source: main/waeup.kofa/branches/uli-py3/src/waeup/kofa/students/ @ 17350

Last change on this file since 17350 was 16034, checked in by Henrik Bettermann, 5 years ago

trimmedpayments is a student data exporter.

  • Property svn:keywords set to Id
File size: 51.6 KB
1## $Id: 16034 2020-03-10 21:39:00Z henrik $
3## Copyright (C) 2011 Uli Fouquet & Henrik Bettermann
4## This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
5## it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
6## the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
7## (at your option) any later version.
9## This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
10## but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
12## GNU General Public License for more details.
14## You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
15## along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
16## Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
18"""General helper functions and utilities for the students section.
20import grok
21import textwrap
22from cgi import escape
23from time import time
24from cStringIO import StringIO
25from reportlab.lib import colors
26from reportlab.lib.units import cm
27from reportlab.lib.pagesizes import A4
28from reportlab.lib.styles import getSampleStyleSheet
29from reportlab.platypus import Paragraph, Image, Table, Spacer
30from reportlab.platypus.doctemplate import LayoutError
31from reportlab.platypus.flowables import PageBreak
32from zope.event import notify
33from zope.schema.interfaces import ConstraintNotSatisfied
34from zope.component import getUtility, createObject, queryUtility
35from zope.catalog.interfaces import ICatalog
36from zope.formlib.form import setUpEditWidgets
37from zope.i18n import translate
38from waeup.kofa.interfaces import (
40    academic_sessions_vocab, IFileStoreNameChooser)
41from waeup.kofa.interfaces import MessageFactory as _
42from waeup.kofa.students.interfaces import IStudentsUtils
43from waeup.kofa.students.workflow import ADMITTED
44from waeup.kofa.students.vocabularies import StudyLevelSource, MatNumNotInSource
45from waeup.kofa.browser.pdf import (
47    get_signature_tables, get_qrcode)
48from waeup.kofa.browser.interfaces import IPDFCreator
49from waeup.kofa.utils.helpers import to_timezone
52    ('VALIGN',(0,0),(-1,-1),'TOP'),
53    #('FONT', (0,0), (-1,-1), 'Helvetica', 11),
54    ]
57    ('VALIGN',(0,0),(-1,-1),'TOP'),
58    #('FONT', (0,0), (-1,-1), 'Helvetica', 8),
59    #('TEXTCOLOR',(0,0),(-1,0),colors.white),
60    #('BACKGROUND',(0,0),(-1,0),,
61    ('INNERGRID', (0,0), (-1,-1), 0.25,,
62    ('BOX', (0,0), (-1,-1), 1,,
63    ]
65FONT_SIZE = 10
66FONT_COLOR = 'black'
68def trans(text, lang):
69    # shortcut
70    return translate(text, 'waeup.kofa', target_language=lang)
72def formatted_text(text, color=FONT_COLOR, lang='en'):
73    """Turn `text`, `color` and `size` into an HTML snippet.
75    The snippet is suitable for use with reportlab and generating PDFs.
76    Wraps the `text` into a ``<font>`` tag with passed attributes.
78    Also non-strings are converted. Raw strings are expected to be
79    utf-8 encoded (usually the case for widgets etc.).
81    Finally, a br tag is added if widgets contain div tags
82    which are not supported by reportlab.
84    The returned snippet is unicode type.
85    """
86    if not isinstance(text, unicode):
87        if isinstance(text, basestring):
88            text = text.decode('utf-8')
89        else:
90            text = unicode(text)
91    if text == 'None':
92        text = ''
93    # Very long matriculation numbers need to be wrapped
94    if text.find(' ') == -1 and len(text.split('/')) > 6:
95        text = '/'.join(text.split('/')[:5]) + \
96            '/ ' + '/'.join(text.split('/')[5:])
97    # Mainly for boolean values we need our customized
98    # localisation of the zope domain
99    text = translate(text, 'zope', target_language=lang)
100    text = text.replace('</div>', '<br /></div>')
101    tag1 = u'<font color="%s">' % (color)
102    return tag1 + u'%s</font>' % text
104def generate_student_id():
105    students = grok.getSite()['students']
106    new_id = students.unique_student_id
107    return new_id
109def set_up_widgets(view, ignore_request=False):
110    view.adapters = {}
111    view.widgets = setUpEditWidgets(
112        view.form_fields, view.prefix, view.context, view.request,
113        adapters=view.adapters, for_display=True,
114        ignore_request=ignore_request
115        )
117def render_student_data(studentview, context, omit_fields=(),
118                        lang='en', slipname=None, no_passport=False):
119    """Render student table for an existing frame.
120    """
121    width, height = A4
122    set_up_widgets(studentview, ignore_request=True)
123    data_left = []
124    data_middle = []
125    style = getSampleStyleSheet()
126    img = getUtility(IExtFileStore).getFileByContext(
127        studentview.context, attr='passport.jpg')
128    if img is None:
129        from waeup.kofa.browser import DEFAULT_PASSPORT_IMAGE_PATH
130        img = open(DEFAULT_PASSPORT_IMAGE_PATH, 'rb')
131    doc_img = Image(, width=4*cm, height=4*cm, kind='bound')
132    data_left.append([doc_img])
133    #data.append([Spacer(1, 12)])
135    f_label = trans(_('Name:'), lang)
136    f_label = Paragraph(f_label, ENTRY1_STYLE)
137    f_text = formatted_text(studentview.context.display_fullname)
138    f_text = Paragraph(f_text, ENTRY1_STYLE)
139    data_middle.append([f_label,f_text])
141    for widget in studentview.widgets:
142        if 'name' in
143            continue
144        f_label = translate(
145            widget.label.strip(), 'waeup.kofa',
146            target_language=lang)
147        f_label = Paragraph('%s:' % f_label, ENTRY1_STYLE)
148        f_text = formatted_text(widget(), lang=lang)
149        f_text = Paragraph(f_text, ENTRY1_STYLE)
150        data_middle.append([f_label,f_text])
152    if getattr(studentview.context, 'certcode', None):
153        if not 'certificate' in omit_fields:
154            f_label = trans(_('Study Course:'), lang)
155            f_label = Paragraph(f_label, ENTRY1_STYLE)
156            f_text = formatted_text(
157                studentview.context['studycourse'].certificate.longtitle)
158            f_text = Paragraph(f_text, ENTRY1_STYLE)
159            data_middle.append([f_label,f_text])
160        if not 'department' in omit_fields:
161            f_label = trans(_('Department:'), lang)
162            f_label = Paragraph(f_label, ENTRY1_STYLE)
163            f_text = formatted_text(
164                studentview.context[
165                'studycourse'].certificate.__parent__.__parent__.longtitle,
166                )
167            f_text = Paragraph(f_text, ENTRY1_STYLE)
168            data_middle.append([f_label,f_text])
169        if not 'faculty' in omit_fields:
170            f_label = trans(_('Faculty:'), lang)
171            f_label = Paragraph(f_label, ENTRY1_STYLE)
172            f_text = formatted_text(
173                studentview.context[
174                'studycourse'].certificate.__parent__.__parent__.__parent__.longtitle,
175                )
176            f_text = Paragraph(f_text, ENTRY1_STYLE)
177            data_middle.append([f_label,f_text])
178        if not 'current_mode' in omit_fields:
179            studymodes_dict = getUtility(IKofaUtils).STUDY_MODES_DICT
180            sm = studymodes_dict[studentview.context.current_mode]
181            f_label = trans(_('Study Mode:'), lang)
182            f_label = Paragraph(f_label, ENTRY1_STYLE)
183            f_text = formatted_text(sm)
184            f_text = Paragraph(f_text, ENTRY1_STYLE)
185            data_middle.append([f_label,f_text])
186        if not 'entry_session' in omit_fields:
187            f_label = trans(_('Entry Session:'), lang)
188            f_label = Paragraph(f_label, ENTRY1_STYLE)
189            entry_session = studentview.context.entry_session
190            try:
191                entry_session = academic_sessions_vocab.getTerm(
192                    entry_session).title
193            except LookupError:
194                entry_session = _('void')
195            f_text = formatted_text(entry_session)
196            f_text = Paragraph(f_text, ENTRY1_STYLE)
197            data_middle.append([f_label,f_text])
198        # Requested by Uniben, does not really make sense
199        if not 'current_level' in omit_fields:
200            f_label = trans(_('Current Level:'), lang)
201            f_label = Paragraph(f_label, ENTRY1_STYLE)
202            current_level = studentview.context['studycourse'].current_level
203            studylevelsource = StudyLevelSource().factory
204            current_level = studylevelsource.getTitle(
205                studentview.context, current_level)
206            f_text = formatted_text(current_level)
207            f_text = Paragraph(f_text, ENTRY1_STYLE)
208            data_middle.append([f_label,f_text])
209        if not 'date_of_birth' in omit_fields:
210            f_label = trans(_('Date of Birth:'), lang)
211            f_label = Paragraph(f_label, ENTRY1_STYLE)
212            date_of_birth = studentview.context.date_of_birth
213            tz = getUtility(IKofaUtils).tzinfo
214            date_of_birth = to_timezone(date_of_birth, tz)
215            if date_of_birth is not None:
216                date_of_birth = date_of_birth.strftime("%d/%m/%Y")
217            f_text = formatted_text(date_of_birth)
218            f_text = Paragraph(f_text, ENTRY1_STYLE)
219            data_middle.append([f_label,f_text])
221    if no_passport:
222        table = Table(data_middle,style=SLIP_STYLE)
223        table.hAlign = 'LEFT'
224        return table
226    # append QR code to the right
227    if slipname:
228        url = studentview.url(context, slipname)
229        data_right = [[get_qrcode(url, width=70.0)]]
230        table_right = Table(data_right,style=SLIP_STYLE)
231    else:
232        table_right = None
234    table_left = Table(data_left,style=SLIP_STYLE)
235    table_middle = Table(data_middle,style=SLIP_STYLE, colWidths=[5*cm, 5*cm])
236    table = Table([[table_left, table_middle, table_right],],style=SLIP_STYLE)
237    return table
239def render_table_data(tableheader, tabledata, lang='en'):
240    """Render children table for an existing frame.
241    """
242    data = []
243    #data.append([Spacer(1, 12)])
244    line = []
245    style = getSampleStyleSheet()
246    for element in tableheader:
247        field = '<strong>%s</strong>' % formatted_text(element[0], lang=lang)
248        field = Paragraph(field, style["Normal"])
249        line.append(field)
250    data.append(line)
251    for ticket in tabledata:
252        line = []
253        for element in tableheader:
254              field = formatted_text(getattr(ticket,element[1],u' '))
255              field = Paragraph(field, style["Normal"])
256              line.append(field)
257        data.append(line)
258    table = Table(data,colWidths=[
259        element[2]*cm for element in tableheader], style=CONTENT_STYLE)
260    return table
262def render_transcript_data(view, tableheader, levels_data, lang='en'):
263    """Render children table for an existing frame.
264    """
265    data = []
266    style = getSampleStyleSheet()
267    format_float = getUtility(IKofaUtils).format_float
268    for level in levels_data:
269        level_obj = level['level']
270        tickets = level['tickets_1'] + level['tickets_2'] + level['tickets_3']
271        headerline = []
272        tabledata = []
273        if 'evel' in view.level_dict.get('ticket.level', str(level_obj.level)):
274            subheader = '%s %s, %s' % (
275                trans(_('Session'), lang),
276                view.session_dict[level_obj.level_session],
277                view.level_dict.get('ticket.level', str(level_obj.level)))
278        else:
279            subheader = '%s %s, %s %s' % (
280                trans(_('Session'), lang),
281                view.session_dict[level_obj.level_session],
282                trans(_('Level'), lang),
283                view.level_dict.get(level_obj.level, str(level_obj.level)))
284        data.append(Paragraph(subheader, HEADING_STYLE))
285        for element in tableheader:
286            field = '<strong>%s</strong>' % formatted_text(element[0])
287            field = Paragraph(field, style["Normal"])
288            headerline.append(field)
289        tabledata.append(headerline)
290        for ticket in tickets:
291            ticketline = []
292            for element in tableheader:
293                  field = formatted_text(getattr(ticket,element[1],u' '))
294                  field = Paragraph(field, style["Normal"])
295                  ticketline.append(field)
296            tabledata.append(ticketline)
297        table = Table(tabledata,colWidths=[
298            element[2]*cm for element in tableheader], style=CONTENT_STYLE)
299        data.append(table)
300        sgpa = format_float(level['sgpa'], 2)
301        sgpa = '%s: %s' % (trans('Sessional GPA (rectified)', lang), sgpa)
302        #sgpa = '%s: %.2f' % (trans('Sessional GPA (rectified)', lang), level['sgpa'])
303        data.append(Paragraph(sgpa, style["Normal"]))
304        if getattr(level_obj, 'transcript_remark', None):
305            remark = '%s: %s' % (
306                trans('Transcript Remark', lang),
307                getattr(level_obj, 'transcript_remark'))
308            data.append(Paragraph(remark, style["Normal"]))
309    return data
311def docs_as_flowables(view, lang='en'):
312    """Create reportlab flowables out of scanned docs.
313    """
314    # XXX: fix circular import problem
315    from waeup.kofa.browser.fileviewlets import FileManager
316    from waeup.kofa.browser import DEFAULT_IMAGE_PATH
317    style = getSampleStyleSheet()
318    data = []
320    # Collect viewlets
321    fm = FileManager(view.context, view.request, view)
322    fm.update()
323    if fm.viewlets:
324        sc_translation = trans(_('Scanned Documents'), lang)
325        data.append(Paragraph(sc_translation, HEADING_STYLE))
326        # Insert list of scanned documents
327        table_data = []
328        for viewlet in fm.viewlets:
329            if viewlet.file_exists:
330                # Show viewlet only if file exists
331                f_label = Paragraph(trans(viewlet.label, lang), ENTRY1_STYLE)
332                img_path = getattr(getUtility(IExtFileStore).getFileByContext(
333                    view.context, attr=viewlet.download_name), 'name', None)
334                #f_text = Paragraph(trans(_('(not provided)'),lang), ENTRY1_STYLE)
335                if img_path is None:
336                    pass
337                elif not img_path[-4:] in ('.jpg', '.JPG'):
338                    # reportlab requires jpg images, I think.
339                    f_text = Paragraph('%s (not displayable)' % (
340                        viewlet.title,), ENTRY1_STYLE)
341                else:
342                    f_text = Image(img_path, width=2*cm, height=1*cm, kind='bound')
343                table_data.append([f_label, f_text])
344        if table_data:
345            # safety belt; empty tables lead to problems.
346            data.append(Table(table_data, style=SLIP_STYLE))
347    return data
349class StudentsUtils(grok.GlobalUtility):
350    """A collection of methods subject to customization.
351    """
352    grok.implements(IStudentsUtils)
354    def getReturningData(self, student):
355        """ Define what happens after school fee payment
356        depending on the student's senate verdict.
357        In the base configuration current level is always increased
358        by 100 no matter which verdict has been assigned.
359        """
360        new_level = student['studycourse'].current_level + 100
361        new_session = student['studycourse'].current_session + 1
362        return new_session, new_level
364    def setReturningData(self, student):
365        """ Define what happens after school fee payment
366        depending on the student's senate verdict.
367        This method folllows the same algorithm as `getReturningData` but
368        it also sets the new values.
369        """
370        new_session, new_level = self.getReturningData(student)
371        try:
372            student['studycourse'].current_level = new_level
373        except ConstraintNotSatisfied:
374            # Do not change level if level exceeds the
375            # certificate's end_level.
376            pass
377        student['studycourse'].current_session = new_session
378        verdict = student['studycourse'].current_verdict
379        student['studycourse'].current_verdict = '0'
380        student['studycourse'].previous_verdict = verdict
381        return
383    def _getSessionConfiguration(self, session):
384        try:
385            return grok.getSite()['configuration'][str(session)]
386        except KeyError:
387            return None
389    def _isPaymentDisabled(self, p_session, category, student):
390        academic_session = self._getSessionConfiguration(p_session)
391        if category == 'schoolfee' and \
392            'sf_all' in academic_session.payment_disabled:
393            return True
394        return False
396    def samePaymentMade(self, student, category, p_item, p_session):
397        for key in student['payments'].keys():
398            ticket = student['payments'][key]
399            if ticket.p_state == 'paid' and\
400               ticket.p_category == category and \
401               ticket.p_item == p_item and \
402               ticket.p_session == p_session:
403                  return True
404        return False
406    def setPaymentDetails(self, category, student,
407            previous_session, previous_level, combi=[]):
408        """Create a payment ticket and set the payment data of a
409        student for the payment category specified.
410        """
411        p_item = u''
412        amount = 0.0
413        if previous_session:
414            if previous_session < student['studycourse'].entry_session:
415                return _('The previous session must not fall below '
416                         'your entry session.'), None
417            if category == 'schoolfee':
418                # School fee is always paid for the following session
419                if previous_session > student['studycourse'].current_session:
420                    return _('This is not a previous session.'), None
421            else:
422                if previous_session > student['studycourse'].current_session - 1:
423                    return _('This is not a previous session.'), None
424            p_session = previous_session
425            p_level = previous_level
426            p_current = False
427        else:
428            p_session = student['studycourse'].current_session
429            p_level = student['studycourse'].current_level
430            p_current = True
431        academic_session = self._getSessionConfiguration(p_session)
432        if academic_session == None:
433            return _(u'Session configuration object is not available.'), None
434        # Determine fee.
435        if category == 'schoolfee':
436            try:
437                certificate = student['studycourse'].certificate
438                p_item = certificate.code
439            except (AttributeError, TypeError):
440                return _('Study course data are incomplete.'), None
441            if previous_session:
442                # Students can pay for previous sessions in all
443                # workflow states.  Fresh students are excluded by the
444                # update method of the PreviousPaymentAddFormPage.
445                if previous_level == 100:
446                    amount = getattr(certificate, 'school_fee_1', 0.0)
447                else:
448                    amount = getattr(certificate, 'school_fee_2', 0.0)
449            else:
450                if student.state == CLEARED:
451                    amount = getattr(certificate, 'school_fee_1', 0.0)
452                elif student.state == RETURNING:
453                    # In case of returning school fee payment the
454                    # payment session and level contain the values of
455                    # the session the student has paid for. Payment
456                    # session is always next session.
457                    p_session, p_level = self.getReturningData(student)
458                    academic_session = self._getSessionConfiguration(p_session)
459                    if academic_session == None:
460                        return _(
461                            u'Session configuration object is not available.'
462                            ), None
463                    amount = getattr(certificate, 'school_fee_2', 0.0)
464                elif student.is_postgrad and student.state == PAID:
465                    # Returning postgraduate students also pay for the
466                    # next session but their level always remains the
467                    # same.
468                    p_session += 1
469                    academic_session = self._getSessionConfiguration(p_session)
470                    if academic_session == None:
471                        return _(
472                            u'Session configuration object is not available.'
473                            ), None
474                    amount = getattr(certificate, 'school_fee_2', 0.0)
475        elif category == 'clearance':
476            try:
477                p_item = student['studycourse'].certificate.code
478            except (AttributeError, TypeError):
479                return _('Study course data are incomplete.'), None
480            amount = academic_session.clearance_fee
481        elif category == 'bed_allocation':
482            p_item = self.getAccommodationDetails(student)['bt']
483            amount = academic_session.booking_fee
484        elif category == 'hostel_maintenance':
485            amount = 0.0
486            bedticket = student['accommodation'].get(
487                str(student.current_session), None)
488            if bedticket is not None and bedticket.bed is not None:
489                p_item = bedticket.bed_coordinates
490                if bedticket.bed.__parent__.maint_fee > 0:
491                    amount = bedticket.bed.__parent__.maint_fee
492                else:
493                    # fallback
494                    amount = academic_session.maint_fee
495            else:
496                return _(u'No bed allocated.'), None
497        elif category == 'combi' and combi:
498            categories = getUtility(IKofaUtils).COMBI_PAYMENT_CATEGORIES
499            for cat in combi:
500                fee_name = cat + '_fee'
501                cat_amount = getattr(academic_session, fee_name, 0.0)
502                if not cat_amount:
503                    return _('%s undefined.' % categories[cat]), None
504                amount += cat_amount
505                p_item += u'%s + ' % categories[cat]
506            p_item = p_item.strip(' + ')
507        else:
508            fee_name = category + '_fee'
509            amount = getattr(academic_session, fee_name, 0.0)
510        if amount in (0.0, None):
511            return _('Amount could not be determined.'), None
512        if self.samePaymentMade(student, category, p_item, p_session):
513            return _('This type of payment has already been made.'), None
514        if self._isPaymentDisabled(p_session, category, student):
515            return _('This category of payments has been disabled.'), None
516        payment = createObject(u'waeup.StudentOnlinePayment')
517        timestamp = ("%d" % int(time()*10000))[1:]
518        payment.p_id = "p%s" % timestamp
519        payment.p_category = category
520        payment.p_item = p_item
521        payment.p_session = p_session
522        payment.p_level = p_level
523        payment.p_current = p_current
524        payment.amount_auth = amount
525        payment.p_combi = combi
526        return None, payment
528    def setBalanceDetails(self, category, student,
529            balance_session, balance_level, balance_amount):
530        """Create a balance payment ticket and set the payment data
531        as selected by the student.
532        """
533        p_item = u'Balance'
534        p_session = balance_session
535        p_level = balance_level
536        p_current = False
537        amount = balance_amount
538        academic_session = self._getSessionConfiguration(p_session)
539        if academic_session == None:
540            return _(u'Session configuration object is not available.'), None
541        if amount in (0.0, None) or amount < 0:
542            return _('Amount must be greater than 0.'), None
543        payment = createObject(u'waeup.StudentOnlinePayment')
544        timestamp = ("%d" % int(time()*10000))[1:]
545        payment.p_id = "p%s" % timestamp
546        payment.p_category = category
547        payment.p_item = p_item
548        payment.p_session = p_session
549        payment.p_level = p_level
550        payment.p_current = p_current
551        payment.amount_auth = amount
552        return None, payment
554    def increaseMatricInteger(self, student):
555        """Increase counter for matric numbers.
556        This counter can be a centrally stored attribute or an attribute of
557        faculties, departments or certificates. In the base package the counter
558        is as an attribute of the site configuration container.
559        """
560        grok.getSite()['configuration'].next_matric_integer += 1
561        return
563    def constructMatricNumber(self, student):
564        """Fetch the matric number counter which fits the student and
565        construct the new matric number of the student.
566        In the base package the counter is returned which is as an attribute
567        of the site configuration container.
568        """
569        next_integer = grok.getSite()['configuration'].next_matric_integer
570        if next_integer == 0:
571            return _('Matriculation number cannot be set.'), None
572        return None, unicode(next_integer)
574    def setMatricNumber(self, student):
575        """Set matriculation number of student. If the student's matric number
576        is unset a new matric number is
577        constructed according to the matriculation number construction rules
578        defined in the `constructMatricNumber` method. The new matric number is
579        set, the students catalog updated. The corresponding matric number
580        counter is increased by one.
582        This method is tested but not used in the base package. It can
583        be used in custom packages by adding respective views
584        and by customizing `increaseMatricInteger` and `constructMatricNumber`
585        according to the university's matriculation number construction rules.
587        The method can be disabled by setting the counter to zero.
588        """
589        if student.matric_number is not None:
590            return _('Matriculation number already set.'), None
591        if student.certcode is None:
592            return _('No certificate assigned.'), None
593        error, matric_number = self.constructMatricNumber(student)
594        if error:
595            return error, None
596        try:
597            student.matric_number = matric_number
598        except MatNumNotInSource:
599            return _('Matriculation number %s exists.' % matric_number), None
600        notify(grok.ObjectModifiedEvent(student))
601        self.increaseMatricInteger(student)
602        return None, matric_number
604    def getAccommodationDetails(self, student):
605        """Determine the accommodation data of a student.
606        """
607        d = {}
608        d['error'] = u''
609        hostels = grok.getSite()['hostels']
610        d['booking_session'] = hostels.accommodation_session
611        d['allowed_states'] = hostels.accommodation_states
612        d['startdate'] = hostels.startdate
613        d['enddate'] = hostels.enddate
614        d['expired'] = hostels.expired
615        # Determine bed type
616        studycourse = student['studycourse']
617        certificate = getattr(studycourse,'certificate',None)
618        entry_session = studycourse.entry_session
619        current_level = studycourse.current_level
620        if None in (entry_session, current_level, certificate):
621            return d
622        end_level = certificate.end_level
623        if current_level == 10:
624            bt = 'pr'
625        elif entry_session == grok.getSite()['hostels'].accommodation_session:
626            bt = 'fr'
627        elif current_level >= end_level:
628            bt = 'fi'
629        else:
630            bt = 're'
631        if == 'f':
632            sex = 'female'
633        else:
634            sex = 'male'
635        special_handling = 'regular'
636        d['bt'] = u'%s_%s_%s' % (special_handling,sex,bt)
637        return d
639    def checkAccommodationRequirements(self, student, acc_details):
640        if acc_details.get('expired', False):
641            startdate = acc_details.get('startdate')
642            enddate = acc_details.get('enddate')
643            if startdate and enddate:
644                tz = getUtility(IKofaUtils).tzinfo
645                startdate = to_timezone(
646                    startdate, tz).strftime("%d/%m/%Y %H:%M:%S")
647                enddate = to_timezone(
648                    enddate, tz).strftime("%d/%m/%Y %H:%M:%S")
649                return _("Outside booking period: ${a} - ${b}",
650                         mapping = {'a': startdate, 'b': enddate})
651            else:
652                return _("Outside booking period.")
653        if not acc_details.get('bt'):
654            return _("Your data are incomplete.")
655        if not student.state in acc_details['allowed_states']:
656            return _("You are in the wrong registration state.")
657        if student['studycourse'].current_session != acc_details[
658            'booking_session']:
659            return _('Your current session does not '
660                     'match accommodation session.')
661        bsession = str(acc_details['booking_session'])
662        if bsession in student['accommodation'].keys() \
663            and not 'booking expired' in \
664            student['accommodation'][bsession].bed_coordinates:
665            return _('You already booked a bed space in '
666                     'current accommodation session.')
667        return
669    def selectBed(self, available_beds):
670        """Select a bed from a filtered list of available beds.
671        In the base configuration beds are sorted by the sort id
672        of the hostel and the bed number. The first bed found in
673        this sorted list is taken.
674        """
675        sorted_beds = sorted(available_beds,
676                key=lambda bed: 1000 * bed.__parent__.sort_id + bed.bed_number)
677        return sorted_beds[0]
679    def GPABoundaries(self, faccode=None, depcode=None, certcode=None):
680        return ((1, 'Fail'),
681               (1.5, 'Pass'),
682               (2.4, '3rd Class'),
683               (3.5, '2nd Class Lower'),
684               (4.5, '2nd Class Upper'),
685               (5, '1st Class'))
687    def getClassFromCGPA(self, gpa, student):
688        """Determine the class of degree. In some custom packages
689        this class depends on e.g. the entry session of the student. In the
690        base package, it does not.
691        """
692        if gpa < self.GPABoundaries()[0][0]:
693            return 0, self.GPABoundaries()[0][1]
694        if gpa < self.GPABoundaries()[1][0]:
695            return 1, self.GPABoundaries()[1][1]
696        if gpa < self.GPABoundaries()[2][0]:
697            return 2, self.GPABoundaries()[2][1]
698        if gpa < self.GPABoundaries()[3][0]:
699            return 3, self.GPABoundaries()[3][1]
700        if gpa < self.GPABoundaries()[4][0]:
701            return 4, self.GPABoundaries()[4][1]
702        if gpa <= self.GPABoundaries()[5][0]:
703            return 5, self.GPABoundaries()[5][1]
704        return
706    def getDegreeClassNumber(self, level_obj):
707        """Get degree class number (used for SessionResultsPresentation
708        reports).
709        """
710        if level_obj.gpa_params[1] == 0:
711            # No credits weighted
712            return 6
713        return self.getClassFromCGPA(
714            level_obj.cumulative_params[0], level_obj.student)[0]
716    def _saveTranscriptPDF(self, student, transcript):
717        """Create a transcript PDF file and store it in student folder.
718        """
719        file_store = getUtility(IExtFileStore)
720        file_id = IFileStoreNameChooser(student).chooseName(
721            attr="final_transcript.pdf")
722        file_store.createFile(file_id, StringIO(transcript))
723        return
725    def warnCreditsOOR(self, studylevel, course=None):
726        """Return message if credits are out of range. In the base
727        package only maximum credits is set.
728        """
729        if course and studylevel.total_credits + course.credits > 50:
730            return _('Maximum credits exceeded.')
731        elif studylevel.total_credits > 50:
732            return _('Maximum credits exceeded.')
733        return
735    def warnCourseAlreadyPassed(self, studylevel, course):
736        """Return message if course has already been passed at
737        previous levels.
738        """
739        for slevel in studylevel.__parent__.values():
740            for cticket in slevel.values():
741                if cticket.code == course.code \
742                    and cticket.total_score >= cticket.passmark:
743                    return _('Course has already been passed at previous level.')
744        return False
746    def getBedCoordinates(self, bedticket):
747        """Return descriptive bed coordinates.
748        This method can be used to customize the `display_coordinates`
749        property method in order to  display a
750        customary description of the bed space.
751        """
752        return bedticket.bed_coordinates
754    def clearance_disabled_message(self, student):
755        """Render message if clearance is disabled.
756        """
757        try:
758            session_config = grok.getSite()[
759                'configuration'][str(student.current_session)]
760        except KeyError:
761            return _('Session configuration object is not available.')
762        if not session_config.clearance_enabled:
763            return _('Clearance is disabled for this session.')
764        return None
766    def getPDFCreator(self, context):
767        """Get a pdf creator suitable for `context`.
768        The default implementation always returns the default creator.
769        """
770        return getUtility(IPDFCreator)
772    def renderPDF(self, view, filename='slip.pdf', student=None,
773                  studentview=None,
774                  tableheader=[], tabledata=[],
775                  note=None, signatures=None, sigs_in_footer=(),
776                  show_scans=True, topMargin=1.5,
777                  omit_fields=()):
778        """Render pdf slips for various pages (also some pages
779        in the applicants module).
780        """
781        portal_language = getUtility(IKofaUtils).PORTAL_LANGUAGE
782        # XXX: tell what the different parameters mean
783        style = getSampleStyleSheet()
784        creator = self.getPDFCreator(student)
785        data = []
786        doc_title = view.label
787        author = '%s (%s)' % (view.request.principal.title,
789        footer_text = view.label.split('\n')
790        if len(footer_text) > 1:
791            # We can add a department in first line, second line is used
792            footer_text = footer_text[1]
793        else:
794            # Only the first line is used for the footer
795            footer_text = footer_text[0]
796        if getattr(student, 'student_id', None) is not None:
797            footer_text = "%s - %s - " % (student.student_id, footer_text)
799        # Insert student data table
800        if student is not None:
801            if view.form_fields:
802                bd_translation = trans(_('Base Data'), portal_language)
803                data.append(Paragraph(bd_translation, HEADING_STYLE))
804            data.append(render_student_data(
805                studentview, view.context, omit_fields, lang=portal_language,
806                slipname=filename))
808        # Insert widgets
809        if view.form_fields:
810            data.append(Paragraph(view.title, HEADING_STYLE))
811            separators = getattr(self, 'SEPARATORS_DICT', {})
812            table = creator.getWidgetsTable(
813                view.form_fields, view.context, None, lang=portal_language,
814                separators=separators)
815            data.append(table)
817        # Insert scanned docs
818        if show_scans:
819            data.extend(docs_as_flowables(view, portal_language))
821        # Insert history
822        if filename == 'clearance_slip.pdf':
823            hist_translation = trans(_('Workflow History'), portal_language)
824            data.append(Paragraph(hist_translation, HEADING_STYLE))
825            data.extend(creator.fromStringList(student.history.messages))
827        # Insert content tables (optionally on second page)
828        if hasattr(view, 'tabletitle'):
829            for i in range(len(view.tabletitle)):
830                if tabledata[i] and tableheader[i]:
831                    tabletitle = view.tabletitle[i]
832                    if tabletitle.startswith('_PB_'):
833                        data.append(PageBreak())
834                        tabletitle = view.tabletitle[i].strip('_PB_')
835                    #data.append(Spacer(1, 20))
836                    data.append(Paragraph(tabletitle, HEADING_STYLE))
837                    data.append(Spacer(1, 8))
838                    contenttable = render_table_data(tableheader[i],tabledata[i])
839                    data.append(contenttable)
841        # Insert signatures
842        # XXX: We are using only sigs_in_footer in waeup.kofa, so we
843        # do not have a test for the following lines.
844        if signatures and not sigs_in_footer:
845            data.append(Spacer(1, 20))
846            # Render one signature table per signature to
847            # get date and signature in line.
848            for signature in signatures:
849                signaturetables = get_signature_tables(signature)
850                data.append(signaturetables[0])
852        view.response.setHeader(
853            'Content-Type', 'application/pdf')
854        try:
855            pdf_stream = creator.create_pdf(
856                data, None, doc_title, author=author, footer=footer_text,
857                note=note, sigs_in_footer=sigs_in_footer, topMargin=topMargin)
858        except IOError:
859            view.flash('Error in image file.')
860            return view.redirect(view.url(view.context))
861        except LayoutError, err:
862            view.flash(
863                'PDF file could not be created. Reportlab error message: %s'
864                % escape(err.message),
865                type="danger")
866            return view.redirect(view.url(view.context))
867        return pdf_stream
869    def _admissionText(self, student, portal_language):
870        inst_name = grok.getSite()['configuration'].name
871        text = trans(_(
872            'This is to inform you that you have been provisionally'
873            ' admitted into ${a} as follows:', mapping = {'a': inst_name}),
874            portal_language)
875        return text
877    def renderPDFAdmissionLetter(self, view, student=None, omit_fields=(),
878                                 pre_text=None, post_text=None,
879                                 topMargin = 1.5,
880                                 letterhead_path=None):
881        """Render pdf admission letter.
882        """
883        if student is None:
884            return
885        style = getSampleStyleSheet()
886        if letterhead_path:
887            creator = getUtility(IPDFCreator, name='letter')
888        else:
889            creator = self.getPDFCreator(student)
890        portal_language = getUtility(IKofaUtils).PORTAL_LANGUAGE
891        data = []
892        doc_title = view.label
893        author = '%s (%s)' % (view.request.principal.title,
895        footer_text = view.label.split('\n')
896        if len(footer_text) > 1:
897            # We can add a department in first line
898            footer_text = footer_text[1]
899        else:
900            # Only the first line is used for the footer
901            footer_text = footer_text[0]
902        if getattr(student, 'student_id', None) is not None:
903            footer_text = "%s - %s - " % (student.student_id, footer_text)
905        # Text before student data
906        if pre_text is None:
907            html = format_html(self._admissionText(student, portal_language))
908        else:
909            html = format_html(pre_text)
910        if html:
911            data.append(Paragraph(html, NOTE_STYLE))
912            data.append(Spacer(1, 20))
914        # Student data
915        data.append(render_student_data(view, student,
916                    omit_fields, lang=portal_language,
917                    slipname='admission_slip.pdf'))
919        # Text after student data
920        data.append(Spacer(1, 20))
921        if post_text is None:
922            datelist = student.history.messages[0].split()[0].split('-')
923            creation_date = u'%s/%s/%s' % (datelist[2], datelist[1], datelist[0])
924            post_text = trans(_(
925                'Your Kofa student record was created on ${a}.',
926                mapping = {'a': creation_date}),
927                portal_language)
928        #html = format_html(post_text)
929        #data.append(Paragraph(html, NOTE_STYLE))
931        # Create pdf stream
932        view.response.setHeader(
933            'Content-Type', 'application/pdf')
934        pdf_stream = creator.create_pdf(
935            data, None, doc_title, author=author, footer=footer_text,
936            note=post_text, topMargin=topMargin,
937            letterhead_path=letterhead_path)
938        return pdf_stream
940    def renderPDFTranscript(self, view, filename='transcript.pdf',
941                  student=None,
942                  studentview=None,
943                  note=None,
944                  signatures=(),
945                  sigs_in_footer=(),
946                  digital_sigs=(),
947                  show_scans=True, topMargin=1.5,
948                  omit_fields=(),
949                  tableheader=None,
950                  no_passport=False,
951                  save_file=False):
952        """Render pdf slip of a transcripts.
953        """
954        portal_language = getUtility(IKofaUtils).PORTAL_LANGUAGE
955        # XXX: tell what the different parameters mean
956        style = getSampleStyleSheet()
957        creator = self.getPDFCreator(student)
958        data = []
959        doc_title = view.label
960        author = '%s (%s)' % (view.request.principal.title,
962        footer_text = view.label.split('\n')
963        if len(footer_text) > 2:
964            # We can add a department in first line
965            footer_text = footer_text[1]
966        else:
967            # Only the first line is used for the footer
968            footer_text = footer_text[0]
969        if getattr(student, 'student_id', None) is not None:
970            footer_text = "%s - %s - " % (student.student_id, footer_text)
972        # Insert student data table
973        if student is not None:
974            #bd_translation = trans(_('Base Data'), portal_language)
975            #data.append(Paragraph(bd_translation, HEADING_STYLE))
976            data.append(render_student_data(
977                studentview, view.context,
978                omit_fields, lang=portal_language,
979                slipname=filename,
980                no_passport=no_passport))
982        transcript_data = view.context.getTranscriptData()
983        levels_data = transcript_data[0]
985        contextdata = []
986        f_label = trans(_('Course of Study:'), portal_language)
987        f_label = Paragraph(f_label, ENTRY1_STYLE)
988        f_text = formatted_text(view.context.certificate.longtitle)
989        f_text = Paragraph(f_text, ENTRY1_STYLE)
990        contextdata.append([f_label,f_text])
992        f_label = trans(_('Faculty:'), portal_language)
993        f_label = Paragraph(f_label, ENTRY1_STYLE)
994        f_text = formatted_text(
995            view.context.certificate.__parent__.__parent__.__parent__.longtitle)
996        f_text = Paragraph(f_text, ENTRY1_STYLE)
997        contextdata.append([f_label,f_text])
999        f_label = trans(_('Department:'), portal_language)
1000        f_label = Paragraph(f_label, ENTRY1_STYLE)
1001        f_text = formatted_text(
1002            view.context.certificate.__parent__.__parent__.longtitle)
1003        f_text = Paragraph(f_text, ENTRY1_STYLE)
1004        contextdata.append([f_label,f_text])
1006        f_label = trans(_('Entry Session:'), portal_language)
1007        f_label = Paragraph(f_label, ENTRY1_STYLE)
1008        f_text = formatted_text(
1009            view.session_dict.get(view.context.entry_session))
1010        f_text = Paragraph(f_text, ENTRY1_STYLE)
1011        contextdata.append([f_label,f_text])
1013        f_label = trans(_('Entry Mode:'), portal_language)
1014        f_label = Paragraph(f_label, ENTRY1_STYLE)
1015        f_text = formatted_text(view.studymode_dict.get(
1016            view.context.entry_mode))
1017        f_text = Paragraph(f_text, ENTRY1_STYLE)
1018        contextdata.append([f_label,f_text])
1020        f_label = trans(_('Cumulative GPA:'), portal_language)
1021        f_label = Paragraph(f_label, ENTRY1_STYLE)
1022        format_float = getUtility(IKofaUtils).format_float
1023        cgpa = format_float(transcript_data[1], 3)
1024        if student.state == GRADUATED:
1025            f_text = formatted_text('%s (%s)' % (
1026                cgpa, self.getClassFromCGPA(transcript_data[1], student)[1]))
1027        else:
1028            f_text = formatted_text('%s' % cgpa)
1029        f_text = Paragraph(f_text, ENTRY1_STYLE)
1030        contextdata.append([f_label,f_text])
1032        contexttable = Table(contextdata,style=SLIP_STYLE)
1033        data.append(contexttable)
1035        transcripttables = render_transcript_data(
1036            view, tableheader, levels_data, lang=portal_language)
1037        data.extend(transcripttables)
1039        # Insert signatures
1040        # XXX: We are using only sigs_in_footer in waeup.kofa, so we
1041        # do not have a test for the following lines.
1042        if signatures and not sigs_in_footer:
1043            data.append(Spacer(1, 20))
1044            # Render one signature table per signature to
1045            # get date and signature in line.
1046            for signature in signatures:
1047                signaturetables = get_signature_tables(signature)
1048                data.append(signaturetables[0])
1050        # Insert digital signatures
1051        if digital_sigs:
1052            data.append(Spacer(1, 20))
1053            sigs = digital_sigs.split('\n')
1054            for sig in sigs:
1055                data.append(Paragraph(sig, NOTE_STYLE))
1057        view.response.setHeader(
1058            'Content-Type', 'application/pdf')
1059        try:
1060            pdf_stream = creator.create_pdf(
1061                data, None, doc_title, author=author, footer=footer_text,
1062                note=note, sigs_in_footer=sigs_in_footer, topMargin=topMargin)
1063        except IOError:
1064            view.flash(_('Error in image file.'))
1065            return view.redirect(view.url(view.context))
1066        if save_file:
1067            self._saveTranscriptPDF(student, pdf_stream)
1068            return
1069        return pdf_stream
1071    def renderPDFCourseticketsOverview(
1072            self, view, name, session, data, lecturers, orientation,
1073            title_length, note):
1074        """Render pdf slip of course tickets for a lecturer.
1075        """
1076        filename = '%s_%s_%s_%s.pdf' % (
1077            name, view.context.code, session,
1078        try:
1079            session = academic_sessions_vocab.getTerm(session).title
1080        except LookupError:
1081            session = _('void')
1082        creator = getUtility(IPDFCreator, name=orientation)
1083        style = getSampleStyleSheet()
1084        pdf_data = []
1085        pdf_data += [Paragraph(
1086            translate(_('<b>Lecturer(s): ${a}</b>',
1087                      mapping = {'a':lecturers})), style["Normal"]),]
1088        pdf_data += [Paragraph(
1089            translate(_('<b>Credits: ${a}</b>',
1090                      mapping = {'a':view.context.credits})), style["Normal"]),]
1091        # Not used in base package.
1092        if data[1]:
1093            pdf_data += [Paragraph(
1094                translate(_('<b>${a}</b>',
1095                    mapping = {'a':data[1][0]})), style["Normal"]),]
1096            pdf_data += [Paragraph(
1097                translate(_('<b>${a}</b>',
1098                    mapping = {'a':data[1][1]})), style["Normal"]),]
1099            pdf_data += [Paragraph(
1100                translate(_('<b>Total Students: ${a}</b>',
1101                    mapping = {'a':data[1][2]})), style["Normal"]),]
1102            pdf_data += [Paragraph(
1103                translate(_('<b>Total Pass: ${a} (${b}%)</b>',
1104                mapping = {'a':data[1][3],'b':data[1][4]})), style["Normal"]),]
1105            pdf_data += [Paragraph(
1106                translate(_('<b>Total Fail: ${a} (${b}%)</b>',
1107                mapping = {'a':data[1][5],'b':data[1][6]})), style["Normal"]),]
1108            grade_stats = []
1109            for item in sorted(data[1][7].items()):
1110                grade_stats.append(('%s=%s' % (item[0], item[1])))
1111            grade_stats_string = ', '.join(grade_stats)
1112            pdf_data += [Paragraph(
1113                translate(_('<b>${a}</b>',
1114                mapping = {'a':grade_stats_string})), style["Normal"]),]
1115        pdf_data.append(Spacer(1, 20))
1116        colWidths = [None] * len(data[0][0])
1117        pdf_data += [Table(data[0], colWidths=colWidths, style=CONTENT_STYLE,
1118                           repeatRows=1)]
1119        # Process title if too long
1120        title = " ".join(view.context.title.split())
1121        ct = textwrap.fill(title, title_length)
1122        ft = "" # title
1123        #if len(textwrap.wrap(title, title_length)) > 1:
1124        #    ft = textwrap.wrap(title, title_length)[0] + ' ...'
1125        doc_title = translate(_('${a} (${b})\nAcademic Session ${d}',
1126            mapping = {'a':ct,
1127                       'b':view.context.code,
1128                       'd':session}))
1129        if name == 'attendance':
1130            doc_title += '\n' + translate(_('Attendance Sheet'))
1131        if name == 'coursetickets':
1132            doc_title += '\n' + translate(_('Course Tickets Overview'))
1133        #footer_title = translate(_('${a} (${b}) - ${d}',
1134        #    mapping = {'a':ft,
1135        #               'b':view.context.code,
1136        #               'd':session}))
1137        footer_title = translate(_('${b} - ${d}',
1138            mapping = {'b':view.context.code,
1139                       'd':session}))
1140        author = '%s (%s)' % (view.request.principal.title,
1142        view.response.setHeader(
1143            'Content-Type', 'application/pdf')
1144        view.response.setHeader(
1145            'Content-Disposition:', 'attachment; filename="%s' % filename)
1146        pdf_stream = creator.create_pdf(
1147            pdf_data, None, doc_title, author, footer_title + ' -', note
1148            )
1149        return pdf_stream
1151    def updateCourseTickets(self, course):
1152        """Udate course tickets if course attributes were changed.
1153        """
1154        current_academic_session = grok.getSite()[
1155            'configuration'].current_academic_session
1156        if not current_academic_session:
1157            return
1158        cat = queryUtility(ICatalog, name='coursetickets_catalog')
1159        coursetickets = cat.searchResults(
1160            code=(course.code, course.code),
1161            session=(current_academic_session,current_academic_session))
1162        number = 0
1163        ob_class = self.__implemented__.__name__.replace('waeup.kofa.', '')
1164        for ticket in coursetickets:
1165            if ticket.credits == course.credits:
1166                continue
1167            if ticket.student.current_session != current_academic_session:
1168                continue
1169            if ticket.student.state not in (PAID,):
1170                continue
1171            number += 1
1173                '%s - %s %s/%s credits updated (%s->%s)' % (
1174                    ob_class, ticket.student.student_id,
1175                    ticket.level, ticket.code, course.credits,
1176                    ticket.credits))
1177            ticket.credits = course.credits
1178        return number
1180    #: A dictionary which maps widget names to headlines. The headline
1181    #: is rendered in forms and on pdf slips above the respective
1182    #: display or input widget. There are no separating headlines
1183    #: in the base package.
1184    SEPARATORS_DICT = {}
1186    #: A tuple containing names of file upload viewlets which are not shown
1187    #: on the `StudentClearanceManageFormPage`. Nothing is being skipped
1188    #: in the base package. This attribute makes only sense, if intermediate
1189    #: custom packages are being used, like we do for all Nigerian portals.
1192    #: A tuple containing the names of registration states in which changing of
1193    #: passport pictures is allowed.
1196    #: A tuple containing all exporter names referring to students or
1197    #: subobjects thereof.
1199            'students',
1200            'studentstudycourses',
1201            'studentstudylevels',
1202            'coursetickets',
1203            'studentpayments',
1204            'bedtickets',
1205            'trimmed',
1206            'outstandingcourses',
1207            'unpaidpayments',
1208            'sfpaymentsoverview',
1209            'sessionpaymentsoverview',
1210            'studylevelsoverview',
1211            'combocard',
1212            'bursary',
1213            'accommodationpayments',
1214            'transcriptdata',
1215            'trimmedpayments',
1216            )
1218    #: A tuple containing all exporter names needed for backing
1219    #: up student data
1220    STUDENT_BACKUP_EXPORTER_NAMES = ('students', 'studentstudycourses',
1221            'studentstudylevels', 'coursetickets',
1222            'studentpayments', 'bedtickets')
1224    # Maximum size of upload files in kB
1225    MAX_KB = 250
1227    #: A prefix used when generating new student ids. Each student id will
1228    #: start with this string. The default is 'K' for Kofa.
1229    STUDENT_ID_PREFIX = u'K'
Note: See TracBrowser for help on using the repository browser.