1 | import datetime |
2 | import os |
3 | import pytz |
4 | import shutil |
5 | import tempfile |
6 | import unittest |
7 | from zope.catalog.interfaces import ICatalog |
8 | from zope.component import queryUtility, getUtility, createObject |
9 | from zope.interface.verify import verifyObject, verifyClass |
10 | from zope.intid.interfaces import IIntIds |
11 | from waeup.kofa.applicants import ApplicantsContainer |
12 | from waeup.kofa.applicants.export import ( |
13 | ApplicantsContainerExporter, ApplicantExporter, |
14 | ApplicantPaymentExporter) |
15 | from waeup.kofa.applicants.interfaces import ( |
16 | AppCatSource, ApplicationTypeSource) |
17 | from waeup.kofa.applicants.tests.test_batching import ( |
18 | ApplicantImportExportSetup) |
19 | from waeup.kofa.interfaces import ICSVExporter |
20 | from waeup.kofa.schoolgrades import ResultEntry |
21 | from waeup.kofa.testing import KofaUnitTestLayer, FunctionalLayer |
22 | from waeup.kofa.utils.utils import KofaUtils |
23 | |
24 | class ApplicantsContainersExporterTest(unittest.TestCase): |
25 | |
26 | layer = KofaUnitTestLayer |
27 | |
28 | def setUp(self): |
29 | self.workdir = tempfile.mkdtemp() |
30 | self.outfile = os.path.join(self.workdir, 'myoutput.csv') |
31 | return |
32 | |
33 | def tearDown(self): |
34 | shutil.rmtree(self.workdir) |
35 | return |
36 | |
37 | def test_ifaces(self): |
38 | # make sure we fullfill interface contracts |
39 | obj = ApplicantsContainerExporter() |
40 | verifyObject(ICSVExporter, obj) |
41 | verifyClass(ICSVExporter, ApplicantsContainerExporter) |
42 | return |
43 | |
44 | def test_get_as_utility(self): |
45 | # we can get a faculty exporter as utility |
46 | result = queryUtility(ICSVExporter, name="applicantscontainers") |
47 | self.assertTrue(result is not None) |
48 | return |
49 | |
50 | def setup_container(self, container): |
51 | # set all attributes of a container |
52 | container.code = u'dp2015' |
53 | container.title = u'General Studies' |
54 | container.prefix = list(ApplicationTypeSource()(container))[0] |
55 | container.year = 2015 |
56 | container.application_category = list(AppCatSource()(container))[0] |
57 | container.description = u'Some Description\nwith linebreak\n' |
58 | container.description += u'<<de>>man spriht deutsh' |
59 | container.startdate = datetime.datetime( |
60 | 2015, 1, 1, 12, 0, 0, tzinfo=pytz.utc) |
61 | container.enddate = datetime.datetime( |
62 | 2015, 1, 31, 23, 0, 0, tzinfo=pytz.utc) |
63 | return container |
64 | |
65 | def test_export(self): |
66 | # we can export a set of applicants containers (w/o applicants) |
67 | container = ApplicantsContainer() |
68 | container = self.setup_container(container) |
69 | exporter = ApplicantsContainerExporter() |
70 | exporter.export([container], self.outfile) |
71 | result = open(self.outfile, 'rb').read() |
72 | self.assertEqual( |
73 | result, |
74 | 'application_category,application_fee,application_slip_notice,code,' |
75 | 'description,enddate,hidden,mode,prefix,startdate,' |
76 | 'strict_deadline,title,with_picture,year\r\n' |
77 | |
78 | 'basic,0.0,,dp2015,' |
79 | '"Some Description\nwith linebreak\n<<de>>man spriht deutsh",' |
80 | '2015-01-31 23:00:00+00:00#,0,,app,2015-01-01 12:00:00+00:00#,1,' |
81 | 'General Studies,1,2015\r\n' |
82 | ) |
83 | return |
84 | |
85 | class ApplicantExporterTest(ApplicantImportExportSetup): |
86 | |
87 | layer = FunctionalLayer |
88 | |
89 | def setUp(self): |
90 | super(ApplicantExporterTest, self).setUp() |
91 | self.outfile = os.path.join(self.workdir, 'myoutput.csv') |
92 | self.cat = getUtility(ICatalog, name='applicants_catalog') |
93 | self.intids = getUtility(IIntIds) |
94 | return |
95 | |
96 | def test_ifaces(self): |
97 | # make sure we fullfill interface contracts |
98 | obj = ApplicantExporter() |
99 | verifyObject(ICSVExporter, obj) |
100 | verifyClass(ICSVExporter, ApplicantExporter) |
101 | return |
102 | |
103 | def test_get_as_utility(self): |
104 | # we can get an applicant exporter as utility |
105 | result = queryUtility(ICSVExporter, name="applicants") |
106 | self.assertTrue(result is not None) |
107 | return |
108 | |
109 | def setup_applicant(self, applicant): |
110 | # set predictable values for `applicant` |
111 | applicant.reg_number = u'123456' |
112 | applicant.applicant_id = u'dp2011_654321' |
113 | applicant.firstname = u'Anna' |
114 | applicant.lastname = u'Tester' |
115 | applicant.middlename = u'M.' |
116 | applicant.date_of_birth = datetime.date(1981, 2, 4) |
117 | applicant.sex = 'f' |
118 | applicant.email = 'anna@sample.com' |
119 | applicant.phone = u'+234-123-12345' |
120 | applicant.course1 = self.certificate |
121 | applicant.course2 = self.certificate |
122 | applicant.course_admitted = self.certificate |
123 | applicant.notice = u'Some notice\nin lines.' |
124 | applicant.password = 'any password' |
125 | result_entry = ResultEntry( |
126 | KofaUtils.EXAM_SUBJECTS_DICT.keys()[0], |
127 | KofaUtils.EXAM_GRADES[0][0] |
128 | ) |
129 | applicant.school_grades = [ |
130 | result_entry] |
131 | return applicant |
132 | |
133 | def test_export_emtpy(self): |
134 | # we can export nearly empty applicants |
135 | self.applicant.applicant_id = u'dp2011_654321' |
136 | exporter = ApplicantExporter() |
137 | exporter.export([self.applicant], self.outfile) |
138 | result = open(self.outfile, 'rb').read() |
139 | # The exported records do contain a real date in their |
140 | # history dict. We skip the date and split the comparison |
141 | # into two parts. |
142 | self.assertTrue( |
143 | 'applicant_id,course1,course2,course_admitted,date_of_birth,' |
144 | 'email,firstname,lastname,locked,middlename,notice,phone,' |
145 | 'reg_number,sex,special_application,student_id,suspended,' |
146 | 'password,state,history,container_code,application_number,' |
147 | 'display_fullname,application_date\r\n' |
148 | 'dp2011_654321,,,,,,Anna,Tester,0' |
149 | in result) |
150 | self.assertTrue( |
151 | 'Application initialized by system\'],dp2011,654321,Anna Tester' |
152 | in result) |
153 | return |
154 | |
155 | def test_export(self): |
156 | # we can really export applicants |
157 | # set values we can expect in export file |
158 | applicant = self.setup_applicant(self.applicant) |
159 | exporter = ApplicantExporter() |
160 | exporter.export([applicant], self.outfile) |
161 | result = open(self.outfile, 'rb').read() |
162 | # The exported records do contain a real date in their |
163 | # history dict. We skip the date and split the comparison |
164 | # into two parts. |
165 | self.assertTrue( |
166 | 'applicant_id,course1,course2,course_admitted,date_of_birth,' |
167 | 'email,firstname,lastname,locked,middlename,notice,phone,' |
168 | 'reg_number,sex,special_application,student_id,suspended,' |
169 | 'password,state,history,container_code,application_number,' |
170 | 'display_fullname,application_date\r\n' |
171 | 'dp2011_654321,CERT1,CERT1,CERT1,1981-02-04#,' |
172 | 'anna@sample.com,Anna,Tester,' |
173 | in result) |
174 | self.assertTrue( |
175 | 'Application initialized by system\'],dp2011,654321,' |
176 | 'Anna M. Tester,\r\n' |
177 | in result) |
178 | |
179 | return |
180 | |
181 | def test_export_all(self): |
182 | # we can export all applicants in a portal |
183 | # set values we can expect in export file |
184 | self.applicant = self.setup_applicant(self.applicant) |
185 | exporter = ApplicantExporter() |
186 | exporter.export_all(self.app, self.outfile) |
187 | result = open(self.outfile, 'rb').read() |
188 | self.assertTrue( |
189 | 'applicant_id,course1,course2,course_admitted,date_of_birth,' |
190 | 'email,firstname,lastname,locked,middlename,notice,phone,' |
191 | 'reg_number,sex,special_application,student_id,suspended,' |
192 | 'password,state,history,container_code,application_number,' |
193 | 'display_fullname,application_date\r\n' |
194 | 'dp2011_654321,CERT1,CERT1,CERT1,1981-02-04#,' |
195 | 'anna@sample.com,Anna,Tester,' |
196 | in result) |
197 | self.assertTrue( |
198 | 'Application initialized by system\'],dp2011,654321,' |
199 | 'Anna M. Tester,\r\n' |
200 | in result) |
201 | return |
202 | |
203 | def test_export_filtered(self): |
204 | self.applicant = self.setup_applicant(self.applicant) |
205 | exporter = ApplicantExporter() |
206 | exporter.export_filtered( |
207 | self.app, self.outfile, container=self.container.code) |
208 | result = open(self.outfile, 'rb').read() |
209 | self.assertTrue( |
210 | 'applicant_id,course1,course2,course_admitted,date_of_birth,' |
211 | 'email,firstname,lastname,locked,middlename,notice,phone,' |
212 | 'reg_number,sex,special_application,student_id,suspended,' |
213 | 'password,state,history,container_code,application_number,' |
214 | 'display_fullname,application_date\r\n' |
215 | 'dp2011_654321,CERT1,CERT1,CERT1,1981-02-04#,' |
216 | 'anna@sample.com,Anna,Tester,' |
217 | in result) |
218 | self.assertTrue( |
219 | 'Application initialized by system\'],dp2011,654321,' |
220 | 'Anna M. Tester,\r\n' |
221 | in result) |
222 | # In empty container no applicants are exported |
223 | container = ApplicantsContainer() |
224 | container.code = u'anything' |
225 | self.app['applicants']['anything'] = self.container |
226 | exporter.export_filtered( |
227 | self.app, self.outfile, container=container.code) |
228 | result = open(self.outfile, 'rb').read() |
229 | self.assertTrue( |
230 | 'applicant_id,course1,course2,course_admitted,date_of_birth,' |
231 | 'email,firstname,lastname,locked,middlename,notice,phone,' |
232 | 'reg_number,sex,special_application,student_id,suspended,' |
233 | 'password,state,history,container_code,application_number,' |
234 | 'display_fullname,application_date\r\n' |
235 | in result) |
236 | return |
237 | |
238 | |
239 | class ApplicantPaymentExporterTest(ApplicantImportExportSetup): |
240 | |
241 | layer = FunctionalLayer |
242 | |
243 | def setUp(self): |
244 | super(ApplicantPaymentExporterTest, self).setUp() |
245 | self.outfile = os.path.join(self.workdir, 'myoutput.csv') |
246 | self.cat = getUtility(ICatalog, name='applicants_catalog') |
247 | self.intids = getUtility(IIntIds) |
248 | return |
249 | |
250 | def test_ifaces(self): |
251 | # make sure we fullfill interface contracts |
252 | obj = ApplicantPaymentExporter() |
253 | verifyObject(ICSVExporter, obj) |
254 | verifyClass(ICSVExporter, ApplicantPaymentExporter) |
255 | return |
256 | |
257 | def test_get_as_utility(self): |
258 | # we can get an applicant exporter as utility |
259 | result = queryUtility(ICSVExporter, name="applicantpayments") |
260 | self.assertTrue(result is not None) |
261 | return |
262 | |
263 | def setup_applicant(self, applicant): |
264 | # set predictable values for `applicant` |
265 | applicant.reg_number = u'123456' |
266 | applicant.applicant_id = u'dp2011_654321' |
267 | applicant.firstname = u'Anna' |
268 | applicant.lastname = u'Tester' |
269 | applicant.middlename = u'M.' |
270 | applicant.date_of_birth = datetime.date(1981, 2, 4) |
271 | applicant.sex = 'f' |
272 | applicant.email = 'anna@sample.com' |
273 | applicant.phone = u'+234-123-12345' |
274 | # Add payment |
275 | payment = createObject(u'waeup.ApplicantOnlinePayment') |
276 | payment.p_id = 'p120' |
277 | payment.p_session = 2012 |
278 | payment.p_category = 'application' |
279 | payment.p_state = 'paid' |
280 | applicant['p120'] = payment |
281 | return applicant |
282 | |
283 | def test_export(self): |
284 | applicant = self.setup_applicant(self.applicant) |
285 | exporter = ApplicantPaymentExporter() |
286 | exporter.export(applicant.payments, self.outfile) |
287 | result = open(self.outfile, 'rb').read() |
288 | cdate = str('%s#' % self.applicant['p120'].creation_date) |
289 | self.assertEqual( |
290 | 'ac,amount_auth,creation_date,p_category,p_combi,p_id,' |
291 | 'p_item,p_session,p_state,payment_date,r_amount_approved,' |
292 | 'r_code,r_desc,applicant_id,reg_number,display_fullname\r\n' |
293 | ',0.0,%s,application,[],p120,,2012,paid,,0.0,,,dp2011_654321,' |
294 | '123456,Anna M. Tester\r\n' % cdate, result) |
295 | return |
296 | |
297 | def test_export_all(self): |
298 | self.applicant = self.setup_applicant(self.applicant) |
299 | exporter = ApplicantPaymentExporter() |
300 | exporter.export_all(self.app, self.outfile) |
301 | result = open(self.outfile, 'rb').read() |
302 | cdate = str('%s#' % self.applicant['p120'].creation_date) |
303 | self.assertEqual( |
304 | 'ac,amount_auth,creation_date,p_category,p_combi,p_id,' |
305 | 'p_item,p_session,p_state,payment_date,r_amount_approved,' |
306 | 'r_code,r_desc,applicant_id,reg_number,display_fullname\r\n' |
307 | ',0.0,%s,application,[],p120,,2012,paid,,0.0,,,dp2011_654321,' |
308 | '123456,Anna M. Tester\r\n' % cdate, result) |
309 | return |
310 | |
311 | def test_export_filtered(self): |
312 | self.applicant = self.setup_applicant(self.applicant) |
313 | exporter = ApplicantPaymentExporter() |
314 | exporter.export_filtered( |
315 | self.app, self.outfile, container=self.container.code) |
316 | result = open(self.outfile, 'rb').read() |
317 | cdate = str('%s#' % self.applicant['p120'].creation_date) |
318 | self.assertEqual( |
319 | 'ac,amount_auth,creation_date,p_category,p_combi,p_id,' |
320 | 'p_item,p_session,p_state,payment_date,r_amount_approved,' |
321 | 'r_code,r_desc,applicant_id,reg_number,display_fullname\r\n' |
322 | ',0.0,%s,application,[],p120,,2012,paid,,0.0,,,dp2011_654321,' |
323 | '123456,Anna M. Tester\r\n' % cdate, result) |
324 | return |