## $Id: browser.py 16243 2020-09-23 19:42:07Z henrik $ ## ## Copyright (C) 2011 Uli Fouquet & Henrik Bettermann ## This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify ## it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by ## the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or ## (at your option) any later version. ## ## This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, ## but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of ## MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the ## GNU General Public License for more details. ## ## You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License ## along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software ## Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA ## """UI components for basic applicants and related components. """ import os import sys import grok import transaction from cgi import escape from urllib import urlencode from datetime import datetime, date from time import time, sleep import xmlrpclib from zope.event import notify from zope.component import getUtility, queryUtility, createObject, getAdapter from zope.catalog.interfaces import ICatalog from zope.i18n import translate from zope.security import checkPermission from hurry.workflow.interfaces import ( IWorkflowInfo, IWorkflowState, InvalidTransitionError) from reportlab.platypus.doctemplate import LayoutError from waeup.kofa.mandates.mandate import RefereeReportMandate from waeup.kofa.applicants.interfaces import ( IApplicant, IApplicantEdit, IApplicantsRoot, IApplicantsContainer, IApplicantsContainerAdd, IApplicantOnlinePayment, IApplicantsUtils, IApplicantRegisterUpdate, ISpecialApplicant, IApplicantRefereeReport ) from waeup.kofa.utils.helpers import html2dict from waeup.kofa.applicants.container import ( ApplicantsContainer, VirtualApplicantsExportJobContainer) from waeup.kofa.applicants.applicant import search from waeup.kofa.applicants.workflow import ( INITIALIZED, STARTED, PAID, SUBMITTED, ADMITTED, NOT_ADMITTED, CREATED) from waeup.kofa.browser import ( # KofaPage, KofaEditFormPage, KofaAddFormPage, KofaDisplayFormPage, DEFAULT_PASSPORT_IMAGE_PATH) from waeup.kofa.browser.layout import ( KofaPage, KofaEditFormPage, KofaAddFormPage, KofaDisplayFormPage) from waeup.kofa.browser.interfaces import ICaptchaManager from waeup.kofa.browser.breadcrumbs import Breadcrumb from waeup.kofa.browser.layout import ( NullValidator, jsaction, action, UtilityView) from waeup.kofa.browser.pages import ( add_local_role, del_local_roles, doll_up, ExportCSVView) from waeup.kofa.interfaces import ( IKofaObject, ILocalRolesAssignable, IExtFileStore, IPDF, DOCLINK, IFileStoreNameChooser, IPasswordValidator, IUserAccount, IKofaUtils) from waeup.kofa.interfaces import MessageFactory as _ from waeup.kofa.permissions import get_users_with_local_roles from waeup.kofa.students.interfaces import IStudentsUtils from waeup.kofa.students.browser import ContactStudentFormPage from waeup.kofa.utils.helpers import string_from_bytes, file_size, now from waeup.kofa.widgets.datewidget import ( FriendlyDateDisplayWidget, FriendlyDatetimeDisplayWidget) grok.context(IKofaObject) # Make IKofaObject the default context WARNING = _('You can not edit your application records after final submission.' ' You really want to submit?') class ApplicantsRootPage(KofaDisplayFormPage): grok.context(IApplicantsRoot) grok.name('index') grok.require('waeup.Public') form_fields = grok.AutoFields(IApplicantsRoot) label = _('Applicants Section') pnav = 3 def update(self): super(ApplicantsRootPage, self).update() return @property def introduction(self): # Here we know that the cookie has been set lang = self.request.cookies.get('kofa.language') html = self.context.description_dict.get(lang,'') if html == '': portal_language = getUtility(IKofaUtils).PORTAL_LANGUAGE html = self.context.description_dict.get(portal_language,'') return html @property def containers(self): if self.layout.isAuthenticated(): return self.context.values() values = sorted([container for container in self.context.values() if not container.hidden and container.enddate], key=lambda value: value.enddate, reverse=True) return values class ApplicantsSearchPage(KofaPage): grok.context(IApplicantsRoot) grok.name('search') grok.require('waeup.viewApplication') label = _('Find applicants') search_button = _('Find applicant') pnav = 3 def update(self, *args, **kw): form = self.request.form self.results = [] if 'searchterm' in form and form['searchterm']: self.searchterm = form['searchterm'] self.searchtype = form['searchtype'] elif 'old_searchterm' in form: self.searchterm = form['old_searchterm'] self.searchtype = form['old_searchtype'] else: if 'search' in form: self.flash(_('Empty search string'), type='warning') return self.results = search(query=self.searchterm, searchtype=self.searchtype, view=self) if not self.results: self.flash(_('No applicant found.'), type='warning') return class ApplicantsRootManageFormPage(KofaEditFormPage): grok.context(IApplicantsRoot) grok.name('manage') grok.template('applicantsrootmanagepage') form_fields = grok.AutoFields(IApplicantsRoot) label = _('Manage applicants section') pnav = 3 grok.require('waeup.manageApplication') taboneactions = [_('Save')] tabtwoactions = [_('Add applicants container'), _('Remove selected')] tabthreeactions1 = [_('Remove selected local roles')] tabthreeactions2 = [_('Add local role')] subunits = _('Applicants Containers') doclink = DOCLINK + '/applicants.html' def getLocalRoles(self): roles = ILocalRolesAssignable(self.context) return roles() def getUsers(self): return getUtility(IKofaUtils).getUsers() #def getUsers(self): # """Get a list of all users. # """ # for key, val in grok.getSite()['users'].items(): # url = self.url(val) # yield(dict(url=url, name=key, val=val)) def getUsersWithLocalRoles(self): return get_users_with_local_roles(self.context) @jsaction(_('Remove selected')) def delApplicantsContainers(self, **data): form = self.request.form if 'val_id' in form: child_id = form['val_id'] else: self.flash(_('No container selected!'), type='warning') self.redirect(self.url(self.context, '@@manage')+'#tab2') return if not isinstance(child_id, list): child_id = [child_id] deleted = [] for id in child_id: try: del self.context[id] deleted.append(id) except: self.flash(_('Could not delete:') + ' %s: %s: %s' % ( id, sys.exc_info()[0], sys.exc_info()[1]), type='danger') if len(deleted): self.flash(_('Successfully removed: ${a}', mapping = {'a':', '.join(deleted)})) ob_class = self.__implemented__.__name__.replace('waeup.kofa.','') self.context.logger.info( '%s - removed: %s' % (ob_class, ', '.join(deleted))) self.redirect(self.url(self.context, '@@manage')+'#tab2') return @action(_('Add applicants container'), validator=NullValidator) def addApplicantsContainer(self, **data): self.redirect(self.url(self.context, '@@add')) return @action(_('Add local role'), validator=NullValidator) def addLocalRole(self, **data): return add_local_role(self,3, **data) @action(_('Remove selected local roles')) def delLocalRoles(self, **data): return del_local_roles(self,3,**data) @action(_('Save'), style='primary') def save(self, **data): self.applyData(self.context, **data) description = getattr(self.context, 'description', None) portal_language = getUtility(IKofaUtils).PORTAL_LANGUAGE self.context.description_dict = html2dict(description, portal_language) self.flash(_('Form has been saved.')) return class ApplicantsContainerAddFormPage(KofaAddFormPage): grok.context(IApplicantsRoot) grok.require('waeup.manageApplication') grok.name('add') grok.template('applicantscontaineraddpage') label = _('Add applicants container') pnav = 3 form_fields = grok.AutoFields( IApplicantsContainerAdd).omit('code').omit('title') @action(_('Add applicants container')) def addApplicantsContainer(self, **data): year = data['year'] if not data['container_number'] and not data['year']: self.flash( _('You must select either Year of Entrance or Container Number.'), type='warning') return if not data['container_number']: code = u'%s%s' % (data['prefix'], year) else: code = u'%s%s' % (data['prefix'], data['container_number']) apptypes_dict = getUtility(IApplicantsUtils).APP_TYPES_DICT title = u'%s' % apptypes_dict[data['prefix']][0] if year: title = u'%s %s/%s' % (title, year, year + 1) if code in self.context.keys(): self.flash( _('An applicants container for the same application ' 'type and entrance year or container number ' 'already exists in the database.'), type='warning') return # Add new applicants container... container = createObject(u'waeup.ApplicantsContainer') self.applyData(container, **data) container.code = code container.title = title self.context[code] = container self.flash(_('Added:') + ' "%s".' % code) ob_class = self.__implemented__.__name__.replace('waeup.kofa.','') self.context.logger.info('%s - added: %s' % (ob_class, code)) self.redirect(self.url(self.context, u'@@manage')) return @action(_('Cancel'), validator=NullValidator) def cancel(self, **data): self.redirect(self.url(self.context, '@@manage')) class ApplicantsRootBreadcrumb(Breadcrumb): """A breadcrumb for applicantsroot. """ grok.context(IApplicantsRoot) title = _(u'Applicants') class ApplicantsContainerBreadcrumb(Breadcrumb): """A breadcrumb for applicantscontainers. """ grok.context(IApplicantsContainer) class ApplicantsExportsBreadcrumb(Breadcrumb): """A breadcrumb for exports. """ grok.context(VirtualApplicantsExportJobContainer) title = _(u'Applicant Data Exports') target = None class ApplicantBreadcrumb(Breadcrumb): """A breadcrumb for applicants. """ grok.context(IApplicant) @property def title(self): """Get a title for a context. """ return self.context.application_number class OnlinePaymentBreadcrumb(Breadcrumb): """A breadcrumb for payments. """ grok.context(IApplicantOnlinePayment) @property def title(self): return self.context.p_id class RefereeReportBreadcrumb(Breadcrumb): """A breadcrumb for referee reports. """ grok.context(IApplicantRefereeReport) @property def title(self): return self.context.r_id class ApplicantsStatisticsPage(KofaDisplayFormPage): """Some statistics about applicants in a container. """ grok.context(IApplicantsContainer) grok.name('statistics') grok.require('waeup.viewApplicationStatistics') grok.template('applicantcontainerstatistics') @property def label(self): return "%s" % self.context.title class ApplicantsContainerPage(KofaDisplayFormPage): """The standard view for regular applicant containers. """ grok.context(IApplicantsContainer) grok.name('index') grok.require('waeup.Public') grok.template('applicantscontainerpage') pnav = 3 @property def form_fields(self): form_fields = grok.AutoFields(IApplicantsContainer).omit( 'title', 'description') form_fields[ 'startdate'].custom_widget = FriendlyDatetimeDisplayWidget('le') form_fields[ 'enddate'].custom_widget = FriendlyDatetimeDisplayWidget('le') if self.request.principal.id == 'zope.anybody': form_fields = form_fields.omit( 'code', 'prefix', 'year', 'mode', 'hidden', 'strict_deadline', 'application_category', 'application_slip_notice', 'with_picture') return form_fields @property def introduction(self): # Here we know that the cookie has been set lang = self.request.cookies.get('kofa.language') html = self.context.description_dict.get(lang,'') if html == '': portal_language = getUtility(IKofaUtils).PORTAL_LANGUAGE html = self.context.description_dict.get(portal_language,'') return html @property def label(self): return "%s" % self.context.title class ApplicantsContainerManageFormPage(KofaEditFormPage): grok.context(IApplicantsContainer) grok.name('manage') grok.template('applicantscontainermanagepage') form_fields = grok.AutoFields(IApplicantsContainer) taboneactions = [_('Save'),_('Cancel')] tabtwoactions = [_('Remove selected'),_('Cancel'), _('Create students from selected')] tabthreeactions1 = [_('Remove selected local roles')] tabthreeactions2 = [_('Add local role')] # Use friendlier date widget... grok.require('waeup.manageApplication') doclink = DOCLINK + '/applicants.html' @property def label(self): return _('Manage applicants container') pnav = 3 @property def showApplicants(self): if self.context.counts[1] < 1000: return True return False def getLocalRoles(self): roles = ILocalRolesAssignable(self.context) return roles() #def getUsers(self): # """Get a list of all users. # """ # for key, val in grok.getSite()['users'].items(): # url = self.url(val) # yield(dict(url=url, name=key, val=val)) def getUsers(self): return getUtility(IKofaUtils).getUsers() def getUsersWithLocalRoles(self): return get_users_with_local_roles(self.context) @action(_('Save'), style='primary') def save(self, **data): changed_fields = self.applyData(self.context, **data) if changed_fields: changed_fields = reduce(lambda x,y: x+y, changed_fields.values()) else: changed_fields = [] description = getattr(self.context, 'description', None) portal_language = getUtility(IKofaUtils).PORTAL_LANGUAGE self.context.description_dict = html2dict(description, portal_language) self.flash(_('Form has been saved.')) fields_string = ' + '.join(changed_fields) self.context.writeLogMessage(self, 'saved: %s' % fields_string) return @jsaction(_('Remove selected')) def delApplicant(self, **data): form = self.request.form if 'val_id' in form: child_id = form['val_id'] else: self.flash(_('No applicant selected!'), type='warning') self.redirect(self.url(self.context, '@@manage')+'#tab2') return if not isinstance(child_id, list): child_id = [child_id] deleted = [] for id in child_id: try: del self.context[id] deleted.append(id) except: self.flash(_('Could not delete:') + ' %s: %s: %s' % ( id, sys.exc_info()[0], sys.exc_info()[1]), type='danger') if len(deleted): self.flash(_('Successfully removed: ${a}', mapping = {'a':', '.join(deleted)})) self.redirect(self.url(self.context, u'@@manage')+'#tab2') return @action(_('Create students from selected')) def createStudents(self, **data): if not checkPermission('waeup.createStudents', self.context): self.flash( _('You don\'t have permission to create student records.'), type='warning') self.redirect(self.url(self.context, '@@manage')+'#tab2') return form = self.request.form if 'val_id' in form: child_id = form['val_id'] else: self.flash(_('No applicant selected!'), type='warning') self.redirect(self.url(self.context, '@@manage')+'#tab2') return if not isinstance(child_id, list): child_id = [child_id] created = [] if len(child_id) > 10 and self.request.principal.id != 'admin': self.flash(_('A maximum of 10 applicants can be selected!'), type='warning') self.redirect(self.url(self.context, '@@manage')+'#tab2') return for id in child_id: success, msg = self.context[id].createStudent(view=self) if success: created.append(id) if len(created): self.flash(_('${a} students successfully created.', mapping = {'a': len(created)})) else: self.flash(_('No student could be created.'), type='warning') self.redirect(self.url(self.context, u'@@manage')+'#tab2') return @action(_('Cancel'), validator=NullValidator) def cancel(self, **data): self.redirect(self.url(self.context)) return @action(_('Add local role'), validator=NullValidator) def addLocalRole(self, **data): return add_local_role(self,3, **data) @action(_('Remove selected local roles')) def delLocalRoles(self, **data): return del_local_roles(self,3,**data) class ApplicantAddFormPage(KofaAddFormPage): """Add-form to add an applicant. """ grok.context(IApplicantsContainer) grok.require('waeup.manageApplication') grok.name('addapplicant') #grok.template('applicantaddpage') form_fields = grok.AutoFields(IApplicant).select( 'firstname', 'middlename', 'lastname', 'email', 'phone') label = _('Add applicant') pnav = 3 doclink = DOCLINK + '/applicants.html' @action(_('Create application record')) def addApplicant(self, **data): applicant = createObject(u'waeup.Applicant') self.applyData(applicant, **data) self.context.addApplicant(applicant) self.flash(_('Application record created.')) self.redirect( self.url(self.context[applicant.application_number], 'index')) return class ApplicantsContainerPrefillFormPage(KofaAddFormPage): """Form to pre-fill applicants containers. """ grok.context(IApplicantsContainer) grok.require('waeup.manageApplication') grok.name('prefill') grok.template('prefillcontainer') label = _('Pre-fill container') pnav = 3 doclink = DOCLINK + '/applicants/browser.html#preparation-and-maintenance-of-applicants-containers' def update(self): if self.context.mode == 'update': self.flash(_('Container must be in create mode to be pre-filled.'), type='danger') self.redirect(self.url(self.context)) return super(ApplicantsContainerPrefillFormPage, self).update() return @action(_('Pre-fill now'), style='primary') def addApplicants(self): form = self.request.form if 'number' in form and form['number']: number = int(form['number']) for i in range(number): applicant = createObject(u'waeup.Applicant') self.context.addApplicant(applicant) self.flash(_('%s application records created.' % number)) self.context.writeLogMessage(self, '%s applicants created' % (number)) self.redirect(self.url(self.context, 'index')) return @action(_('Cancel'), validator=NullValidator) def cancel(self, **data): self.redirect(self.url(self.context)) return class ApplicantsContainerPurgeFormPage(KofaEditFormPage): """Form to purge applicants containers. """ grok.context(IApplicantsContainer) grok.require('waeup.manageApplication') grok.name('purge') grok.template('purgecontainer') label = _('Purge container') pnav = 3 doclink = DOCLINK + '/applicants/browser.html#preparation-and-maintenance-of-applicants-containers' @action(_('Remove initialized records'), tooltip=_('Don\'t use if application is in progress!'), warning=_('Are you really sure?'), style='primary') def purgeInitialized(self): form = self.request.form purged = 0 keys = [key for key in self.context.keys()] for key in keys: if self.context[key].state == 'initialized': del self.context[key] purged += 1 self.flash(_('%s application records purged.' % purged)) self.context.writeLogMessage(self, '%s applicants purged' % (purged)) self.redirect(self.url(self.context, 'index')) return @action(_('Cancel'), validator=NullValidator) def cancel(self, **data): self.redirect(self.url(self.context)) return class ApplicantDisplayFormPage(KofaDisplayFormPage): """A display view for applicant data. """ grok.context(IApplicant) grok.name('index') grok.require('waeup.viewApplication') grok.template('applicantdisplaypage') label = _('Applicant') pnav = 3 hide_hint = False @property def display_refereereports(self): if self.context.refereereports: return True return False @property def file_links(self): html = '' file_store = getUtility(IExtFileStore) additional_files = getUtility(IApplicantsUtils).ADDITIONAL_FILES for filename in additional_files: pdf = getUtility(IExtFileStore).getFileByContext( self.context, attr=filename[1]) if pdf: html += '%s, ' % (self.url( self.context, filename[1]), filename[0]) html = html.strip(', ') return html @property def display_payments(self): if self.context.payments: return True if self.context.special: return True return getattr(self.context.__parent__, 'application_fee', None) @property def form_fields(self): if self.context.special: form_fields = grok.AutoFields(ISpecialApplicant).omit('locked') else: form_fields = grok.AutoFields(IApplicant).omit( 'locked', 'course_admitted', 'password', 'suspended') return form_fields @property def target(self): return getattr(self.context.__parent__, 'prefix', None) @property def separators(self): return getUtility(IApplicantsUtils).SEPARATORS_DICT def update(self): self.passport_url = self.url(self.context, 'passport.jpg') # Mark application as started if applicant logs in for the first time usertype = getattr(self.request.principal, 'user_type', None) if usertype == 'applicant' and \ IWorkflowState(self.context).getState() == INITIALIZED: IWorkflowInfo(self.context).fireTransition('start') if usertype == 'applicant' and self.context.state == 'created': session = '%s/%s' % (self.context.__parent__.year, self.context.__parent__.year+1) title = getattr(grok.getSite()['configuration'], 'name', u'Sample University') msg = _( '\n Congratulations!' + ' You have been offered provisional admission into the' + ' ${c} Academic Session of ${d}.' ' Your student record has been created for you.' + ' Please, logout again and proceed to the' + ' login page of the portal.' ' Then enter your new student credentials:' + ' user name= ${a}, password = ${b}.' + ' Change your password when you have logged in.', mapping = { 'a':self.context.student_id, 'b':self.context.application_number, 'c':session, 'd':title} ) self.flash(msg) return @property def hasPassword(self): if self.context.password: return _('set') return _('unset') @property def label(self): container_title = self.context.__parent__.title return _('${a}
Application Record ${b}', mapping = { 'a':container_title, 'b':self.context.application_number}) def getCourseAdmitted(self): """Return link, title and code in html format to the certificate admitted. """ course_admitted = self.context.course_admitted if getattr(course_admitted, '__parent__',None): url = self.url(course_admitted) title = course_admitted.title code = course_admitted.code return '%s - %s' %(url,code,title) return '' class ApplicantBaseDisplayFormPage(ApplicantDisplayFormPage): grok.context(IApplicant) grok.name('base') @property def form_fields(self): form_fields = grok.AutoFields(IApplicant).select( 'applicant_id', 'reg_number', 'email', 'course1') if self.context.__parent__.prefix in ('special',): form_fields['reg_number'].field.title = u'Identification Number' return form_fields return form_fields class ContactApplicantFormPage(ContactStudentFormPage): grok.context(IApplicant) grok.name('contactapplicant') grok.require('waeup.viewApplication') pnav = 3 class CreateStudentPage(UtilityView, grok.View): """Create a student object from applicant data. """ grok.context(IApplicant) grok.name('createstudent') grok.require('waeup.createStudents') def update(self): success, msg = self.context.createStudent(view=self) if success: self.flash(msg) else: self.flash(msg, type='warning') self.redirect(self.url(self.context)) return def render(self): return class CreateAllStudentsPage(KofaPage): """Create all student objects from applicant data in the root container or in a specific applicants container only. Only PortalManagers or StudentCreators can do this. """ #grok.context(IApplicantsContainer) grok.name('createallstudents') grok.require('waeup.createStudents') label = _('Student Record Creation Report') def update(self): grok.getSite()['configuration'].maintmode_enabled_by = u'admin' transaction.commit() # Wait 10 seconds for all transactions to be finished. # Do not wait in tests. if not self.request.principal.id == 'zope.mgr': sleep(10) cat = getUtility(ICatalog, name='applicants_catalog') results = list(cat.searchResults(state=(ADMITTED, ADMITTED))) created = [] failed = [] container_only = False applicants_root = grok.getSite()['applicants'] if isinstance(self.context, ApplicantsContainer): container_only = True for result in results: if container_only and result.__parent__ is not self.context: continue success, msg = result.createStudent(view=self) if success: created.append(result.applicant_id) else: failed.append( (result.applicant_id, self.url(result, 'manage'), msg)) ob_class = self.__implemented__.__name__.replace( 'waeup.kofa.','') grok.getSite()['configuration'].maintmode_enabled_by = None self.successful = ', '.join(created) self.failed = failed return class ApplicationFeePaymentAddPage(UtilityView, grok.View): """ Page to add an online payment ticket """ grok.context(IApplicant) grok.name('addafp') grok.require('waeup.payApplicant') factory = u'waeup.ApplicantOnlinePayment' @property def custom_requirements(self): return '' def update(self): # Additional requirements in custom packages. if self.custom_requirements: self.flash( self.custom_requirements, type='danger') self.redirect(self.url(self.context)) return if not self.context.special: for ticket in self.context.payments: if ticket.p_state == 'paid': self.flash( _('This type of payment has already been made.'), type='warning') self.redirect(self.url(self.context)) return applicants_utils = getUtility(IApplicantsUtils) container = self.context.__parent__ payment = createObject(self.factory) failure = applicants_utils.setPaymentDetails( container, payment, self.context) if failure is not None: self.flash(failure, type='danger') self.redirect(self.url(self.context)) return self.context[payment.p_id] = payment self.context.writeLogMessage(self, 'added: %s' % payment.p_id) self.flash(_('Payment ticket created.')) self.redirect(self.url(payment)) return def render(self): return class OnlinePaymentDisplayFormPage(KofaDisplayFormPage): """ Page to view an online payment ticket """ grok.context(IApplicantOnlinePayment) grok.name('index') grok.require('waeup.viewApplication') form_fields = grok.AutoFields(IApplicantOnlinePayment).omit('p_item') form_fields[ 'creation_date'].custom_widget = FriendlyDatetimeDisplayWidget('le') form_fields[ 'payment_date'].custom_widget = FriendlyDatetimeDisplayWidget('le') pnav = 3 @property def label(self): return _('${a}: Online Payment Ticket ${b}', mapping = { 'a':self.context.__parent__.display_fullname, 'b':self.context.p_id}) class OnlinePaymentApprovePage(UtilityView, grok.View): """ Approval view """ grok.context(IApplicantOnlinePayment) grok.name('approve') grok.require('waeup.managePortal') def update(self): flashtype, msg, log = self.context.approveApplicantPayment() if log is not None: applicant = self.context.__parent__ # Add log message to applicants.log applicant.writeLogMessage(self, log) # Add log message to payments.log self.context.logger.info( '%s,%s,%s,%s,%s,,,,,,' % ( applicant.applicant_id, self.context.p_id, self.context.p_category, self.context.amount_auth, self.context.r_code)) self.flash(msg, type=flashtype) return def render(self): self.redirect(self.url(self.context, '@@index')) return class ExportPDFPaymentSlipPage(UtilityView, grok.View): """Deliver a PDF slip of the context. """ grok.context(IApplicantOnlinePayment) grok.name('payment_slip.pdf') grok.require('waeup.viewApplication') form_fields = grok.AutoFields(IApplicantOnlinePayment).omit('p_item') form_fields['creation_date'].custom_widget = FriendlyDatetimeDisplayWidget('le') form_fields['payment_date'].custom_widget = FriendlyDatetimeDisplayWidget('le') #prefix = 'form' note = None @property def title(self): portal_language = getUtility(IKofaUtils).PORTAL_LANGUAGE return translate(_('Payment Data'), 'waeup.kofa', target_language=portal_language) @property def label(self): portal_language = getUtility(IKofaUtils).PORTAL_LANGUAGE return translate(_('Online Payment Slip'), 'waeup.kofa', target_language=portal_language) \ + ' %s' % self.context.p_id @property def payment_slip_download_warning(self): if self.context.__parent__.state not in ( SUBMITTED, ADMITTED, NOT_ADMITTED, CREATED): return _('Please submit the application form before ' 'trying to download payment slips.') return '' def render(self): if self.payment_slip_download_warning: self.flash(self.payment_slip_download_warning, type='danger') self.redirect(self.url(self.context)) return applicantview = ApplicantBaseDisplayFormPage(self.context.__parent__, self.request) students_utils = getUtility(IStudentsUtils) return students_utils.renderPDF(self,'payment_slip.pdf', self.context.__parent__, applicantview, note=self.note) class ExportPDFPageApplicationSlip(UtilityView, grok.View): """Deliver a PDF slip of the context. """ grok.context(IApplicant) grok.name('application_slip.pdf') grok.require('waeup.viewApplication') #prefix = 'form' def update(self): if self.context.state in ('initialized', 'started', 'paid'): self.flash( _('Please pay and submit before trying to download ' 'the application slip.'), type='warning') return self.redirect(self.url(self.context)) return def render(self): try: pdfstream = getAdapter(self.context, IPDF, name='application_slip')( view=self) except IOError: self.flash( _('Your image file is corrupted. ' 'Please replace.'), type='danger') return self.redirect(self.url(self.context)) except LayoutError, err: self.flash( 'PDF file could not be created. Reportlab error message: %s' % escape(err.message), type="danger") return self.redirect(self.url(self.context)) self.response.setHeader( 'Content-Type', 'application/pdf') return pdfstream def handle_img_upload(upload, context, view): """Handle upload of applicant image. Returns `True` in case of success or `False`. Please note that file pointer passed in (`upload`) most probably points to end of file when leaving this function. """ max_upload_size = getUtility(IKofaUtils).MAX_PASSPORT_SIZE size = file_size(upload) if size > max_upload_size: view.flash(_('Uploaded image is too big!'), type='danger') return False dummy, ext = os.path.splitext(upload.filename) ext.lower() if ext != '.jpg': view.flash(_('jpg file extension expected.'), type='danger') return False upload.seek(0) # file pointer moved when determining size store = getUtility(IExtFileStore) file_id = IFileStoreNameChooser(context).chooseName() try: store.createFile(file_id, upload) except IOError: view.flash(_('Image file cannot be changed.'), type='danger') return False return True def handle_file_upload(upload, context, view, attr=None): """Handle upload of applicant files. Returns `True` in case of success or `False`. Please note that file pointer passed in (`upload`) most probably points to end of file when leaving this function. """ size = file_size(upload) max_upload_size = 1024 * getUtility(IStudentsUtils).MAX_KB if size > max_upload_size: view.flash(_('Uploaded file is too big!')) return False dummy, ext = os.path.splitext(upload.filename) ext.lower() if ext != '.pdf': view.flash(_('pdf file extension expected.')) return False upload.seek(0) # file pointer moved when determining size store = getUtility(IExtFileStore) file_id = IFileStoreNameChooser(context).chooseName(attr=attr) store.createFile(file_id, upload) return True class ApplicantManageFormPage(KofaEditFormPage): """A full edit view for applicant data. """ grok.context(IApplicant) grok.name('manage') grok.require('waeup.manageApplication') grok.template('applicanteditpage') manage_applications = True pnav = 3 display_actions = [[_('Save'), _('Finally Submit')], [_('Add online payment ticket'),_('Remove selected tickets')]] @property def display_payments(self): if self.context.payments: return True if self.context.special: return True return getattr(self.context.__parent__, 'application_fee', None) @property def display_refereereports(self): if self.context.refereereports: return True return False def display_fileupload(self, filename): """This method can be used in custom packages to avoid unneccessary file uploads. """ return True @property def form_fields(self): if self.context.special: form_fields = grok.AutoFields(ISpecialApplicant) form_fields['applicant_id'].for_display = True else: form_fields = grok.AutoFields(IApplicant) form_fields['student_id'].for_display = True form_fields['applicant_id'].for_display = True return form_fields @property def target(self): return getattr(self.context.__parent__, 'prefix', None) @property def separators(self): return getUtility(IApplicantsUtils).SEPARATORS_DICT @property def custom_upload_requirements(self): return '' def update(self): super(ApplicantManageFormPage, self).update() max_upload_size = getUtility(IKofaUtils).MAX_PASSPORT_SIZE self.wf_info = IWorkflowInfo(self.context) self.max_upload_size = string_from_bytes(max_upload_size) self.upload_success = None upload = self.request.form.get('form.passport', None) if upload: if self.custom_upload_requirements: self.flash( self.custom_upload_requirements, type='danger') self.redirect(self.url(self.context)) return # We got a fresh upload, upload_success is # either True or False self.upload_success = handle_img_upload( upload, self.context, self) if self.upload_success: self.context.writeLogMessage(self, 'saved: passport') file_store = getUtility(IExtFileStore) self.additional_files = getUtility(IApplicantsUtils).ADDITIONAL_FILES for filename in self.additional_files: upload = self.request.form.get(filename[1], None) if upload: # We got a fresh file upload success = handle_file_upload( upload, self.context, self, attr=filename[1]) if success: self.context.writeLogMessage( self, 'saved: %s' % filename[1]) else: self.upload_success = False self.max_file_upload_size = string_from_bytes( 1024*getUtility(IStudentsUtils).MAX_KB) return @property def label(self): container_title = self.context.__parent__.title return _('${a}
Application Form ${b}', mapping = { 'a':container_title, 'b':self.context.application_number}) def getTransitions(self): """Return a list of dicts of allowed transition ids and titles. Each list entry provides keys ``name`` and ``title`` for internal name and (human readable) title of a single transition. """ allowed_transitions = [t for t in self.wf_info.getManualTransitions() if not t[0] in ('pay', 'create')] return [dict(name='', title=_('No transition'))] +[ dict(name=x, title=y) for x, y in allowed_transitions] def saveCourses(self): """In custom packages we needed to customize the certificate select widget. We just save course1 and course2 if these customized fields appear in the form. """ return None, [] @action(_('Save'), style='primary') def save(self, **data): error, changed_courses = self.saveCourses() if error: self.flash(error, type='danger') return form = self.request.form password = form.get('password', None) password_ctl = form.get('control_password', None) if password: validator = getUtility(IPasswordValidator) errors = validator.validate_password(password, password_ctl) if errors: self.flash( ' '.join(errors), type='danger') return if self.upload_success is False: # False is not None! # Error during image upload. Ignore other values. return changed_fields = self.applyData(self.context, **data) # Turn list of lists into single list if changed_fields: changed_fields = reduce(lambda x,y: x+y, changed_fields.values()) else: changed_fields = [] changed_fields += changed_courses if password: # Now we know that the form has no errors and can set password ... IUserAccount(self.context).setPassword(password) changed_fields.append('password') fields_string = ' + '.join(changed_fields) trans_id = form.get('transition', None) if trans_id: self.wf_info.fireTransition(trans_id) self.flash(_('Form has been saved.')) if fields_string: self.context.writeLogMessage(self, 'saved: %s' % fields_string) return def unremovable(self, ticket): return False # This method is also used by the ApplicantEditFormPage def delPaymentTickets(self, **data): form = self.request.form if 'val_id' in form: child_id = form['val_id'] else: self.flash(_('No payment selected.'), type='warning') self.redirect(self.url(self.context)) return if not isinstance(child_id, list): child_id = [child_id] deleted = [] for id in child_id: # Applicants are not allowed to remove used payment tickets if not self.unremovable(self.context[id]): try: del self.context[id] deleted.append(id) except: self.flash(_('Could not delete:') + ' %s: %s: %s' % ( id, sys.exc_info()[0], sys.exc_info()[1]), type='danger') if len(deleted): self.flash(_('Successfully removed: ${a}', mapping = {'a':', '.join(deleted)})) self.context.writeLogMessage( self, 'removed: % s' % ', '.join(deleted)) return # We explicitely want the forms to be validated before payment tickets # can be created. If no validation is requested, use # 'validator=NullValidator' in the action directive @action(_('Add online payment ticket'), style='primary') def addPaymentTicket(self, **data): self.redirect(self.url(self.context, '@@addafp')) return @jsaction(_('Remove selected tickets')) def removePaymentTickets(self, **data): self.delPaymentTickets(**data) self.redirect(self.url(self.context) + '/@@manage') return # Not used in base package def file_exists(self, attr): file = getUtility(IExtFileStore).getFileByContext( self.context, attr=attr) if file: return True else: return False class ApplicantEditFormPage(ApplicantManageFormPage): """An applicant-centered edit view for applicant data. """ grok.context(IApplicantEdit) grok.name('edit') grok.require('waeup.handleApplication') grok.template('applicanteditpage') manage_applications = False submit_state = PAID mandate_days = 31 @property def display_refereereports(self): return False @property def form_fields(self): if self.context.special: form_fields = grok.AutoFields(ISpecialApplicant).omit( 'locked', 'suspended') form_fields['applicant_id'].for_display = True else: form_fields = grok.AutoFields(IApplicantEdit).omit( 'locked', 'course_admitted', 'student_id', 'suspended' ) form_fields['applicant_id'].for_display = True form_fields['reg_number'].for_display = True return form_fields @property def display_actions(self): state = IWorkflowState(self.context).getState() # If the form is unlocked, applicants are allowed to save the form # and remove unused tickets. actions = [[_('Save')], [_('Remove selected tickets')]] # Only in state started they can also add tickets. if state == STARTED: actions = [[_('Save')], [_('Add online payment ticket'),_('Remove selected tickets')]] # In state paid, they can submit the data and further add tickets # if the application is special. elif self.context.special and state == PAID: actions = [[_('Save'), _('Finally Submit')], [_('Add online payment ticket'),_('Remove selected tickets')]] elif state == PAID: actions = [[_('Save'), _('Finally Submit')], [_('Remove selected tickets')]] return actions def unremovable(self, ticket): return ticket.r_code def emit_lock_message(self): self.flash(_('The requested form is locked (read-only).'), type='warning') self.redirect(self.url(self.context)) return def update(self): if self.context.locked or ( self.context.__parent__.expired and self.context.__parent__.strict_deadline): self.emit_lock_message() return super(ApplicantEditFormPage, self).update() return def dataNotComplete(self, data): if self.context.__parent__.with_picture: store = getUtility(IExtFileStore) if not store.getFileByContext(self.context, attr=u'passport.jpg'): return _('No passport picture uploaded.') if not self.request.form.get('confirm_passport', False): return _('Passport picture confirmation box not ticked.') return False # We explicitely want the forms to be validated before payment tickets # can be created. If no validation is requested, use # 'validator=NullValidator' in the action directive @action(_('Add online payment ticket'), style='primary') def addPaymentTicket(self, **data): self.redirect(self.url(self.context, '@@addafp')) return @jsaction(_('Remove selected tickets')) def removePaymentTickets(self, **data): self.delPaymentTickets(**data) self.redirect(self.url(self.context) + '/@@edit') return @action(_('Save'), style='primary') def save(self, **data): if self.upload_success is False: # False is not None! # Error during image upload. Ignore other values. return self.applyData(self.context, **data) error, dummy = self.saveCourses() if error: self.flash(error, type='danger') return self.flash(_('Form has been saved.')) return def informReferees(self): site = grok.getSite() kofa_utils = getUtility(IKofaUtils) ob_class = self.__implemented__.__name__.replace('waeup.kofa.','') failed = '' emails_sent = 0 for referee in self.context.referees: if referee.email_sent: continue mandate = RefereeReportMandate(days=self.mandate_days) mandate.params['name'] = referee.name mandate.params['email'] = referee.email mandate.params[ 'redirect_path'] = '/applicants/%s/%s/addrefereereport' % ( self.context.__parent__.code, self.context.application_number) mandate.params['redirect_path2'] = '' mandate.params['applicant_id'] = self.context.applicant_id site['mandates'].addMandate(mandate) # Send invitation email args = {'mandate_id':mandate.mandate_id} mandate_url = self.url(site) + '/mandate?%s' % urlencode(args) url_info = u'Report link: %s' % mandate_url success = kofa_utils.inviteReferee(referee, self.context, url_info) if success: emails_sent += 1 self.context.writeLogMessage( self, 'email sent: %s' % referee.email) referee.email_sent = True else: failed += '%s ' % referee.email return failed, emails_sent @action(_('Finally Submit'), warning=WARNING) def finalsubmit(self, **data): if self.upload_success is False: # False is not None! return # error during image upload. Ignore other values dnt = self.dataNotComplete(data) if dnt: self.flash(dnt, type='danger') return self.applyData(self.context, **data) error, dummy = self.saveCourses() if error: self.flash(error, type='danger') return state = IWorkflowState(self.context).getState() # This shouldn't happen, but the application officer # might have forgotten to lock the form after changing the state if state != self.submit_state: self.flash(_('The form cannot be submitted. Wrong state!'), type='danger') return msg = _('Form has been submitted.') # Create mandates and send emails to referees if getattr(self.context, 'referees', None): failed, emails_sent = self.informReferees() if failed: self.flash( _('Some invitation emails could not be sent:') + failed, type='danger') return msg = _('Form has been successfully submitted and ' '${a} invitation emails were sent.', mapping = {'a': emails_sent}) IWorkflowInfo(self.context).fireTransition('submit') # application_date is used in export files for sorting. # We can thus store utc. self.context.application_date = datetime.utcnow() self.flash(msg) self.redirect(self.url(self.context)) return class PassportImage(grok.View): """Renders the passport image for applicants. """ grok.name('passport.jpg') grok.context(IApplicant) grok.require('waeup.viewApplication') def render(self): # A filename chooser turns a context into a filename suitable # for file storage. image = getUtility(IExtFileStore).getFileByContext(self.context) self.response.setHeader('Content-Type', 'image/jpeg') if image is None: # show placeholder image return open(DEFAULT_PASSPORT_IMAGE_PATH, 'rb').read() return image class PassportImageForReport(PassportImage): """Renders the passport image for applicants for referee reports. """ grok.name('passport_for_report.jpg') grok.context(IApplicant) grok.require('waeup.Public') def render(self): # Check mandate form = self.request.form self.mandate_id = form.get('mandate_id', None) self.mandates = grok.getSite()['mandates'] mandate = self.mandates.get(self.mandate_id, None) if mandate is None: self.flash(_('No mandate.'), type='warning') self.redirect(self.application_url()) return if mandate: # Check the mandate expiration date after redirect again if mandate.expires < datetime.utcnow(): self.flash(_('Mandate expired.'), type='warning') self.redirect(self.application_url()) return # Check if mandate allows access if mandate.params.get('applicant_id') != self.context.applicant_id: self.flash(_('Wrong mandate.'), type='warning') self.redirect(self.application_url()) return return super(PassportImageForReport, self).render() return class ApplicantRegistrationPage(KofaAddFormPage): """Captcha'd registration page for applicants. """ grok.context(IApplicantsContainer) grok.name('register') grok.require('waeup.Anonymous') grok.template('applicantregister') @property def form_fields(self): form_fields = None if self.context.mode == 'update': form_fields = grok.AutoFields(IApplicantRegisterUpdate).select( 'lastname','reg_number','email') else: #if self.context.mode == 'create': form_fields = grok.AutoFields(IApplicantEdit).select( 'firstname', 'middlename', 'lastname', 'email', 'phone') return form_fields @property def label(self): return _('Apply for ${a}', mapping = {'a':self.context.title}) def update(self): if self.context.expired: self.flash(_('Outside application period.'), type='warning') self.redirect(self.url(self.context)) return blocker = grok.getSite()['configuration'].maintmode_enabled_by if blocker: self.flash(_('The portal is in maintenance mode ' 'and registration temporarily disabled.'), type='warning') self.redirect(self.url(self.context)) return # Handle captcha self.captcha = getUtility(ICaptchaManager).getCaptcha() self.captcha_result = self.captcha.verify(self.request) self.captcha_code = self.captcha.display(self.captcha_result.error_code) return def _redirect(self, email, password, applicant_id): # Forward only email to landing page in base package. self.redirect(self.url(self.context, 'registration_complete', data = dict(email=email))) return @property def _postfix(self): """In customized packages we can add a container dependent string if applicants have been imported into several containers. """ return '' @action(_('Send login credentials to email address'), style='primary') def register(self, **data): if not self.captcha_result.is_valid: # Captcha will display error messages automatically. # No need to flash something. return if self.context.mode == 'create': # Check if there are unused records in this container which # can be taken applicant = self.context.first_unused if applicant is None: # Add applicant applicant = createObject(u'waeup.Applicant') self.context.addApplicant(applicant) else: applicants_root = grok.getSite()['applicants'] ob_class = self.__implemented__.__name__.replace( 'waeup.kofa.','') applicants_root.logger.info('%s - used: %s' % ( ob_class, applicant.applicant_id)) self.applyData(applicant, **data) # applicant.reg_number = applicant.applicant_id notify(grok.ObjectModifiedEvent(applicant)) elif self.context.mode == 'update': # Update applicant reg_number = data.get('reg_number','') lastname = data.get('lastname','') cat = getUtility(ICatalog, name='applicants_catalog') searchstr = reg_number + self._postfix results = list( cat.searchResults(reg_number=(searchstr, searchstr))) if results: applicant = results[0] if getattr(applicant,'lastname',None) is None: self.flash(_('An error occurred.'), type='danger') return elif applicant.lastname.lower() != lastname.lower(): # Don't tell the truth here. Anonymous must not # know that a record was found and only the lastname # verification failed. self.flash( _('No application record found.'), type='warning') return elif applicant.password is not None and \ applicant.state != INITIALIZED: self.flash(_('Your password has already been set and used. ' 'Please proceed to the login page.'), type='warning') return # Store email address but nothing else. applicant.email = data['email'] notify(grok.ObjectModifiedEvent(applicant)) else: # No record found, this is the truth. self.flash(_('No application record found.'), type='warning') return else: # Does not happen but anyway ... return kofa_utils = getUtility(IKofaUtils) password = kofa_utils.genPassword() IUserAccount(applicant).setPassword(password) # Send email with credentials login_url = self.url(grok.getSite(), 'login') url_info = u'Login: %s' % login_url msg = _('You have successfully been registered for the') if kofa_utils.sendCredentials(IUserAccount(applicant), password, url_info, msg): email_sent = applicant.email else: email_sent = None self._redirect(email=email_sent, password=password, applicant_id=applicant.applicant_id) return class ApplicantRegistrationEmailSent(KofaPage): """Landing page after successful registration. """ grok.name('registration_complete') grok.require('waeup.Public') grok.template('applicantregemailsent') label = _('Your registration was successful.') def update(self, email=None, applicant_id=None, password=None): self.email = email self.password = password self.applicant_id = applicant_id return class ApplicantCheckStatusPage(KofaPage): """Captcha'd status checking page for applicants. """ grok.context(IApplicantsRoot) grok.name('checkstatus') grok.require('waeup.Anonymous') grok.template('applicantcheckstatus') buttonname = _('Submit') pnav = 7 def label(self): if self.result: return _('Admission status of ${a}', mapping = {'a':self.applicant.applicant_id}) return _('Check your admission status') def update(self, SUBMIT=None): form = self.request.form self.result = False # Handle captcha self.captcha = getUtility(ICaptchaManager).getCaptcha() self.captcha_result = self.captcha.verify(self.request) self.captcha_code = self.captcha.display(self.captcha_result.error_code) if SUBMIT: if not self.captcha_result.is_valid: # Captcha will display error messages automatically. # No need to flash something. return unique_id = form.get('unique_id', None) lastname = form.get('lastname', None) if not unique_id or not lastname: self.flash( _('Required input missing.'), type='warning') return cat = getUtility(ICatalog, name='applicants_catalog') results = list( cat.searchResults(applicant_id=(unique_id, unique_id))) if not results: results = list( cat.searchResults(reg_number=(unique_id, unique_id))) if results: applicant = results[0] if applicant.lastname.lower().strip() != lastname.lower(): # Don't tell the truth here. Anonymous must not # know that a record was found and only the lastname # verification failed. self.flash( _('No application record found.'), type='warning') return else: self.flash(_('No application record found.'), type='warning') return self.applicant = applicant self.entry_session = "%s/%s" % ( applicant.__parent__.year, applicant.__parent__.year+1) course_admitted = getattr(applicant, 'course_admitted', None) self.course_admitted = False if course_admitted is not None: try: self.course_admitted = True self.longtitle = course_admitted.longtitle self.department = course_admitted.__parent__.__parent__.longtitle self.faculty = course_admitted.__parent__.__parent__.__parent__.longtitle except AttributeError: self.flash(_('Application record invalid.'), type='warning') return self.result = True self.admitted = False self.not_admitted = False self.submitted = False self.not_submitted = False self.created = False if applicant.state in (ADMITTED, CREATED): self.admitted = True if applicant.state in (CREATED): self.created = True self.student_id = applicant.student_id self.password = applicant.application_number if applicant.state in (NOT_ADMITTED,): self.not_admitted = True if applicant.state in (SUBMITTED,): self.submitted = True if applicant.state in (INITIALIZED, STARTED, PAID): self.not_submitted = True return class CheckTranscriptStatus(KofaPage): """A display page for checking transcript processing status. """ grok.context(IApplicantsRoot) grok.name('checktranscript') grok.require('waeup.Public') label = _('Check transcript status') buttonname = _('Check status now') pnav = 8 websites = (('DemoPortal', 'https://kofa-demo.waeup.org/'),) #websites = (('DemoPortal', 'http://localhost:8080/app/'),) appl_url1 = 'https://kofa-demo.waeup.org/applicants' appl_url2 = 'https://kofa-demo.waeup.org/applicants' def update(self, SUBMIT=None): form = self.request.form self.button = False # Handle captcha self.captcha = getUtility(ICaptchaManager).getCaptcha() self.captcha_result = self.captcha.verify(self.request) self.captcha_code = self.captcha.display(self.captcha_result.error_code) if SUBMIT: self.results = [] if not self.captcha_result.is_valid: # Captcha will display error messages automatically. # No need to flash something. return unique_id = form.get('unique_id', None) email = form.get('email', None) if not unique_id or not email: self.flash( _('Required input missing.'), type='warning') return self.button = True # Call webservice of all websites for website in self.websites: server = xmlrpclib.ServerProxy(website[1]) result = server.get_grad_student(unique_id, email) if not result: continue self.results.append((result, website)) return class ExportJobContainerOverview(KofaPage): """Page that lists active applicant data export jobs and provides links to discard or download CSV files. """ grok.context(VirtualApplicantsExportJobContainer) grok.require('waeup.manageApplication') grok.name('index.html') grok.template('exportjobsindex') label = _('Data Exports') pnav = 3 def update(self, CREATE=None, DISCARD=None, job_id=None): if CREATE: self.redirect(self.url('@@start_export')) return if DISCARD and job_id: entry = self.context.entry_from_job_id(job_id) self.context.delete_export_entry(entry) ob_class = self.__implemented__.__name__.replace('waeup.kofa.','') self.context.logger.info( '%s - discarded: job_id=%s' % (ob_class, job_id)) self.flash(_('Discarded export') + ' %s' % job_id) self.entries = doll_up(self, user=self.request.principal.id) return class ExportJobContainerJobStart(UtilityView, grok.View): """View that starts three export jobs, one for applicants, a second one for applicant payments and a third for referee reports. """ grok.context(VirtualApplicantsExportJobContainer) grok.require('waeup.manageApplication') grok.name('start_export') def update(self): utils = queryUtility(IKofaUtils) if not utils.expensive_actions_allowed(): self.flash(_( "Currently, exporters cannot be started due to high " "system load. Please try again later."), type='danger') self.entries = doll_up(self, user=None) return ob_class = self.__implemented__.__name__.replace('waeup.kofa.','') container_code = self.context.__parent__.code # Start first exporter for exporter in ('applicants', 'applicantpayments', 'applicantrefereereports'): job_id = self.context.start_export_job(exporter, self.request.principal.id, container=container_code) self.context.logger.info( '%s - exported: %s (%s), job_id=%s' % (ob_class, exporter, container_code, job_id)) # Commit transaction so that job is stored in the ZODB transaction.commit() self.flash(_('Exports started.')) self.redirect(self.url(self.context)) return def render(self): return class ExportJobContainerDownload(ExportCSVView): """Page that downloads a students export csv file. """ grok.context(VirtualApplicantsExportJobContainer) grok.require('waeup.manageApplication') class RefereesRemindPage(UtilityView, grok.View): """A display view for referee reports. """ grok.context(IApplicant) grok.name('remind_referees') grok.require('waeup.manageApplication') mandate_days = 31 def remindReferees(self): site = grok.getSite() kofa_utils = getUtility(IKofaUtils) ob_class = self.__implemented__.__name__.replace('waeup.kofa.','') failed = '' emails_sent = 0 for referee in self.context.referees: #if not referee.email_sent: # continue # Check if referee has already created a report report_exists = False for report in self.context.refereereports: if report.email == referee.email: report_exists = True if report_exists: continue # If not, create new mandate mandate = RefereeReportMandate(days=self.mandate_days) mandate.params['name'] = referee.name mandate.params['email'] = referee.email mandate.params[ 'redirect_path'] = '/applicants/%s/%s/addrefereereport' % ( self.context.__parent__.code, self.context.application_number) mandate.params['redirect_path2'] = '' mandate.params['applicant_id'] = self.context.applicant_id site['mandates'].addMandate(mandate) # Send invitation email args = {'mandate_id':mandate.mandate_id} mandate_url = self.url(site) + '/mandate?%s' % urlencode(args) url_info = u'Report link: %s' % mandate_url success = kofa_utils.inviteReferee(referee, self.context, url_info) if success: emails_sent += 1 self.context.writeLogMessage( self, 'email sent: %s' % referee.email) referee.email_sent = True else: failed += '%s ' % referee.email return failed, emails_sent def update(self): if self.context.state != 'submitted': self.flash( _('Not allowed!'), type='danger') return self.redirect(self.url(self.context)) failed, emails_sent = self.remindReferees() msg = _('${a} referee(s) have been reminded by email.', mapping = {'a': emails_sent}) self.flash(msg) return self.redirect(self.url(self.context)) def render(self): return class RefereeReportDisplayFormPage(KofaDisplayFormPage): """A display view for referee reports. """ grok.context(IApplicantRefereeReport) grok.name('index') grok.require('waeup.manageApplication') label = _('Referee Report') pnav = 3 form_fields = grok.AutoFields(IApplicantRefereeReport) form_fields[ 'creation_date'].custom_widget = FriendlyDatetimeDisplayWidget('le') class RefereeReportManageFormPage(KofaEditFormPage): """A displaymanage for referee reports. """ grok.context(IApplicantRefereeReport) grok.name('manage') grok.require('waeup.managePortal') label = _('Manage Referee Report') pnav = 3 form_fields = grok.AutoFields(IApplicantRefereeReport).omit('creation_date') @action(_('Save'), style='primary') def save(self, **data): changed_fields = self.applyData(self.context, **data) # Turn list of lists into single list if changed_fields: changed_fields = reduce(lambda x,y: x+y, changed_fields.values()) else: changed_fields = [] fields_string = ' + '.join(changed_fields) self.flash(_('Form has been saved.')) if fields_string: self.context.__parent__.writeLogMessage( self, '%s - saved: %s' % (self.context.r_id, fields_string)) return class RemoveRefereeReportPage(UtilityView, grok.View): """ """ grok.context(IApplicantRefereeReport) grok.name('remove') grok.require('waeup.manageApplication') def update(self): redirect_url = self.url(self.context.__parent__) self.context.__parent__.writeLogMessage( self, 'removed: %s' % self.context.r_id) del self.context.__parent__[self.context.r_id] self.flash(_('Referee report removed.')) self.redirect(redirect_url) return def render(self): return class RefereeReportAddFormPage(KofaAddFormPage): """Add-form to add an referee report. This form is protected by a mandate. """ grok.context(IApplicant) grok.require('waeup.Public') grok.name('addrefereereport') form_fields = grok.AutoFields( IApplicantRefereeReport).omit('creation_date') grok.template('refereereportpage') label = _('Referee Report Form') pnav = 3 #doclink = DOCLINK + '/refereereports.html' def update(self): blocker = grok.getSite()['configuration'].maintmode_enabled_by if blocker: self.flash(_('The portal is in maintenance mode. ' 'Referee report forms are temporarily disabled.'), type='warning') self.redirect(self.application_url()) return # Check mandate form = self.request.form self.mandate_id = form.get('mandate_id', None) self.mandates = grok.getSite()['mandates'] mandate = self.mandates.get(self.mandate_id, None) if mandate is None and not self.request.form.get('form.actions.submit'): self.flash(_('No mandate.'), type='warning') self.redirect(self.application_url()) return if mandate: # Check the mandate expiration date after redirect again if mandate.expires < datetime.utcnow(): self.flash(_('Mandate expired.'), type='warning') self.redirect(self.application_url()) return args = {'mandate_id':mandate.mandate_id} # Check if report exists. # (1) If mandate has been used to create a report, # redirect to the pdf file. if mandate.params.get('redirect_path2'): self.redirect( self.application_url() + mandate.params.get('redirect_path2') + '?%s' % urlencode(args)) return # (2) Report exists but was created with another mandate. for report in self.context.refereereports: if report.email == mandate.params.get('email'): self.flash(_('You have already created a ' 'report with another mandate.'), type='warning') self.redirect(self.application_url()) return # Prefill form with mandate params self.form_fields.get( 'name').field.default = mandate.params['name'] self.form_fields.get( 'email_pref').field.default = mandate.params['email'] self.passport_url = self.url( self.context, 'passport_for_report.jpg') + '?%s' % urlencode(args) super(RefereeReportAddFormPage, self).update() return @action(_('Submit'), warning=_('Are you really sure? ' 'Reports can neither be modified or added ' 'after submission.'), style='primary') def addRefereeReport(self, **data): report = createObject(u'waeup.ApplicantRefereeReport') timestamp = ("%d" % int(time()*10000))[1:] report.r_id = "r%s" % timestamp report.email = self.mandates[self.mandate_id].params['email'] self.applyData(report, **data) self.context[report.r_id] = report # self.flash(_('Referee report has been saved. Thank you!')) self.context.writeLogMessage(self, 'added: %s' % report.r_id) # Changed on 19/04/20: We do no longer delete the mandate # but set path to redirect to the pdf file self.mandates[self.mandate_id].params[ 'redirect_path2'] = '/applicants/%s/%s/%s/referee_report.pdf' % ( self.context.__parent__.code, self.context.application_number, report.r_id) notify(grok.ObjectModifiedEvent(self.mandates[self.mandate_id])) args = {'mandate_id':self.mandate_id} self.flash(_('Your report has been successfully submitted. ' 'Please use the report link in the email again to download ' 'a pdf slip of your report.')) #self.redirect(self.url(report, 'referee_report.pdf') # + '?%s' % urlencode(args)) self.redirect(self.application_url()) return class ExportPDFReportSlipPage(UtilityView, grok.View): """Deliver a PDF slip of the context. """ grok.context(IApplicantRefereeReport) grok.name('referee_report_slip.pdf') grok.require('waeup.manageApplication') form_fields = grok.AutoFields(IApplicantRefereeReport) form_fields[ 'creation_date'].custom_widget = FriendlyDatetimeDisplayWidget('le') #prefix = 'form' note = None @property def title(self): portal_language = getUtility(IKofaUtils).PORTAL_LANGUAGE return translate(_('Referee Report'), 'waeup.kofa', target_language=portal_language) @property def label(self): portal_language = getUtility(IKofaUtils).PORTAL_LANGUAGE return translate(_('Referee Report Slip'), 'waeup.kofa', target_language=portal_language) \ + ' %s' % self.context.r_id def render(self): applicantview = ApplicantBaseDisplayFormPage(self.context.__parent__, self.request) students_utils = getUtility(IStudentsUtils) return students_utils.renderPDF(self,'referee_report_slip.pdf', self.context.__parent__, applicantview, note=self.note) class ExportPDFReportSlipPage2(ExportPDFReportSlipPage): """Deliver a PDF slip of the context to referees. """ grok.name('referee_report.pdf') grok.require('waeup.Public') def update(self): # Check mandate form = self.request.form self.mandate_id = form.get('mandate_id', None) self.mandates = grok.getSite()['mandates'] mandate = self.mandates.get(self.mandate_id, None) if mandate is None: self.flash(_('No mandate.'), type='warning') self.redirect(self.application_url()) return if mandate: # Check the mandate expiration date after redirect again if mandate.expires < datetime.utcnow(): self.flash(_('Mandate expired.'), type='warning') self.redirect(self.application_url()) return # Check if form has really been submitted if not mandate.params.get('redirect_path2') \ or mandate.params.get( 'applicant_id') != self.context.__parent__.applicant_id: self.flash(_('Wrong mandate.'), type='warning') self.redirect(self.application_url()) return super(ExportPDFReportSlipPage2, self).update() return class AdditionalFile(grok.View): """Renders additional pdf files for applicants. This is a baseclass. """ grok.baseclass() grok.context(IApplicant) grok.require('waeup.viewApplication') def render(self): pdf = getUtility(IExtFileStore).getFileByContext( self.context, attr=self.__name__) self.response.setHeader('Content-Type', 'application/pdf') return pdf class TestFile(AdditionalFile): """Renders testfile.pdf. """ grok.name('testfile.pdf')