Developer Notes *************** How to setup a developer instance of the WAeUP.Ikoba, handle tests, docs etc. The new WAeUP.Ikoba is based on `Grok `_. Installing a developer copy =========================== See :ref:`installing_linux` Documentation ============= With the :mod:`waeup.ikoba` package we try to reach high standards in both, documentation and testing. :mod:`waeup.ikoba` makes extensive use of doctests, which this way also become both: executable (i.e. testable) examples and documentation. Building documentation ---------------------- See :ref:`building_documentation` Writing documentation --------------------- means explaining to other developers what your code does and test it at the same time. See the many .txt files in the :mod:`waeup.ikoba` package for examples. Testing ======= Tests are most important to the reliability of the :mod:`waeup.ikoba` package. We don't tell someone that our code works, if we cannot prove it. And we prove it by testing. Running tests ------------- You can run all the tests for the package by doing:: $ bin/test If you like colored output (can improve readability of failure messages), use the ``-c`` switch:: $ bin/test -c We have many tests in the :mod:`waeup.ikoba` package so that sometimes you only want the functional *or* the unit tests to run. This can be done like this:: $ bin/test -c -u if you want only unit tests or like this:: $ bin/test -c -f if you only want functional tests. Writing tests ------------- Is a wiiide topic. For now, please see the numerous .txt files in the source. Most of the **are** tests. Generally, we use `z3c.testsetup` for finding and setting up tests. There are mainly two kinds of tests we use: * unit- or simple doctests These are included in test runs automatically, if they provide a marker like this somewhere (normally near top of file):: .. :doctest: Most unit tests furthermore declare that they want to be run inside the `WAeUPIkobaUnitTestLayer` defined in `waeup.ikoba.testing`. This layer groks the whole `waeup.ikoba` package, so that all ZCA components are already setup when you start your tests. To declare that a unit test testfile should be run inside this layer, the testfile has to provide the following line:: .. :layer: waeup.ikoba.testing.WAeUPIkobaUnitTestLayer Use it, if in your tests you make use of registered components like utilities, adapters and the like. * integration or functional tests These provide a full-blown ZODB storage, so that we can emulate browser requests to the whole system. Functional tests are much more expensive in terms of memory and runtime but needed, if you want to test UI components. A testfile is registered as functional test on testruns when it provides a line like the following:: :Test-Layer: functional Code coverage ------------- We want to make sure, that all aspects of our software are tested. This means, that all parts of the codes should be tested somewhere. To tell how good our test coverage is, we can also use the testrunner (``bin/test``):: $ bin/test --coverage=coverage will run the tests but also look, which parts of code were touched by them. For releases we want 100% coverage. Beware: running tests with the ``--coverage`` switch slows down tests by factor 10 or more. The command above will output a table with percentages. Furthermore, in ``/parts/test/coverage`` you will (after the testrun) find your sources preceeded by markers which tell, how often (or none) a certain line was used in tests. To have a more convenient cmdline interface, we also provide some shortcuts:: $ bin/coverage-detect will run all the tests as shown above and put the results in ``parts/coverage-detect/coverage``. After that you can run:: $ bin/coveragereport to get a browsable HTML representation of test coverage in ``coverage-report/`` subdir. Both, the coverage reports and HTML documentation generated by sphinx can be packed and put onto a website as-is. It is also possible to generate the docs and reports nightly by a buildbot or something like this.