.. _building_documentation: Building Documentation (Linux OS only) ************************************** To build the documentation for :mod:`waeup.kofa`, please follow these steps: Prerequisites ============= We assume you already installed `waeup.kofa` as explained in :ref:`installing_linux`. You ran ``bin/buildout`` and can find a script ``bin/waeupdocs``. Building HTML docs ================== After successful install go to the root dir, where `waeup.kofa` is located. There run:: $ ./bin/waeupdocs This will (re-)generate any needed docs. The output can be found in ``docs/build/html``. Actually, ``waeupdocs`` is only a wrapper script around the real main script ``sphinx-build``, which should also be located in your ``bin/`` directory. You therefore can also run ``bin/sphinx-build`` manually, which will give you more options, especially, if you want the output to be created in a different location or similar. Run:: $ ./bin/sphinx-build --help to get a list of options available. Alternatively, you can also go to ``docs/build`` and run:: $ make html Other available formats are listed, when you run only:: $ make These other formats will include ``latex``, ``doctest``, ``linkcheck`` and more with a short explanation for each format. Building PDF docs ================= We're currently not prepared for PDF, but support is already planned. Please be aware, that any PDF support will require a full TeX installation on your system to work.