.. _application_workflow: Application Workflow ==================== For an introduction see :ref:`registration_workflow`. The already mentioned application workflow is shown here:: initialized | |a | +--+--- started ----------------------+ | | | | | | |b | | | | | | |h paid +-- processed | | | | | | i| | |c |k | | | | | | | +--- submitted ---------+ | | | | | | |d |e | | | g | | +------ admitted ----- not admitted --+ | |f | created a: start -a: n/a b: pay, approve -b: reset1 c: submit -c: reset2 d: admit -d: n/a e: refuse1 -e: n/a f: create -f: n/a g: refuse2 -g: n/a h: n/a -h: reset3 i: n/a -i: reset4 j: n/a -j: reset5 k: process -k: n/a Application starts with the creation of the applicant record, either by an anonymous user or by import. The first state is ``initialized``. After first login, the state turns to ``started`` **(a)**. Now the applicant is requested to fill the form, upload a passport picture and create a payment ticket. In contrast to student payments, making a payment and redeeming a payment is done in one step. Not only the ticket is marked ``paid``, but also the applicant is automatically set to state ``paid`` **(b)**. After successful payment the student can directly submit the application request **(c)**. Submitted records can be either sent back for editing and resubmission **(-c)**, accepted with admission confirmed **(d)** or accepted with admission refused **(e)**. Only applicant records with confirmed admission into the university can be transormed into student records. This final and **irreversible step** is accompanied by a transition to state ``created`` **(f)**. Submitted records can also be marked ``processed`` **(k)** in case the application module is used for other kinds of application processes which have nothing to do with student admission, e.g. transcript application or late payments by alumni. .. _application_history: Application History =================== All transitions are automatically logged in ``applicants.log`` and the applicant's history. And also the import of workflow states is recorded in the logfile and the history, see :ref:`student_history` for further information. This is a sample history of an applicant which passes through the application process without any complications:: 2015-06-23 08:56:23 UTC - Application initialized by Anonymous 2015-06-23 08:57:42 UTC - Application started by Demo Applicant 2015-06-23 08:59:41 UTC - Payment approved by Benny Goodman 2015-06-23 09:00:50 UTC - Application submitted by Demo Applicant 2015-06-23 09:01:13 UTC - Applicant admitted by Benny Goodman 2015-06-23 09:02:36 UTC - Student record created (K1000003) by Benny Goodman Benny Goodman is the name of an applications manager. If the workflow state is set by him by import, the following message would have been added instead:: 2015-06-23 09:01:13 UTC - State 'admitted' set by Benny Goodman Applicant histories are exportable but cannot be imported.