## $Id: permissions.py 12844 2015-04-02 06:11:59Z henrik $ ## ## Copyright (C) 2011 Uli Fouquet & Henrik Bettermann ## This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify ## it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by ## the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or ## (at your option) any later version. ## ## This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, ## but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of ## MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the ## GNU General Public License for more details. ## ## You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License ## along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software ## Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA ## import grok from zope.component import getUtilitiesFor from zope.interface import Interface from zope.securitypolicy.interfaces import IRole, IPrincipalRoleMap from waeup.kofa.interfaces import ILocalRolesAssignable class Public(grok.Permission): """The Public or everyone-can-do-this-permission is being applied to views/pages that are used by everyone. """ grok.name('waeup.Public') class Anonymous(grok.Permission): """The Anonymous permission is applied to views/pages which are dedicated to anonymous users only. Logged-in users can't access these views. """ grok.name('waeup.Anonymous') class Authenticated(grok.Permission): """The Authenticated permission is applied to pages which can only be used by logged-in users and not by anonymous users. """ grok.name('waeup.Authenticated') class ViewAcademics(grok.Permission): """The ViewAcademics permission is applied to all views of the Academic Section. Users with this permission can view but not edit content in the Academic Section. """ grok.name('waeup.viewAcademics') class ManageAcademics(grok.Permission): """The ManageAcademics permission is applied to all edit/manage pages in the Academic Section. Users who have this permission can change/edit context objects. """ grok.name('waeup.manageAcademics') class ManagePortal(grok.Permission): """The ManagePortal permission is used for very few pages (e.g. the DatacenterSettings page). Only PortalManagers have this permission. It is furthermore used to control delete methods of container pages in the Academic Section. The ManageAcademics permission, described above, does enable users to edit content but not to remove sub-containers, like faculties, departments or certificates. Users must have the ManagePortal permission too to remove entire containers. """ grok.name('waeup.managePortal') class ManageUsers(grok.Permission): """The ManageUsers permission is a real superuser permission and therefore very 'dangerous'. It allows to add, remove or edit user accounts. Editing a user account includes the option to assign or remove roles. That means that a user with this permission can lock out other users by either removing their account or by removing permissions. """ grok.name('waeup.manageUsers') class ShowStudents(grok.Permission): """Users with this permission do not neccessarily see the 'Students' tab but they can search for students at department, certificate or course level. If they additionally have the ExportData permission they can export the data as csv files. Bursary or Department Officers don't have the ExportData permission (see Roles section) and are only allowed to export bursary or payments overview data respectively. """ grok.name('waeup.showStudents') class ClearAllStudents(grok.Permission): """The ClearAllStudents permission allows to clear all students in a department at one sweep. """ grok.name('waeup.clearAllStudents') class EditScores(grok.Permission): """The EditScores permission allows to edit scores in course tickets. """ grok.name('waeup.editScores') class TriggerTransition(grok.Permission): """The TriggerTransition permission allows to trigger workflow transitions of student and document objects. """ grok.name('waeup.triggerTransition') class EditUser(grok.Permission): """The EditUser permission is required for editing single user accounts. """ grok.name('waeup.editUser') class ManageDataCenter(grok.Permission): """The ManageDataCenter permission allows to access all pages in the Data Center and to upload files. It does not automatically allow to process uploaded data. """ grok.name('waeup.manageDataCenter') class ImportData(grok.Permission): """The ImportData permission allows to batch process (import) any kind of portal data except for user data. This User Data processor requires also the ManageUsers permission. """ grok.name('waeup.importData') class ExportData(grok.Permission): """The ExportData permission allows to export any kind of portal data. """ grok.name('waeup.exportData') class ExportPaymentsOverview(grok.Permission): grok.name('waeup.exportPaymentsOverview') class ExportBursaryData(grok.Permission): grok.name('waeup.exportBursaryData') class ViewTranscript(grok.Permission): grok.name('waeup.viewTranscript') class ManagePortalConfiguration(grok.Permission): """The ManagePortalConfiguration permission allows to edit global and sessional portal configuration data. """ grok.name('waeup.managePortalConfiguration') class ManageACBatches(grok.Permission): """The ManageACBatches permission allows to view and manage accesscodes. """ grok.name('waeup.manageACBatches') class PutBiometricDataPermission(grok.Permission): """This permission allows to upload/change biometric data. """ grok.name('waeup.putBiometricData') class GetBiometricDataPermission(grok.Permission): """This permission allows to read biometric data. """ grok.name('waeup.getBiometricData') # Local Roles class ApplicationsManager(grok.Role): """ """ grok.name('waeup.local.ApplicationsManager') grok.title(u'Applications Manager') grok.permissions('waeup.viewAcademics') class DepartmentManager(grok.Role): """ """ grok.name('waeup.local.DepartmentManager') grok.title(u'Department Manager') grok.permissions('waeup.manageAcademics', 'waeup.showStudents', 'waeup.exportData') class DepartmentOfficer(grok.Role): """ """ grok.name('waeup.local.DepartmentOfficer') grok.title(u'Department Officer') grok.permissions('waeup.showStudents', 'waeup.viewAcademics', 'waeup.exportPaymentsOverview') class ClearanceOfficer(grok.Role): """The clearance officer role is meant for the assignment of dynamic roles only. """ grok.name('waeup.local.ClearanceOfficer') grok.title(u'Clearance Officer') grok.permissions('waeup.showStudents', 'waeup.viewAcademics', 'waeup.exportData', 'waeup.clearAllStudents') class LocalStudentsManager(grok.Role): """The local students manager role is meant for the assignment of dynamic roles only. """ grok.name('waeup.local.LocalStudentsManager') grok.title(u'Students Manager') grok.permissions('waeup.showStudents', 'waeup.viewAcademics', 'waeup.exportData') class LocalWorkflowManager(grok.Role): """The local workflow manager role is meant for the assignment of dynamic roles only. """ grok.name('waeup.local.LocalWorkflowManager') grok.title(u'Student Workflow Manager') grok.permissions('waeup.showStudents', 'waeup.viewAcademics', 'waeup.exportData') class UGClearanceOfficer(grok.Role): """The clearance officer role is meant for the assignment of dynamic roles only. """ grok.name('waeup.local.UGClearanceOfficer') grok.title(u'UG Clearance Officer') grok.permissions('waeup.showStudents', 'waeup.viewAcademics', 'waeup.exportData', 'waeup.clearAllStudents') class PGClearanceOfficer(grok.Role): """The clearance officer role is meant for the assignment of dynamic roles only. """ grok.name('waeup.local.PGClearanceOfficer') grok.title(u'PG Clearance Officer') grok.permissions('waeup.showStudents', 'waeup.viewAcademics', 'waeup.exportData', 'waeup.clearAllStudents') class CourseAdviser100(grok.Role): """The 100 level course adviser role is meant for the assignment of dynamic roles only. """ grok.name('waeup.local.CourseAdviser100') grok.title(u'Course Adviser 100L') grok.permissions('waeup.showStudents', 'waeup.viewAcademics', 'waeup.exportData') class CourseAdviser200(grok.Role): """The course 200 level adviser role is meant for the assignment of dynamic roles only. """ grok.name('waeup.local.CourseAdviser200') grok.title(u'Course Adviser 200L') grok.permissions('waeup.showStudents', 'waeup.viewAcademics', 'waeup.exportData') class CourseAdviser300(grok.Role): """The 300 level course adviser role is meant for the assignment of dynamic roles only. """ grok.name('waeup.local.CourseAdviser300') grok.title(u'Course Adviser 300L') grok.permissions('waeup.showStudents', 'waeup.viewAcademics', 'waeup.exportData') class CourseAdviser400(grok.Role): """The 400 level course adviser role is meant for the assignment of dynamic roles only. """ grok.name('waeup.local.CourseAdviser400') grok.title(u'Course Adviser 400L') grok.permissions('waeup.showStudents', 'waeup.viewAcademics', 'waeup.exportData') class CourseAdviser500(grok.Role): """The 500 level course adviser role is meant for the assignment of dynamic roles only. """ grok.name('waeup.local.CourseAdviser500') grok.title(u'Course Adviser 500L') grok.permissions('waeup.showStudents', 'waeup.viewAcademics', 'waeup.exportData') class CourseAdviser600(grok.Role): """The 600 level course adviser role is meant for the assignment of dynamic roles only. """ grok.name('waeup.local.CourseAdviser600') grok.title(u'Course Adviser 600L') grok.permissions('waeup.showStudents', 'waeup.viewAcademics', 'waeup.exportData') class CourseAdviser700(grok.Role): """The 700 level course adviser role is meant for the assignment of dynamic roles only. """ grok.name('waeup.local.CourseAdviser700') grok.title(u'Course Adviser 700L') grok.permissions('waeup.showStudents', 'waeup.viewAcademics', 'waeup.exportData') class CourseAdviser800(grok.Role): """The 800 level course adviser role is meant for the assignment of dynamic roles only. """ grok.name('waeup.local.CourseAdviser800') grok.title(u'Course Adviser 800L') grok.permissions('waeup.showStudents', 'waeup.viewAcademics', 'waeup.exportData') class Lecturer(grok.Role): """The lecturer role is meant for the assignment of dynamic roles only. """ grok.name('waeup.local.Lecturer') grok.title(u'Lecturer') grok.permissions('waeup.showStudents', 'waeup.editScores', 'waeup.viewAcademics', 'waeup.exportData') class Owner(grok.Role): grok.name('waeup.local.Owner') grok.title(u'Owner') grok.permissions('waeup.editUser') # Site Roles class AcademicsOfficer(grok.Role): """An Academics Officer can view but not edit data in the Academics Section. This is the default role which is automatically assigned to all officers of the portal. A user with this role can access all display pages at faculty, department, course, certificate and certificate course level. """ grok.name('waeup.AcademicsOfficer') grok.title(u'Academics Officer (view only)') grok.permissions('waeup.viewAcademics') class AcademicsManager(grok.Role): """An Academics Manager can view and edit all data in the Academics Section, i.e. access all manage pages at faculty, department, course, certificate and certificate course level. """ grok.name('waeup.AcademicsManager') grok.title(u'Academics Manager') title = u'Academics Manager' grok.permissions('waeup.viewAcademics', 'waeup.manageAcademics') class ACManager(grok.Role): """This is the role for Access Code Managers. An ACManager can view and manage the Accesscodes Section, see ManageACBatches permission above. """ grok.name('waeup.ACManager') grok.title(u'Access Code Manager') grok.permissions('waeup.manageACBatches') class DataCenterManager(grok.Role): """This single-permission role is dedicated to those users who are charged with batch processing of portal data. A DataCenterManager manager can access all pages in the Data Center, see ManageDataCenter permission above. """ grok.name('waeup.DataCenterManager') grok.title(u'Datacenter Manager') grok.permissions('waeup.manageDataCenter') class ImportManager(grok.Role): """An ImportManager is a DataCenterManager who is also allowed to batch process (import) data. All batch processors (importers) are available except for the User Processor. This processor requires the UsersManager role too. The ImportManager role includes the DataCenterManager role but not vice versa. """ grok.name('waeup.ImportManager') grok.title(u'Import Manager') grok.permissions('waeup.manageDataCenter', 'waeup.importData') class ExportManager(grok.Role): """An ExportManager is a DataCenterManager who is also allowed to export all kind of portal data. The ExportManager role includes the DataCenterManager role but not vice versa. """ grok.name('waeup.ExportManager') grok.title(u'Export Manager') grok.permissions('waeup.manageDataCenter', 'waeup.exportData') class BursaryOfficer(grok.Role): """BursaryOfficers can export bursary data. They can't access the Data Center but see student data export buttons in the Academic Section. """ grok.name('waeup.BursaryOfficer') grok.title(u'Bursary Officer') grok.permissions('waeup.showStudents', 'waeup.viewAcademics', 'waeup.exportBursaryData') class UsersManager(grok.Role): """A UsersManager can add, remove or edit user accounts, see ManageUsers permission for further information. Be very careful with this role. """ grok.name('waeup.UsersManager') grok.title(u'Users Manager') grok.permissions('waeup.manageUsers', 'waeup.editUser') class WorkflowManager(grok.Role): """The WorkflowManager can trigger workflow transitions of student and document objects, see TriggerTransition permission for further information. """ grok.name('waeup.WorkflowManager') grok.title(u'Workflow Manager') grok.permissions('waeup.triggerTransition') class PortalManager(grok.Role): """The portal manager role is the maximum set of Kofa permissions which are needed to manage the entire portal. This set must not be customized. It is recommended to assign this role only to a few certified Kofa administrators. A less dangerous manager role is the CCOfficer role described below. For the most tasks the CCOfficer role is sufficient. """ grok.name('waeup.PortalManager') grok.title(u'Portal Manager') grok.permissions('waeup.managePortal', 'waeup.manageUsers', 'waeup.viewAcademics', 'waeup.manageAcademics', 'waeup.manageACBatches', 'waeup.manageDataCenter', 'waeup.importData', 'waeup.exportData', 'waeup.viewTranscript', 'waeup.viewDocuments', 'waeup.manageDocuments', 'waeup.managePortalConfiguration', 'waeup.viewApplication', 'waeup.manageApplication', 'waeup.handleApplication', 'waeup.viewApplicantsTab', 'waeup.payApplicant', 'waeup.viewApplicationStatistics', 'waeup.viewStudent', 'waeup.manageStudent', 'waeup.clearStudent', 'waeup.payStudent', 'waeup.uploadStudentFile', 'waeup.showStudents', 'waeup.clearAllStudents', 'waeup.editScores', 'waeup.triggerTransition', 'waeup.viewStudentsContainer', 'waeup.handleAccommodation', 'waeup.viewHostels', 'waeup.manageHostels', 'waeup.editUser', 'waeup.loginAsStudent', 'waeup.manageReports', 'waeup.manageJobs', ) class CCOfficer(grok.Role): """The role of the Computer Center Officer is basically a copy of the the PortalManager role. Some 'dangerous' permissions are excluded by commenting them out (see source code). If officers need to gain more access rights than defined in this role, do not hastily switch to the PortalManager role but add further manager roles instead. Additional roles could be: UsersManager, ACManager, ImportManager, WorkflowManager or StudentImpersonator. CCOfficer is a base class which means that this role is subject to customization. It is not used in the ``waeup.kofa`` base package. """ grok.baseclass() grok.name('waeup.CCOfficer') grok.title(u'Computer Center Officer') grok.permissions(#'waeup.managePortal', #'waeup.manageUsers', 'waeup.viewAcademics', 'waeup.manageAcademics', #'waeup.manageACBatches', 'waeup.manageDataCenter', #'waeup.importData', 'waeup.exportData', 'waeup.viewTranscript', 'waeup.viewDocuments', 'waeup.manageDocuments', 'waeup.managePortalConfiguration', 'waeup.viewApplication', 'waeup.manageApplication', 'waeup.handleApplication', 'waeup.viewApplicantsTab', 'waeup.payApplicant', 'waeup.viewApplicationStatistics', 'waeup.viewStudent', 'waeup.manageStudent', 'waeup.clearStudent', 'waeup.payStudent', 'waeup.uploadStudentFile', 'waeup.showStudents', 'waeup.clearAllStudents', 'waeup.editScores', #'waeup.triggerTransition', 'waeup.viewStudentsContainer', 'waeup.handleAccommodation', 'waeup.viewHostels', 'waeup.manageHostels', #'waeup.editUser', #'waeup.loginAsStudent', 'waeup.manageReports', #'waeup.manageJobs', ) def get_all_roles(): """Return a list of tuples ``, ``. """ return getUtilitiesFor(IRole) def get_waeup_roles(also_local=False): """Get all Kofa roles. Kofa roles are ordinary roles whose id by convention starts with a ``waeup.`` prefix. If `also_local` is ``True`` (``False`` by default), also local roles are returned. Local Kofa roles are such whose id starts with ``waeup.local.`` prefix (this is also a convention). Returns a generator of the found roles. """ for name, item in get_all_roles(): if not name.startswith('waeup.'): # Ignore non-Kofa roles... continue if not also_local and name.startswith('waeup.local.'): # Ignore local roles... continue yield item def get_waeup_role_names(): """Get the ids of all Kofa roles. See :func:`get_waeup_roles` for what a 'KofaRole' is. This function returns a sorted list of Kofa role names. """ return sorted([x.id for x in get_waeup_roles()]) class LocalRolesAssignable(grok.Adapter): """Default implementation for `ILocalRolesAssignable`. This adapter returns a list for dictionaries for objects for which we want to know the roles assignable to them locally. The returned dicts contain a ``name`` and a ``title`` entry which give a role (``name``) and a description, for which kind of users the permission is meant to be used (``title``). Having this adapter registered we make sure, that for each normal object we get a valid `ILocalRolesAssignable` adapter. Objects that want to offer certain local roles, can do so by setting a (preferably class-) attribute to a list of role ids. You can also define different adapters for different contexts to have different role lookup mechanisms become available. But in normal cases it should be sufficient to use this basic adapter. """ grok.context(Interface) grok.provides(ILocalRolesAssignable) _roles = [] def __init__(self, context): self.context = context role_ids = getattr(context, 'local_roles', self._roles) self._roles = [(name, role) for name, role in get_all_roles() if name in role_ids] return def __call__(self): """Get a list of dictionaries containing ``names`` (the roles to assign) and ``titles`` (some description of the type of user to assign each role to). """ list_of_dict = [dict( name=name, title=role.title, description=role.description) for name, role in self._roles] return sorted(list_of_dict, key=lambda x: x['name']) def get_all_users(): """Get a list of dictionaries. """ users = sorted(grok.getSite()['users'].items(), key=lambda x: x[1].title) for key, val in users: yield(dict(name=key, val=val)) def get_users_with_local_roles(context): """Get a list of dicts representing the local roles set for `context`. Each dict returns `user_name`, `user_title`, `local_role`, `local_role_title`, and `setting` for each entry in the local roles map of the `context` object. """ try: role_map = IPrincipalRoleMap(context) except TypeError: # no map no roles. raise StopIteration for local_role, user_name, setting in role_map.getPrincipalsAndRoles(): user = grok.getSite()['users'].get(user_name,None) user_title = getattr(user, 'title', user_name) local_role_title = getattr( dict(get_all_roles()).get(local_role, None), 'title', None) yield dict(user_name = user_name, user_title = user_title, local_role = local_role, local_role_title = local_role_title, setting = setting) def get_users_with_role(role, context): """Get a list of dicts representing the usres who have been granted a role for `context`. """ try: role_map = IPrincipalRoleMap(context) except TypeError: # no map no roles. raise StopIteration for user_name, setting in role_map.getPrincipalsForRole(role): user = grok.getSite()['users'].get(user_name,None) user_title = getattr(user, 'title', user_name) user_email = getattr(user, 'email', None) yield dict(user_name = user_name, user_title = user_title, user_email = user_email, setting = setting)