1 | .. _removecertificatecourses: |
2 | |
3 | Persistence of Certificate Courses |
4 | ================================== |
5 | |
6 | If a certificate course requires a certain course and this is course |
7 | is deleted, also the referring certificate course is deleted. |
8 | |
9 | We setup a data structure that reflects typical usage. It looks like |
10 | this:: |
11 | |
12 | Department-Instance |
13 | | |
14 | +---> courses |
15 | | | |
16 | | +--------------------> Course-Instance |
17 | | ^ |
18 | +---> certificates | |
19 | | | |
20 | +-----> Certificate-Instance | |
21 | | | |
22 | +------> Certificate-Course |
23 | |
24 | The Certifcate Course here refers to a Course instance. |
25 | |
26 | In Python we build such a structure like this (from top to bottom): |
27 | |
28 | >>> from zope.component import createObject |
29 | >>> mydept = createObject('waeup.Department') |
30 | |
31 | In real world use this data will be stored in a ZODB. We setup our own |
32 | litte ZODB backend (which is easy!): |
33 | |
34 | >>> from ZODB import FileStorage, DB |
35 | >>> dbpath = 'tinyData.fs' |
36 | >>> class TinyZODB(object): |
37 | ... def __init__(self, path=dbpath): |
38 | ... self.storage = FileStorage.FileStorage(path) |
39 | ... self.db = DB(self.storage) |
40 | ... self.connection = self.db.open() |
41 | ... self.dbroot = self.connection.root() |
42 | ... def close(self): |
43 | ... self.connection.close() |
44 | ... self.db.close() |
45 | ... self.storage.close() |
46 | |
47 | Now we can use this ZODB as backend database and store our data |
48 | structure: |
49 | |
50 | >>> import transaction |
51 | >>> db = TinyZODB() |
52 | >>> dbroot = db.dbroot |
53 | >>> dbroot['mydept'] = mydept |
54 | >>> mycourse = createObject('waeup.Course') |
55 | >>> mycourse.code = 'MYCOURSE' |
56 | >>> mydept.courses.addCourse(mycourse) |
57 | >>> mycert = createObject('waeup.Certificate') |
58 | >>> mycert.code = 'MYCERT' |
59 | >>> mydept.certificates.addCertificate(mycert) |
60 | >>> mycert.addCertCourse(mycourse) |
61 | |
62 | >>> transaction.commit() |
63 | |
64 | The data is now stored in the ZODB. We can close the DB, reopen it |
65 | later and the data will still be there: |
66 | |
67 | >>> db.close() |
68 | >>> newdb = TinyZODB() |
69 | >>> newdbroot = newdb.dbroot |
70 | >>> list(newdbroot) |
71 | ['mydept'] |
72 | |
73 | The certificate course we stored in the certificate is indeed a |
74 | referrer of the course, not a copy of it: |
75 | |
76 | >>> course = newdbroot['mydept'].courses['MYCOURSE'] |
77 | >>> certcourse = newdbroot['mydept'].certificates['MYCERT']['MYCOURSE_100'] |
78 | >>> certcourse.course is course |
79 | True |
80 | |
81 | So, we can be sure that modifications to the course are immediately |
82 | reflected in the certcourse. |
83 | |
84 | We can also be sure, that when removing courses or referrers of them, |
85 | other data will be handled in a way we expect. That is, |
86 | |
87 | * when we remove a course, we want all referrers to it be removed as |
88 | well |
89 | |
90 | * when we remove a referrer of a course, nothing else should be |
91 | touched but only this very referrer. |
92 | |
93 | |
94 | As correct deletion of referrer needs support of catalogs (we lookup |
95 | catalogs to find referrers), we need a fully blown ZODB here, |
96 | including an instance of :class:`waeup.kofa.app.University`, as this is our |
97 | `ISite` object where the catalogs are stored. |
98 | |
99 | We create a complete university tree, starting with a |
100 | :class:`University` instance and going down to courses, certificats |
101 | and course certificates: |
102 | |
103 | >>> from waeup.kofa.app import University |
104 | >>> root = getRootFolder() |
105 | >>> root['app'] = University() |
106 | |
107 | We have to set the site, to enable proper working of catalogs and |
108 | `IObjectRemoved` handlers: |
109 | |
110 | >>> from zope.app.component.hooks import setSite |
111 | >>> setSite(root['app']) |
112 | |
113 | >>> from zope.component import createObject |
114 | >>> faculty = createObject('waeup.Faculty') |
115 | >>> faculty.code = 'FAC' |
116 | >>> root['app']['faculties'].addFaculty(faculty) |
117 | >>> fac = root['app']['faculties']['FAC'] |
118 | |
119 | >>> dept = createObject('waeup.Department') |
120 | >>> dept.code = 'DEPT' |
121 | >>> root['app']['faculties']['FAC'].addDepartment(dept) |
122 | |
123 | >>> course = createObject('waeup.Course') |
124 | >>> course.code = 'CRS1' |
125 | >>> fac['DEPT'].courses.addCourse(course) |
126 | |
127 | Now let's add another department, which will also hold a course: |
128 | |
129 | >>> dept2 = createObject('waeup.Department') |
130 | >>> dept2.code = 'DEPT2' |
131 | >>> root['app']['faculties']['FAC'].addDepartment(dept2) |
132 | |
133 | >>> course = createObject('waeup.Course') |
134 | >>> course.code = 'CRS2' |
135 | >>> fac['DEPT2'].courses.addCourse(course) |
136 | |
137 | Finally, we add a certificate with referrers (certificate courses) to |
138 | the created courses: |
139 | |
140 | >>> cert = createObject('waeup.Certificate') |
141 | >>> cert.code = 'CERT' |
142 | >>> fac['DEPT'].certificates.addCertificate(cert) |
143 | |
144 | >>> fac['DEPT'].certificates['CERT'].addCertCourse( |
145 | ... fac['DEPT'].courses['CRS1']) |
146 | |
147 | >>> fac['DEPT'].certificates['CERT'].addCertCourse( |
148 | ... fac['DEPT2'].courses['CRS2']) |
149 | |
150 | We add the latter course again, but this time for the second level: |
151 | |
152 | >>> fac['DEPT'].certificates['CERT'].addCertCourse( |
153 | ... fac['DEPT2'].courses['CRS2'], level=200) |
154 | |
155 | So, we have three referrers in our certificate of two different |
156 | courses stored somewhere in the application: |
157 | |
158 | >>> list(fac['DEPT'].certificates['CERT']) |
159 | [u'CRS1_100', u'CRS2_100', u'CRS2_200'] |
160 | |
161 | Both, the courses themselves and the referrers of them, are the same |
162 | (not only equal): |
163 | |
164 | >>> a = root['app']['faculties']['FAC']['DEPT'] |
165 | >>> b1 = a.courses['CRS1'] |
166 | >>> b2 = a.certificates['CERT']['CRS1_100'].course |
167 | >>> b1 is b2 |
168 | True |
169 | |
170 | If we remove the course, also the select item in the certificate course |
171 | will be gone: |
172 | |
173 | >>> list(a.certificates['CERT']) |
174 | [u'CRS1_100', u'CRS2_100', u'CRS2_200'] |
175 | |
176 | >>> list(a.courses) |
177 | [u'CRS1'] |
178 | |
179 | >>> del root['app']['faculties']['FAC']['DEPT'].courses['CRS1'] |
180 | >>> list(a.certificates['CERT']) |
181 | [u'CRS2_100', u'CRS2_200'] |
182 | |
183 | >>> list(a.courses) |
184 | [] |
185 | |
186 | If we remove a referrer of a course, this will not touch the course |
187 | nor other referrers: |
188 | |
189 | >>> del fac['DEPT'].certificates['CERT']['CRS2_200'] |
190 | >>> list(a.certificates['CERT']) |
191 | [u'CRS2_100'] |
192 | |
193 | >>> list(fac['DEPT2'].courses) |
194 | [u'CRS2'] |
195 | |
196 | If a single course is registered for several levels in a single |
197 | certificate, this will not block things if the course is removed |
198 | (regression test): |
199 | |
200 | We add the same course as a reference for level 200 and level 300: |
201 | |
202 | >>> fac['DEPT'].certificates['CERT'].addCertCourse( |
203 | ... fac['DEPT2'].courses['CRS2'], level=200) |
204 | >>> fac['DEPT'].certificates['CERT'].addCertCourse( |
205 | ... fac['DEPT2'].courses['CRS2'], level=300) |
206 | |
207 | Deleting the course (thus also the refererrers) will work: |
208 | |
209 | >>> del root['app']['faculties']['FAC']['DEPT2'].courses['CRS2'] |
210 | |
211 | Now all references are gone: |
212 | |
213 | >>> list(a.certificates['CERT']) |
214 | [] |
215 | |
216 | and also the course itself vanished: |
217 | |
218 | >>> list(fac['DEPT2'].courses) |
219 | [] |
220 | |
221 | |