## $Id: field.py 8151 2012-04-14 14:03:40Z uli $ ## ## Copyright (C) 2011 Uli Fouquet & Henrik Bettermann ## This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify ## it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by ## the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or ## (at your option) any later version. ## ## This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, ## but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of ## MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the ## GNU General Public License for more details. ## ## You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License ## along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software ## Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA ## """Special fields. """ from zope.interface import implements from zope.schema import TextLine, Date from zope.schema.interfaces import ( ITextLine, IBaseVocabulary, ISource, IContextSourceBinder, InvalidValue,) from zope.schema.vocabulary import ( SimpleVocabulary, getVocabularyRegistry, VocabularyRegistryError) from waeup.kofa.schema.interfaces import IFormattedDate class CustomizableErrorMsg(object): # Still work in progress def __init__(self, not_in_vocab=InvalidValue, **kw): self.not_in_vocab = not_in_vocab return class TextLineChoice(TextLine, CustomizableErrorMsg): """A TextLine field that also accepts sources, vocabs and values. You can use this field like a regular zope.schema.TextLine field. You can additionally give `source`, `values` or `vocabulary` parameters which will work mainly as with regular zope.schema.Choice fields (hence the name). Different to `Choice` field, these parameters are not mandatory. Leave them out and you have a regular `TextLine` field. If you pass a simple source parameter, only those values are allowed which also appear in the source. The source should of course provide string values as suitable for TextLine fields only! If, for example you create a TextLineChoice like this: name = TextLineChoice( title = u'Some name', values = [u'foo', u'bar'] # unicode allowed only! ) any formlib form rendering this field will only accept input u'foo' or u'bar'. The main advantage of this modified TextLine field is to support contextual sources. That means you can define some IContextSourceBinder component that looks up catalogs or something external else and decide then, whether the entered value of a form is allowed or not. The code herein is mainly copied over from zope.schema._field.Choice with slight modifications. """ implements(ITextLine) def __init__(self, values=None, vocabulary=None, source=None, **kw): if vocabulary is not None: assert (isinstance(vocabulary, basestring) or IBaseVocabulary.providedBy(vocabulary)) assert source is None, ( "You cannot specify both source and vocabulary.") elif source is not None: vocabulary = source assert values is None or vocabulary is None, ( "You cannot specify both values and vocabulary.") self.vocabulary = None self.vocabularyName = None if values is not None: self.vocabulary = SimpleVocabulary.fromValues(values) elif isinstance(vocabulary, (unicode, str)): self.vocabularyName = vocabulary elif (ISource.providedBy(vocabulary) or IContextSourceBinder.providedBy(vocabulary)): self.vocabulary = vocabulary super(TextLineChoice, self).__init__(**kw) return source = property(lambda self: self.vocabulary) def bind(self, object): """See zope.schema._bootstrapinterfaces.IField.""" clone = super(TextLineChoice, self).bind(object) # get registered vocabulary if needed: if IContextSourceBinder.providedBy(self.vocabulary): clone.vocabulary = self.vocabulary(object) assert ISource.providedBy(clone.vocabulary) elif clone.vocabulary is None and self.vocabularyName is not None: vr = getVocabularyRegistry() clone.vocabulary = vr.get(object, self.vocabularyName) assert ISource.providedBy(clone.vocabulary) return clone def _validate(self, value): """First validate against the regular TextLine rules. Then check any vocabularies/sources. """ # Do TextLine validation super(TextLineChoice, self)._validate(value) # Check allowed value range (the vocabulary part) vocabulary = self.vocabulary if vocabulary is None and self.vocabularyName is not None: vr = getVocabularyRegistry() try: vocabulary = vr.get(None, self.vocabularyName) except VocabularyRegistryError: raise ValueError("Can't validate value without vocabulary") if vocabulary and value not in vocabulary: raise InvalidValue(value) return class FormattedDate(Date): """A date field that supports additional formatting attributes. Stores extra attributes (see below). To make use of these attributes in forms, you have to provide widgets that read them and use them in their operations, for instance the `waeup.kofa.widgets.datewidget.FormattedDateWidget`. Extra attributes are as follows: `date_format` additional attribute to describe desired date format. Must be a string that can be fed to strftime/strptime functions. By default `None`. `show_year` boolean indicating whether some kind of year selection should be used with this instance. `False` by default. """ implements(IFormattedDate) date_format = None show_year = False def __init__(self, date_format=None, show_year=False, *args, **kw): self.date_format = date_format self.show_year = show_year return super(FormattedDate, self).__init__(*args, **kw)