Installation of Kofa #################### These are generic installation instructions for the WAeUP.Kofa student information portal and customized versions thereof. For specific aspects of this package please refer to the local README file. Please note, that **only Linux-based installs** are described and actively supported. We recommend use of Debian_ / Ubuntu_. .. note:: This means we do not actively support Windows(tm)! .. contents:: Table of Contents :local: Prerequisites ************* Installing `kofa` from sources on a local system involves many steps to meet all requirements, dependencies, etc. For quick setup we provide `docker`_ based installs which ease the whole setup procedure very much. There are, however, a few things, you should be aware of. Most important: `kofa` stores persistent data on disk, in an own `var/` directory. This directory keeps all files, database data and also log files. You must keep this directory if you want to keep your data. Starting with version 1.8, each release of `kofa` contains a `Dockerfile` in the sources root. You can use this file to build a dockerized version of `kofa`. But you can also use this file as a reference, how to build `kofa` from sources. Good to know and very important if you want to install the manual way: The Kofa packages are based on `Grok`_, which is a Python_ framework for agile web application development. Grok_ itself is based on `Zope`_. Both, Grok_ and Zope_, are written in the `Python`_ programming language (with parts written in C). For a source install you therefore have to have `Python`_ installed (including `Python`_ headers) in version 2.7 (Python 3.x is currently not supported). If you want to install using `docker` you of course need `docker` installed on your system. Please refer to your system documentation or to for details. Quick Install (dockerized) ************************** The Dockerfiles contained in our releases fetch sources from the central Python package repository ``. Visit the Dockerfile to learn, how you can build kofa from a local source tree. Go to the directory with the `Dockerfile` (we assume here, it is called `waeup.kofa`):: $ cd waeup.kofa You might want to create a `var/` directory to keep the persisted data later:: $ mkdir var/ Build `kofa` and tag the build, so you can tell different versions apart later on:: $ docker build -t kofa:latest . Please note the separated dot at the end of the command. Replace `kofa:latest` with any tag you find useful. Usual alternative tags would be: `kofa:1.8.1.dev0` or similar. But also `mybuild:foo` or just `mybuild` are valid tags. This command will take a lot of time and will perform all the steps, you would need to do to install `kofa` natively. If all works well, you can start a new `kofa` instance in foreground like this:: $ docker run --rm -it -p 8080:8080 -v kofadata1:/home/kofa/waeup.kofa/var kofa:latest Use the tag you picked before (here: `kofa:latest`) and connect to the running instance https://localhost:8080/ Your username and password will be `grok` and `grok`. Enter the credentials (username 'grok', password 'grok' by default) and name and add a `University`. Congratulations, you got Kofa running. What else can I do with `kofa` and Docker? ****************************************** Some remarks about the last `docker` command: `-v kofadata1:/home/kofa/waeup.kofa` keeps a persistent volume named `kofadata1` on your host. You do not have to know where this volume resides on your machine (while you can, if you insist). The containers using this volume can be discarded after use and you can of course keep multiple volumes in parallel on your system. You can stop the instance running in foreground pressing `CTRL-C`. Passing `--rm` to `docker` means to dispose a container after it stopped. Run `kofa` daemonized: ********************** If you want to run `kofa` daemonized, use this:: $ docker run --rm -d -p 8080:8080 -v kofadata1:/home/kofa/waeup.kofa/var kofa:latest Instead of interactive (`-it`) we now use daemonized mode (`-d`). We also tunnel the containers port 8080 to our hosts port 8080 because otherwise we could not reach `kofa`. For security reasons it binds to containers localhost address by default. You can stop this instance with:: $ docker stop kofa:latest which will stop and destroy the running container. If you create a new container with the same volume data, all objects from the last run should be visible and usable. Enter the `kofa` filesystem inside container ******************************************** If an instance is running, you can enter the filesystem with for instance: $ docker run --rm -it -v kofadata1:/home/kofa/waeup.kofa/var kofa:latest /bin/bash which will drop you into a shell inside the container. Your system credentials are by default `kofa` and `kofa`. Copy data in and out of the container ************************************* For backups etc. it is essential that you can copy data from or to the container. To do this, we mount a second local directory into the container and use that for transmitting data: $ mkdir mybackup $ docker run --rm -it -v kofadata1:/home/kofa/waeup.kofa/var -v `pwd`/mybackup:/data kofa:latest cp -ar /home/kofa/waeup.kofa/var /mybackup which will copy the whole container-internal `var/`-directory into our local `mybackup` dir. How to start/stop `kofa` when running the native setup ****************************************************** ## startup Kofa in foreground $ bin/kofactl fg # press CTRL-D to stop the kofa server ## startup Kofa in background $ bin/kofactl start $ bin/kofactl status # check status, running or not $ bin/kofactl stop # stop running instance (also 'restart' possible) That should start you. Have fun with Kofa! .. _Debian: .. _docker: https:// .. _Grok: .. _Python: .. _Subversion: .. _Ubuntu: .. _virtualenv: .. _WAeUP: .. _Zope: .. _zc.buildout: