1 | <form action="." tal:attributes="action request/URL" method="POST" |
2 | i18n:domain="waeup.kofa" enctype="multipart/form-data"> |
3 | |
4 | <tal:desired_hostel condition="view/actionsgroup1"> |
5 | <br /> |
6 | <p i18n:translate=""> |
7 | Select and <strong>save the desired hostel</strong> before booking acommodation. |
8 | Your choice cannot be changed afterwards. |
9 | </p> |
10 | <div class="form-inline"> |
11 | <br /> |
12 | <div class="form-group"> |
13 | <select class="form-control" id="hostel" name="hostel"> |
14 | <option tal:repeat="hostel view/getHostels" |
15 | tal:attributes="value hostel/name; selected hostel/selected"> |
16 | <span tal:replace="hostel/title">USERTITLE |
17 | </span> |
18 | </option> |
19 | </select> |
20 | </div> |
21 | <div class="form-group"> |
22 | <span tal:repeat="action view/actions" tal:omit-tag=""> |
23 | <input tal:condition="python:action.label in view.actionsgroup1" |
24 | tal:replace="structure action/render"/> |
25 | </span> |
26 | </div> |
27 | </div> |
28 | <br /> |
29 | </tal:desired_hostel> |
30 | |
31 | <h3 i18n:domain="waeup.kofa" i18n:translate="">Bookings</h3> |
32 | <br /> |
33 | |
34 | <table class="kofa-data-table dataTableManage"> |
35 | <thead> |
36 | <tr> |
37 | <th tal:condition="not: layout/isStudent"> </th> |
38 | <th i18n:translate="">Session</th> |
39 | <th i18n:translate="">Booking Date</th> |
40 | <th i18n:translate="">Bed Coordinates</th> |
41 | <th i18n:translate="">Bed Type</th> |
42 | </tr> |
43 | </thead> |
44 | <tbody> |
45 | <tr tal:repeat="cl context/values"> |
46 | <td tal:condition="not: layout/isStudent"> |
47 | <input type="checkbox" |
48 | name="val_id" |
49 | tal:attributes="value cl/__name__" /> |
50 | </td> |
51 | <td> <a tal:attributes="href python: view.url(cl)"> |
52 | <span tal:content="python: cl.getSessionString()">PID</span></a></td> |
53 | <td tal:content="python: layout.formatDatetime(cl.booking_date)">DATE</td> |
54 | <td tal:content="cl/display_coordinates">COORDINATES</td> |
55 | <td tal:content="cl/bed_type">TYPE</td> |
56 | </tr> |
57 | </tbody> |
58 | </table> |
59 | |
60 | <span tal:repeat="action view/actions" |
61 | tal:omit-tag=""> |
62 | <input tal:condition="python:action.label in view.actionsgroup2" |
63 | tal:replace="structure action/render"/> |
64 | </span> |
65 | |
66 | </form> |