = schema.TextLine( title = _(u'Flash Notice'), required = False, readonly = False, description = _( u'This single-line message will be shown in a flash box.'), ) student_id = schema.TextLine( title = _(u'Student Id'), required = False, ) firstname = schema.TextLine( title = _(u'First Name'), required = True, ) middlename = schema.TextLine( title = _(u'Middle Name'), required = False, ) lastname = schema.TextLine( title = _(u'Last Name (Surname)'), required = True, ) sex = schema.Choice( title = _(u'Sex'), source = GenderSource(), required = True, ) reg_number = TextLineChoice( title = _(u'Registration Number'), required = True, readonly = False, source = contextual_reg_num_source, ) matric_number = TextLineChoice( title = _(u'Matriculation Number'), required = False, readonly = False, source = contextual_mat_num_source, ) adm_code = schema.TextLine( title = _(u'PWD Activation Code'), required = False, readonly = False, ) email = schema.ASCIILine( title = _(u'Email'), required = False, constraint=validate_email, ) phone = PhoneNumber( title = _(u'Phone'), required = False, ) def setTempPassword(user, password): """Set a temporary password (LDAP-compatible) SSHA encoded for officers. """ def getTempPassword(): """Check if a temporary password has been set and if it is not expired. Return the temporary password if valid, None otherwise. Unset the temporary password if expired. """ def transfer(certificate, current_session, current_level, current_verdict): """ Creates a new studycourse and backups the old one. """ def revert_transfer(): """ Revert previous transfer. """ class IUGStudentClearance(IKofaObject): """Representation of undergraduate student clearance data. """ officer_comment = schema.Text( title = _(u"Officer's Comment"), required = False, ) clr_code = schema.TextLine( title = _(u'CLR Activation Code'), required = False, readonly = False, ) date_of_birth = FormattedDate( title = _(u'Date of Birth'), required = True, show_year = True, ) nationality = schema.Choice( vocabulary = nats_vocab, title = _(u'Nationality'), required = False, ) class IPGStudentClearance(IUGStudentClearance): """Representation of postgraduate student clearance data. """ employer = schema.TextLine( title = _(u'Employer'), required = False, readonly = False, ) class IStudentPersonal(IKofaObject): """Representation of student personal data. """ personal_updated = schema.Datetime( title = _(u'Updated'), required = False, readonly = False, ) perm_address = schema.Text( title = _(u'Permanent Address'), required = False, ) class IStudent(IStudentBase,IUGStudentClearance,IPGStudentClearance, IStudentPersonal): """Representation of a student. """ class IStudentPersonalEdit(IStudentPersonal): """Interface for editing personal data by students. Here we can repeat the fields from IStudentPersonal and set the `required` if necessary. """ perm_address = schema.Text( title = _(u'Permanent Address'), required = True, ) class IStudentUpdateByRegNo(IStudent): """Representation of a student. Skip regular reg_number validation. """ reg_number = schema.TextLine( title = _(u'Registration Number'), required = False, ) class IStudentUpdateByMatricNo(IStudent): """Representation of a student. Skip regular matric_number validation. """ matric_number = schema.TextLine( title = _(u'Matriculation Number'), required = False, ) class IStudentRequestPW(IStudent): """Representation of a student for first-time password request. This interface is used when students use the requestpw page to login for the the first time. """ number = schema.TextLine( title = _(u'Registr. or Matric. Number'), required = True, ) firstname = schema.TextLine( title = _(u'First Name'), required = True, ) email = schema.ASCIILine( title = _(u'Email Address'), required = True, constraint=validate_email, ) class IStudentStudyCourse(IKofaObject): """Representation of student study course data. """ next_session_allowed = Attribute('True if the student can proceed to next session') is_postgrad = Attribute('True if student is postgraduate student') is_current = Attribute('True if the study course is the current course of studies') is_previous = Attribute('True if the study course is the previous course of studies') certificate = schema.Choice( title = _(u'Certificate'), source = CertificateSource(), required = False, ) entry_mode = schema.Choice( title = _(u'Entry Mode'), source = StudyModeSource(), required = True, readonly = False, ) entry_session = schema.Choice( title = _(u'Entry Session'), source = academic_sessions_vocab, #default = datetime.now().year, required = True, readonly = False, ) current_session = schema.Choice( title = _(u'Current Session'), source = academic_sessions_vocab, required = True, readonly = False, ) current_level = schema.Choice( title = _(u'Current Level'), source = StudyLevelSource(), required = False, readonly = False, ) current_verdict = schema.Choice( title = _(u'Current Verdict'), source = VerdictSource(), default = '0', required = False, ) previous_verdict = schema.Choice( title = _(u'Previous Verdict'), source = VerdictSource(), default = '0', required = False, ) def addStudentStudyLevel(cert, studylevel): """Add a study level object. """ def getTranscriptData(): """Get a sorted list of dicts with level and course ticket data. This method is used for transcripts. """ class IStudentStudyCourseTransfer(IStudentStudyCourse): """An interface used for student transfers. """ certificate = schema.Choice( title = _(u'Certificate'), source = CertificateSource(), required = True, ) current_level = schema.Choice( title = _(u'Current Level'), source = StudyLevelSource(), required = True, readonly = False, ) entry_session = schema.Choice( title = _(u'Entry Session'), source = academic_sessions_vocab, #default = datetime.now().year, required = False, readonly = False, ) IStudentStudyCourseTransfer['certificate'].order = IStudentStudyCourse[ 'certificate'].order IStudentStudyCourseTransfer['current_level'].order = IStudentStudyCourse[ 'current_level'].order class IStudentVerdictUpdate(IKofaObject): """A interface for verdict imports. """ current_verdict = schema.Choice( title = _(u'Current Verdict'), source = VerdictSource(), required = True, ) current_session = schema.Choice( title = _(u'Current Session'), source = academic_sessions_vocab, required = True, ) current_level = schema.Choice( title = _(u'Current Level'), source = StudyLevelSource(), required = True, ) bypass_validation = schema.Bool( title = _(u'Bypass validation'), required = False, ) validated_by = schema.TextLine( title = _(u'Validated by'), required = False, ) class IStudentStudyLevel(IKofaObject): """A representation of student study level data. """ certcode = Attribute('The certificate code of the study course') is_current_level = Attribute('True if level is current level of the student') level_title = Attribute('Level title from source') getSessionString = Attribute('Session title from source') number_of_tickets = Attribute('Number of tickets contained in this level') passed_params = Attribute('Information about passed and failed courses') gpa_params_rectified = Attribute('Corrected sessional GPA parameters') gpa_params = Attribute('GPA parameters for this level.') cumulative_params = Attribute( 'Cumulative GPA and other cumulative parameters for this level') course_registration_forbidden = Attribute( 'Return error message if course registration is forbidden') level = schema.Choice( title = _(u'Level'), source = StudyLevelSource(), required = True, readonly = False, ) level_session = schema.Choice( title = _(u'Session'), source = academic_sessions_vocab, required = True, ) level_verdict = schema.Choice( title = _(u'Verdict'), source = VerdictSource(), default = '0', required = False, ) validated_by = schema.TextLine( title = _(u'Validated by'), default = None, required = False, ) validation_date = schema.Datetime( title = _(u'Validation Date'), required = False, readonly = False, ) total_credits = schema.Int( title = _(u'Total Credits'), required = False, readonly = True, ) gpa = schema.TextLine( title = _(u'Unrectified GPA'), required = False, readonly = True, ) def addCourseTicket(ticket, course): """Add a course ticket object. """ def addCertCourseTickets(cert): """Collect all certificate courses and create course tickets automatically. """ def updateCourseTicket(ticket, course): """Updates a course ticket object and return code if ticket has been invalidated. """ class ICourseTicket(IKofaObject): """A representation of course ticket data. """ certcode = Attribute('Certificate code of the study course') level_session = Attribute('Session of the study level the ticket has been added to') level = Attribute('Level value of the study level the ticket has been added to') total_score = Attribute('Score') grade = Attribute('Grade calculated from total score') weight = Attribute('Weight calculated from total score') removable_by_student = Attribute('True if student is allowed to remove the ticket') editable_by_lecturer = Attribute('True if lecturer is allowed to edit the ticket') code = Attribute('Code of the original course') title = schema.TextLine( title = _(u'Title'), required = False, ) fcode = schema.TextLine( title = _(u'Faculty Code'), required = False, ) dcode = schema.TextLine( title = _(u'Department Code'), required = False, ) semester = schema.Choice( title = _(u'Semester/Term'), source = SemesterSource(), required = False, ) ticket_session = schema.Choice( title = _(u'Imported Session'), source = academic_sessions_vocab, required = False, ) passmark = schema.Int( title = _(u'Passmark'), required = False, ) credits = schema.Int( title = _(u'Credits'), required = False, ) mandatory = schema.Bool( title = _(u'Required'), default = False, required = False, ) outstanding = schema.Bool( title = _(u'Outstanding Course'), default = False, required = False, ) course_category = schema.Choice( title = _(u'Course Category'), source = CourseCategorySource(), required = False, ) score = schema.Int( title = _(u'Score'), default = None, required = False, missing_value = None, ) carry_over = schema.Bool( title = _(u'Carry-over Course'), default = False, required = False, ) automatic = schema.Bool( title = _(u'Automatical Creation'), default = False, required = False, ) class ICourseTicketAdd(IKofaObject): """An interface for adding course tickets. """ course = schema.Choice( title = _(u'Course'), source = CourseSource(), readonly = False, ) class ICourseTicketImport(ICourseTicket): """An interface for importing course results and nothing more. """ score = schema.Int( title = _(u'Score'), required = False, readonly = False, ) level_session = schema.Choice( title = _(u'Level Session'), source = academic_sessions_vocab, required = False, readonly = False, ) class IStudentAccommodation(IKofaObject): """A container for student accommodation objects. """ desired_hostel = schema.TextLine( title = _(u'Desired Hostel'), required = False, ) def addBedTicket(bedticket): """Add a bed ticket object. """ class IBedTicket(IKofaObject): """A representation of accommodation booking data. """ bed = Attribute('The bed object') maint_payment_made = Attribute('True if maintenance payment is made') display_coordinates = schema.TextLine( title = _(u'Allocated Bed'), required = False, readonly = True, ) bed_coordinates = schema.TextLine( title = u'', required = True, readonly = False, ) bed_type = schema.TextLine( title = _(u'Requested Bed Type'), required = True, readonly = False, ) booking_session = schema.Choice( title = _(u'Session'), source = academic_sessions_vocab, required = True, readonly = False ) booking_date = schema.Datetime( title = _(u'Booking Date'), required = False, readonly = False, ) booking_code = schema.TextLine( title = _(u'Booking Activation Code'), required = False, readonly = False, ) def getSessionString(): """Returns the title of academic_sessions_vocab term of the session when the bed was booked. """ class IStudentPaymentsContainer(IPaymentsContainer): """A container for student payment objects. """ certificate = Attribute('Certificate to determine the correct p_level value') class IStudentOnlinePayment(IOnlinePayment): """A student payment via payment gateways. """ certificate = Attribute('Certificate to determine the correct p_level value') student = Attribute('Student') p_current = schema.Bool( title = _(u'Current Session Payment'), default = True, required = False, ) p_level = schema.Choice( title = _(u'Payment Level'), source = StudyLevelSource(), required = False, ) def redeemTicket(): """Either create an appropriate access code or trigger an action directly. """ def doAfterStudentPayment(): """Process student after payment was made. """ def doAfterStudentPaymentApproval(): """Process student after payment was approved. """ def approveStudentPayment(): """Approve payment and process student. """ IStudentOnlinePayment['p_level'].order = IStudentOnlinePayment[ 'p_session'].order class IStudentPreviousPayment(IKofaObject): """An interface for adding previous session payments. """ p_category = schema.Choice( title = _(u'Payment Category'), default = u'schoolfee', source = PreviousPaymentCategorySource(), required = True, ) p_session = schema.Choice( title = _(u'Payment Session'), source = academic_sessions_vocab, required = True, ) p_level = schema.Choice( title = _(u'Payment Level'), source = StudyLevelSource(), required = True, ) class IStudentBalancePayment(IKofaObject): """An interface for adding balances. """ p_category = schema.Choice( title = _(u'Payment Category'), default = u'schoolfee', required = True, source = BalancePaymentCategorySource(), ) balance_session = schema.Choice( title = _(u'Payment Session'), source = academic_sessions_vocab, required = True, ) balance_level = schema.Choice( title = _(u'Payment Level'), source = StudyLevelSource(), required = True, ) balance_amount = schema.Float( title = _(u'Balance Amount'), default = None, required = True, readonly = False, description = _( u'Balance in Naira '), ) class ICSVStudentExporter(ICSVExporter): """A regular ICSVExporter that additionally supports exporting data from a given student object. """ def get_filtered(site, **kw): """Get a filtered set of students. """ def get_selected(site, selected): """Get set of selected students. """ def export_student(student, filepath=None): """Export data for a given student. """ def export_filtered(site, filepath=None, **kw): """Export data for filtered set of students. """ def export_selected(site, filepath=None, **kw): """Export data for selected set of students. """