# tests for db.py module import os import shutil import sqlite3 import tempfile import unittest from sqlalchemy.engine import Engine from waeup.cas.db import ( DB, LoginTicket, ServiceTicket, TicketGrantingCookie) class DBTests(unittest.TestCase): def setUp(self): self.workdir = tempfile.mkdtemp() def tearDown(self): shutil.rmtree(self.workdir) def test_create_db(self): # we can create a database conn_string = 'sqlite:///' db = DB(conn_string) assert hasattr(db, 'engine') assert isinstance(db.engine, Engine) def test_create_db_exists(self): # an already existing db will be left untouched db_path = os.path.join(self.workdir, 'sample-cas.db') conn_string = 'sqlite:///%s' % db_path assert os.path.isdir(self.workdir) DB(conn_string) # create database conn = sqlite3.connect(db_path) with conn: conn.execute('''CREATE TABLE mytest (name text, forname text)''') conn.execute('''INSERT INTO mytest VALUES ("Foo", "Bar")''') conn.close() conn = sqlite3.connect(db_path) with conn: result = [x for x in conn.execute('''SELECT * FROM mytest''')] conn.close() assert result == [('Foo', 'Bar')] def test_create_db_populates_db(self): # created DBs will be populated with the required tables db_path = os.path.join(self.workdir, 'sample-cas.db') conn_string = 'sqlite:///%s' % db_path DB(conn_string) # creates database conn = sqlite3.connect(db_path) with conn: result = [x[:2] for x in conn.execute( '''SELECT * FROM sqlite_master ORDER BY type''')] conn.close() assert ('table', 'service_tickets') in result assert ('table', 'login_tickets') in result class TicketTests(unittest.TestCase): def setUp(self): self.db = DB('sqlite:///') self.db.session() def tearDown(self): self.db.session.remove() def test_login_ticket_add(self): # we can add login tickets assert self.db.engine.has_table('login_tickets') self.db.add(LoginTicket('foo')) assert [x.ticket for x in self.db.query(LoginTicket)] == ['foo'] def test_login_ticket_delete(self): # we can delete single login tickets assert self.db.engine.has_table('login_tickets') self.db.add(LoginTicket('foo')) contents = [x for x in self.db.query(LoginTicket)] assert len(contents) == 1 lt = contents[0] self.db.delete(lt) assert [x.ticket for x in self.db.query(LoginTicket)] == [] def test_login_ticket_repr(self): # we can get a proper LoginTicket representation # (i.e. one that can be fed to `eval`) ticket = LoginTicket('foo', 12.1) assert ticket.__repr__() == "LoginTicket('foo', 12.1)" def test_login_ticket_timestamp(self): # we get a timestamp stored, if none is passed to init lticket = LoginTicket('foo') assert isinstance(lticket.ts, float) def test_add_service_ticket(self): # we can add service tickets self.db.add(ServiceTicket('foo', 'bar', 'baz', False, 12.1)) result = [(x.ticket, x.user, x.service, x.sso, x.ts) for x in self.db.query(ServiceTicket)] assert result == [('foo', 'bar', 'baz', False, 12.1)] def test_service_ticket_repr(self): # we can get a proper ServiceTicket representation # (i.e. one that can be fed to `eval`) sticket = ServiceTicket('foo', 'bar', 'baz', True, 12.1) st_repr = sticket.__repr__() assert st_repr == ( "ServiceTicket(ticket='foo', user='bar', service='baz', " "sso=True, timestamp=12.1)") new_st = eval(st_repr) assert sticket.user == new_st.user assert sticket.ticket == new_st.ticket assert sticket.service == new_st.service assert sticket.sso == new_st.sso assert sticket.ts == new_st.ts def test_service_ticket_timestamp(self): # we get a timestamp stored, if none is passed to init sticket = ServiceTicket('foo', 'bar', 'baz') assert isinstance(sticket.ts, float) def test_service_ticket_sso(self): # sso is set to True by default sticket = ServiceTicket('foo', 'bar', 'baz') assert sticket.sso is True def test_ticket_granting_cookie_add(self): # we can add ticket granting cookies assert self.db.engine.has_table('ticket_granting_cookies') self.db.add(TicketGrantingCookie('foo')) assert [x.value for x in self.db.query( TicketGrantingCookie)] == ['foo'] def test_ticket_granting_cookie_repr(self): # we can get a proper ticket-granting cookie representation # (i.e. one that can be fed to `eval`) tgc = TicketGrantingCookie('foo', 12.1) assert tgc.__repr__() == "TicketGrantingCookie('foo', 12.1)" def test_ticket_granting_cookie_timestamp(self): # we get a timestamp stored, if none is passed to init tgc = TicketGrantingCookie('foo') assert isinstance(tgc.ts, float)