1 | <form method="post" enctype="multipart/form-data" |
2 | tal:condition="not:view/result" i18n:domain="waeup.kofa"> |
3 | <br /> |
4 | <table class="form-table"> |
5 | <tr> |
6 | <td i18n:translate="" class="fieldname"> |
7 | Registration Number or Applicant Id: |
8 | </td> |
9 | <td> |
10 | <input class="textType half" type="text" name="unique_id" /> |
11 | </td> |
12 | </tr> |
13 | <tr> |
14 | <td i18n:translate="" class="fieldname"> |
15 | Lastname (Surname): |
16 | </td> |
17 | <td> |
18 | <input class="textType half" type="text" name="lastname" /> |
19 | </td> |
20 | </tr> |
21 | <tr tal:condition="view/captcha_code"> |
22 | <td i18n:translate=""> |
23 | Please solve the captcha<br />to prevent misuse of this service: |
24 | </td> |
25 | <td> |
26 | <div tal:content="structure view/captcha_code"></div> |
27 | </td> |
28 | </tr> |
29 | </table> |
30 | <br /> |
31 | <input class="btn btn-primary" type="submit" name="SUBMIT" |
32 | tal:attributes="value view/buttonname" /> |
33 | </form> |
34 | |
35 | <div tal:condition="view/result" i18n:domain="waeup.kofa"> |
36 | <br /> |
37 | <tal:admitted condition="view/admitted"> |
38 | <p i18n:translate="app_admitted"> |
39 | <strong>Congratulations!</strong> You have been offered provisional |
40 | admission into the <span i18n:name="entry_session" tal:replace="view/entry_session"></span> |
41 | Academic Session of <span i18n:name="app_title" tal:replace="layout/getAppTitle"></span>. |
42 | </p> |
43 | <span tal:condition="view/course_admitted"> |
44 | <table class="form-table"> |
45 | <tr> |
46 | <td style="width: 150px;" i18n:translate="">Study Course: |
47 | </td> |
48 | <td><span tal:replace="view/longtitle"></span> |
49 | </td> |
50 | </tr> |
51 | <tr> |
52 | <td i18n:translate=""> Department: |
53 | </td> |
54 | <td><span tal:replace="view/department"></span> |
55 | </td> |
56 | </tr> |
57 | <tr> |
58 | <td i18n:translate="">Faculty: |
59 | </td> |
60 | <td><span tal:replace="view/faculty"></span> |
61 | </td> |
62 | </tr> |
63 | </table> |
64 | </span> |
65 | </tal:admitted> |
66 | |
67 | <tal:created condition="view/created"> |
68 | <br /> |
69 | <p i18n:translate="appl_created"> |
70 | Your student record has already been created for you. Your new |
71 | user name (= student id) is: <strong><span i18n:name="student_id" |
72 | tal:replace="view/student_id">STUDENT_ID</span></strong>. |
73 | Your initial password is: <strong><span i18n:name="appl_number" |
74 | tal:replace="view/password">PASSWORD</span></strong>. |
75 | Please proceed to the <a i18n:name="login_url" |
76 | tal:attributes="href python: view.url(layout.site, 'login')">login form</a>, |
77 | enter your new login credentials and change your password immediately after login. |
78 | </p> |
79 | </tal:created> |
80 | |
81 | <tal:notadmitted condition="view/not_admitted"> |
82 | <p i18n:translate=""> |
83 | Sorry, you have not been offered admission. |
84 | </p> |
85 | </tal:notadmitted> |
86 | |
87 | <tal:submitted condition="view/submitted"> |
88 | <p i18n:translate=""> |
89 | Your submitted application is being processed. |
90 | </p> |
91 | </tal:submitted> |
92 | |
93 | <tal:notsubmitted condition="view/not_submitted"> |
94 | <p i18n:translate=""> |
95 | You have not yet submitted your application. |
96 | </p> |
97 | </tal:notsubmitted> |
98 | |
99 | </div> |