## $Id: batching.py 17774 2024-05-13 10:15:38Z henrik $ ## ## Copyright (C) 2011 Uli Fouquet & Henrik Bettermann ## This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify ## it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by ## the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or ## (at your option) any later version. ## ## This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, ## but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of ## MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the ## GNU General Public License for more details. ## ## You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License ## along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software ## Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA ## """Batch processing for applicants. """ import unicodecsv as csv # XXX: csv ops should move to dedicated module. import grok from time import time from ast import literal_eval import unicodecsv from zope.schema import getFields from zope.interface import Interface from zope.component import queryUtility, getUtility from hurry.workflow.interfaces import IWorkflowState from zope.catalog.interfaces import ICatalog from waeup.kofa.interfaces import ( IBatchProcessor, IObjectConverter, FatalCSVError, IGNORE_MARKER, DELETION_MARKER, IObjectHistory, IUserAccount, DuplicationError) from waeup.kofa.interfaces import MessageFactory as _ from waeup.kofa.payments.interfaces import IPayer from waeup.kofa.utils.batching import BatchProcessor from waeup.kofa.applicants.interfaces import ( IApplicantsContainer, IApplicant, IApplicantUpdateByRegNo, IApplicantOnlinePayment, IApplicantRefereeReport) from waeup.kofa.applicants.workflow import IMPORTABLE_STATES, CREATED class ApplicantsContainerProcessor(BatchProcessor): """The Applicants Container Processor imports containers for applicants. It does not import their content. There is nothing special about this processor. """ grok.implements(IBatchProcessor) grok.provides(IBatchProcessor) grok.context(Interface) util_name = 'applicantscontainerprocessor' grok.name(util_name) name = _('ApplicantsContainer Processor') mode = u'create' iface = IApplicantsContainer location_fields = ['code',] factory_name = 'waeup.ApplicantsContainer' def parentsExist(self, row, site): return 'applicants' in site.keys() def entryExists(self, row, site): return row['code'] in site['applicants'].keys() def getParent(self, row, site): return site['applicants'] def getEntry(self, row, site): if not self.entryExists(row, site): return None parent = self.getParent(row, site) return parent.get(row['code']) def addEntry(self, obj, row, site): parent = self.getParent(row, site) parent[row['code']] = obj return def delEntry(self, row, site): parent = self.getParent(row, site) del parent[row['code']] return class ApplicantProcessor(BatchProcessor): """The Applicant Processor imports application data (applicants). In create mode `container_code` is required. If `application_number` is given, an applicant with this number is created in the designated container. If `application_number` is not given, a random `application_number` is assigned. `applicant_id` is being determined by the system and can't be imported. In update or remove mode `container_code` and `application_number` columns must not exist. The applicant object is solely localized by searching the applicants catalog for `reg_number` or `applicant_id` . """ grok.implements(IBatchProcessor) grok.provides(IBatchProcessor) grok.context(Interface) util_name = 'applicantprocessor' grok.name(util_name) name = _('Applicant Processor') iface = IApplicant iface_byregnumber = IApplicantUpdateByRegNo factory_name = 'waeup.Applicant' mode = None @property def available_fields(self): return sorted(list(set( ['application_number', 'history', 'container_code','state','password'] + getFields( self.iface).keys()))) def cheadminckHeaders(self, headerfields, mode='create'): cond1 = 'container_code' in headerfields cond2 = 'application_number' in headerfields cond3 = 'applicant_id' in headerfields cond4 = 'reg_number' in headerfields if mode == 'create': if not cond1: raise FatalCSVError( "Need at least container_code column!") if cond3: raise FatalCSVError( "applicant_id can't be imported in create mode!") for field in self.required_fields: if not field in headerfields: raise FatalCSVError( "Need at least columns %s for import!" % ', '.join(["'%s'" % x for x in self.required_fields])) if mode in ('update', 'remove'): if not cond3 and not cond4: raise FatalCSVError( "Need at least column reg_number or applicant_id!") if cond1 or cond2: raise FatalCSVError( "container_code or application_number can't be imported " + "in update or remove mode!") # Check for fields to be ignored... not_ignored_fields = [x for x in headerfields if not x.startswith('--')] if len(set(not_ignored_fields)) < len(not_ignored_fields): raise FatalCSVError( "Double headers: each column name may only appear once.") return True def getLocator(self, row): if row.get('container_code', None) not in (IGNORE_MARKER, None): # create mode return 'container_code' elif row.get('applicant_id', None) not in (IGNORE_MARKER, None): # update or remove mode return 'applicant_id' elif row.get('reg_number', None) not in (IGNORE_MARKER, None): # update or remove mode return 'reg_number' else: return None def getParent(self, row, site): result = None if self.getLocator(row) == 'container_code': result = site['applicants'].get(row['container_code'], None) elif self.getLocator(row) == 'reg_number': reg_number = row['reg_number'] cat = queryUtility(ICatalog, name='applicants_catalog') results = list( cat.searchResults(reg_number=(reg_number, reg_number))) if results: result = results[0].__parent__ elif self.getLocator(row) == 'applicant_id': applicant_id = row['applicant_id'] cat = queryUtility(ICatalog, name='applicants_catalog') results = list( cat.searchResults(applicant_id=(applicant_id, applicant_id))) if results: result = results[0].__parent__ return result def parentsExist(self, row, site): return self.getParent(row, site) is not None def getEntry(self, row, site): if self.getLocator(row) == 'container_code': if row.get('application_number', None) not in (IGNORE_MARKER, None): if not self.parentsExist(row, site): return None parent = self.getParent(row, site) return parent.get(row['application_number']) return None if self.getLocator(row) == 'applicant_id': applicant_id = row['applicant_id'] cat = queryUtility(ICatalog, name='applicants_catalog') results = list( cat.searchResults(applicant_id=(applicant_id, applicant_id))) if results: return results[0] if self.getLocator(row) == 'reg_number': reg_number = row['reg_number'] cat = queryUtility(ICatalog, name='applicants_catalog') results = list( cat.searchResults(reg_number=(reg_number, reg_number))) if results: return results[0] return None def entryExists(self, row, site): return self.getEntry(row, site) is not None def addEntry(self, obj, row, site): parent = self.getParent(row, site) parent.addApplicant(obj) #parent.__parent__.logger.info( # 'Applicant imported: %s' % obj.applicant_id) history = IObjectHistory(obj) history.addMessage(_('Application record imported')) return def delEntry(self, row, site): applicant = self.getEntry(row, site) if applicant is not None: parent = applicant.__parent__ del parent[applicant.application_number] #parent.__parent__.logger.info( # 'Applicant removed: %s' % applicant.applicant_id) pass def updateEntry(self, obj, row, site, filename): """Update obj to the values given in row. """ items_changed = '' # Remove application_number from row if empty if 'application_number' in row and row['application_number'] in ( None, IGNORE_MARKER): row.pop('application_number') # Update applicant_id fom application_number and container code # if application_number is given if 'application_number' in row: obj.applicant_id = u'%s_%s' % ( row['container_code'], row['application_number']) items_changed += ('%s=%s, ' % ('applicant_id', obj.applicant_id)) row.pop('application_number') # Update if 'password' in row: passwd = row.get('password', IGNORE_MARKER) if passwd not in ('', IGNORE_MARKER): if passwd.startswith('{SSHA}'): # already encrypted password obj.password = passwd elif passwd == DELETION_MARKER: obj.password = None else: # not yet encrypted password IUserAccount(obj).setPassword(passwd) items_changed += ('%s=%s, ' % ('password', passwd)) row.pop('password') # Replace entire history if 'history' in row: new_history = row.get('history', IGNORE_MARKER) if new_history not in (IGNORE_MARKER, ''): history = IObjectHistory(obj) history._annotations[ history.history_key] = literal_eval(new_history) items_changed += ('%s=%s, ' % ('history', new_history)) row.pop('history') # Update registration state if 'state' in row: state = row.get('state', IGNORE_MARKER) if state not in (IGNORE_MARKER, ''): IWorkflowState(obj).setState(state) msg = _("State '${a}' set", mapping = {'a':state}) history = IObjectHistory(obj) history.addMessage(msg) items_changed += ('%s=%s, ' % ('state', state)) row.pop('state') # apply other values... items_changed += super(ApplicantProcessor, self).updateEntry( obj, row, site, filename) # Log actions... parent = self.getParent(row, site) if self.getLocator(row) == 'container_code': parent.__parent__.logger.info( '%s - %s - imported: %s' % (self.name, filename, items_changed)) else: parent.__parent__.logger.info( '%s - %s - updated: %s' % (self.name, filename, items_changed)) return items_changed def getMapping(self, path, headerfields, mode): """Get a mapping from CSV file headerfields to actually used fieldnames. """ result = dict() reader = csv.reader(open(path, 'rb')) raw_header = reader.next() for num, field in enumerate(headerfields): if field not in ['applicant_id', 'reg_number'] and mode == 'remove': continue if field == u'--IGNORE--': # Skip ignored columns in failed and finished data files. continue result[raw_header[num]] = field return result def checkConversion(self, row, mode='create'): """Validates all values in row. """ iface = self.iface if self.getLocator(row) == 'reg_number' or mode == 'remove': iface = self.iface_byregnumber converter = IObjectConverter(iface) errs, inv_errs, conv_dict = converter.fromStringDict( row, self.factory_name, mode=mode) cert = conv_dict.get('course1', None) if cert is not None and (mode in ('create', 'update')): # course1 application category must match container's. site = grok.getSite() parent = self.getParent(row, site) if parent is None: errs.append(('container', 'not found')) elif cert.application_category != parent.application_category: errs.append(('course1', 'wrong application category')) if 'state' in row and \ not row['state'] in IMPORTABLE_STATES: if row['state'] not in (IGNORE_MARKER, ''): errs.append(('state','not allowed')) else: # state is an attribute of Applicant and must not # be changed if empty conv_dict['state'] = IGNORE_MARKER application_number = row.get('application_number', None) if application_number in (IGNORE_MARKER, ''): conv_dict['application_number'] = IGNORE_MARKER return errs, inv_errs, conv_dict def checkUpdateRequirements(self, obj, row, site): """Checks requirements the object must fulfill when being updated. This method is not used in case of deleting or adding objects. Returns error messages as strings in case of requirement problems. """ # Block applicant with backdoor ... if obj.state == CREATED and obj.notice != 'reset': return 'Applicant is blocked.' return None class ApplicantOnlinePaymentProcessor(BatchProcessor): """The Applicant Online Payment Processor imports applicant payment tickets. The tickets are located in the applicant container. The `checkConversion` method checks the format of the payment identifier. In create mode it does also ensures that same p_id does not exist elsewhere. It must be portal-wide unique. When adding a payment ticket, the `addEntry` method checks if a payment has already been made. If so, a `DuplicationError` is raised. """ grok.implements(IBatchProcessor) grok.provides(IBatchProcessor) grok.context(Interface) util_name = 'applicantpaymentprocessor' grok.name(util_name) name = _('ApplicantOnlinePayment Processor') iface = IApplicantOnlinePayment factory_name = 'waeup.ApplicantOnlinePayment' location_fields = ['applicant_id',] @property def available_fields(self): af = sorted(list(set( self.location_fields + getFields(self.iface).keys())) + ['p_id',]) af.remove('display_item') return af def checkHeaders(self, headerfields, mode='ignore'): super(ApplicantOnlinePaymentProcessor, self).checkHeaders(headerfields) if mode in ('update', 'remove') and not 'p_id' in headerfields: raise FatalCSVError( "Need p_id for import in update and remove modes!") return True def getMapping(self, path, headerfields, mode): """Get a mapping from CSV file headerfields to actually used fieldnames. """ result = dict() reader = unicodecsv.reader(open(path, 'rb')) raw_header = reader.next() for num, field in enumerate(headerfields): if field not in ['applicant_id', 'p_id'] and mode == 'remove': continue if field == u'--IGNORE--': continue result[raw_header[num]] = field return result def parentsExist(self, row, site): return self.getParent(row, site) is not None def getParent(self, row, site): applicant_id = row['applicant_id'] cat = queryUtility(ICatalog, name='applicants_catalog') results = list( cat.searchResults(applicant_id=(applicant_id, applicant_id))) if results: return results[0] return None def getEntry(self, row, site): applicant = self.getParent(row, site) if applicant is None: return None p_id = row.get('p_id', None) if p_id in (None, IGNORE_MARKER): return None # We can use the hash symbol at the end of p_id in import files # to avoid annoying automatic number transformation # by Excel or Calc p_id = p_id.strip('#') entry = applicant.get(p_id) return entry def entryExists(self, row, site): return self.getEntry(row, site) is not None def updateEntry(self, obj, row, site, filename): """Update obj to the values given in row. """ items_changed = super(ApplicantOnlinePaymentProcessor, self).updateEntry( obj, row, site, filename) applicant = self.getParent(row, site) applicant.__parent__.__parent__.logger.info( '%s - %s - %s - updated: %s' % (self.name, filename, applicant.applicant_id, items_changed)) return def samePaymentMade(self, applicant, category): for key in applicant.keys(): ticket = applicant[key] if ticket.p_state == 'paid' and\ ticket.p_category == category: return True return False def addEntry(self, obj, row, site): applicant = self.getParent(row, site) p_id = row['p_id'].strip('#') if not (obj.p_item and obj.p_item.startswith( 'Balance')) and self.samePaymentMade(applicant, obj.p_category): applicant.__parent__.__parent__.logger.info( '%s - %s - previous update cancelled' % (self.name, applicant.applicant_id)) raise DuplicationError('Payment has already been made.') applicant[p_id] = obj return def delEntry(self, row, site): payment = self.getEntry(row, site) applicant = self.getParent(row, site) if payment is not None: applicant.__parent__.__parent__.logger.info('%s - Payment ticket removed: %s' % (applicant.applicant_id, payment.p_id)) del applicant[payment.p_id] return def checkConversion(self, row, mode='ignore'): """Validates all values in row. """ errs, inv_errs, conv_dict = super( ApplicantOnlinePaymentProcessor, self).checkConversion(row, mode=mode) # We have to check p_id. p_id = row.get('p_id', None) if mode == 'create' and p_id in (None, IGNORE_MARKER): timestamp = ("%d" % int(time()*10000))[1:] p_id = "p%s" % timestamp conv_dict['p_id'] = p_id return errs, inv_errs, conv_dict elif p_id in (None, IGNORE_MARKER): errs.append(('p_id','missing')) return errs, inv_errs, conv_dict else: p_id = p_id.strip('#') if not len(p_id) == 14: errs.append(('p_id','invalid length')) return errs, inv_errs, conv_dict if mode == 'create': cat = getUtility(ICatalog, name='payments_catalog') results = list(cat.searchResults(p_id=(p_id, p_id))) if len(results) > 0: sids = [IPayer(payment).id for payment in results] sids_string = '' for id in sids: sids_string += '%s ' % id errs.append(('p_id','p_id exists in %s' % sids_string)) return errs, inv_errs, conv_dict return errs, inv_errs, conv_dict class ApplicantRefereeReportProcessor(BatchProcessor): """The Applicant Referee Report Processor imports applicant referee reports. The reports are located in the applicant container. """ grok.implements(IBatchProcessor) grok.provides(IBatchProcessor) grok.context(Interface) util_name = 'applicantrefereereportprocessor' grok.name(util_name) name = _('ApplicantRefereeReport Processor') iface = IApplicantRefereeReport factory_name = 'waeup.ApplicantRefereeReport' location_fields = ['applicant_id',] @property def available_fields(self): return sorted(list(set( ['r_id', 'email', 'applicant_id'] + getFields(self.iface).keys()))) def parentsExist(self, row, site): return self.getParent(row, site) is not None def getParent(self, row, site): applicant_id = row['applicant_id'] cat = queryUtility(ICatalog, name='applicants_catalog') results = list( cat.searchResults(applicant_id=(applicant_id, applicant_id))) if results: return results[0] return None def getEntry(self, row, site): parent = self.getParent(row, site) if parent is None: return None return parent.get(row['r_id']) def entryExists(self, row, site): return self.getEntry(row, site) is not None def updateEntry(self, obj, row, site, filename): """Update obj to the values given in row. """ items_changed = super(ApplicantRefereeReportProcessor, self).updateEntry( obj, row, site, filename) applicant = self.getParent(row, site) applicant.__parent__.__parent__.logger.info( '%s - %s - %s - updated: %s' % (self.name, filename, applicant.applicant_id, items_changed)) return def addEntry(self, obj, row, site): parent = self.getParent(row, site) parent[row['r_id']] = obj return def delEntry(self, row, site): report = self.getEntry(row, site) parent = self.getParent(row, site) if report is not None: parent.__parent__.__parent__.logger.info( '%s - Referee Report removed' % report.r_id) del parent[report.r_id] return