## $Id: utils.py 8775 2012-06-22 16:40:39Z henrik $ ## ## Copyright (C) 2011 Uli Fouquet & Henrik Bettermann ## This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify ## it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by ## the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or ## (at your option) any later version. ## ## This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, ## but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of ## MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the ## GNU General Public License for more details. ## ## You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License ## along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software ## Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA ## import grok from time import time from zope.component import createObject from waeup.kofa.interfaces import CLEARED, RETURNING, PAID from waeup.kofa.students.utils import StudentsUtils from waeup.kofa.students.interfaces import IStudentsUtils from waeup.kofa.accesscodes import create_accesscode from waeup.aaue.interfaces import MessageFactory as _ class CustomStudentsUtils(StudentsUtils): """A collection of customized methods. """ grok.implements(IStudentsUtils) def getReturningData(self, student): """ This method defines what happens after school fee payment of returning students depending on the student's senate verdict. """ prev_level = student['studycourse'].current_level cur_verdict = student['studycourse'].current_verdict if cur_verdict in ('A','B','L','M','N','Z',): # Successful student new_level = divmod(int(prev_level),100)[0]*100 + 100 elif cur_verdict == 'C': # Student on probation new_level = int(prev_level) + 10 else: # Student is somehow in an undefined state. # Level has to be set manually. new_level = prev_level new_session = student['studycourse'].current_session + 1 return new_session, new_level def setPaymentDetails(self, category, student): """Create Payment object and set the payment data of a student for the payment category specified. """ details = {} p_item = u'' amount = 0.0 error = u'' p_session = student['studycourse'].current_session p_level = student['studycourse'].current_level session = str(p_session) try: academic_session = grok.getSite()['configuration'][session] except KeyError: return _(u'Session configuration object is not available.'), None # Determine fee. if category == 'schoolfee': return _('School fee has to be paid by two instalments.'), None if category == 'transfer': amount = academic_session.transfer_fee elif category == 'gown': amount = academic_session.gown_fee elif category == 'bed_allocation': amount = academic_session.booking_fee elif category == 'hostel_maintenance': amount = academic_session.maint_fee elif category == 'clearance': amount = academic_session.clearance_fee p_item = student['studycourse'].certificate.code elif category == 'schoolfee_1': try: certificate = student['studycourse'].certificate p_item = certificate.code except (AttributeError, TypeError): return _('Study course data are incomplete.'), None payment_allowed = False if student.state == CLEARED: payment_allowed = True amount = academic_session.school_fee_base elif student.state == RETURNING: p_session, p_level = self.getReturningData(student) initial_instalment_made = False for key in student['payments'].keys(): ticket = student['payments'][key] if ticket.p_category == 'schoolfee_1' and \ ticket.p_state == 'paid': initial_instalment_made = True if ticket.p_state == 'paid' and\ ticket.p_category == 'schoolfee_2' and \ ticket.p_item == p_item and \ ticket.p_session == p_session-1: # = current session payment_allowed = True if not initial_instalment_made: payment_allowed = True amount = academic_session.school_fee_base else: return _('Wrong state.'), None if not payment_allowed: return _('The previous 2nd school fee instalment ' 'has not yet been paid.'), None elif category == 'schoolfee_2': try: certificate = student['studycourse'].certificate p_item = certificate.code except (AttributeError, TypeError): return _('Study course data are incomplete.'), None payment_allowed = False for key in student['payments'].keys(): ticket = student['payments'][key] if ticket.p_state == 'paid' and\ ticket.p_category == 'schoolfee_1' and \ ticket.p_item == p_item and \ ticket.p_session == p_session: payment_allowed = True if not payment_allowed: return _('The 1st school fee instalment ' 'has not yet been paid or session has ' 'not yet been started.'), None amount = academic_session.school_fee_base if amount in (0.0, None): return _(u'Amount could not be determined.'), None # Add session specific penalty fee. if category == 'schoolfee_1' and student.is_postgrad: amount += academic_session.penalty_pg elif category == 'schoolfee_1': amount += academic_session.penalty_ug # Create ticket. for key in student['payments'].keys(): ticket = student['payments'][key] if ticket.p_state == 'paid' and\ ticket.p_category == category and \ ticket.p_item == p_item and \ ticket.p_session == p_session: return _('This type of payment has already been made.'), None payment = createObject(u'waeup.StudentOnlinePayment') timestamp = "%d" % int(time()*1000) payment.p_id = "p%s" % timestamp payment.p_category = category payment.p_item = p_item payment.p_session = p_session payment.p_level = p_level payment.amount_auth = amount return None, payment VERDICTS_DICT = { 'NY': 'not yet', 'A': 'Successful student', 'B': 'Student with carryover courses', 'C': 'Student on probation', 'D': 'Withdrawn from the faculty', 'E': 'Student who were previously on probation', 'F': 'Medical case', 'G': 'Absent from examination', 'H': 'Withheld results', 'I': 'Expelled/rusticated/suspended student', 'J': 'Temporary withdrawn from the university', 'K': 'Unregistered student', 'L': 'Referred student', 'M': 'Reinstatement', 'N': 'Student on transfer', 'O': 'NCE-III repeater', 'Y': 'No previous verdict', 'X': 'New 300 level student', 'Z': 'Successful student (provisional)', 'A1': 'First Class', 'A2': 'Second Class Upper', 'A3': 'Second Class Lower', 'A4': 'Third Class', 'A5': 'Pass', 'A6': 'Distinction', 'A7': 'Credit', 'A8': 'Merit', } # AAUE separators SEPARATORS_DICT = { 'form.fst_sit_fname': _(u'First Sitting Record'), 'form.scd_sit_fname': _(u'Second Sitting Record'), 'form.alr_fname': _(u'Advanced Level Record'), 'form.hq_type': _(u'Higher Education Record'), 'form.hq2_type': _(u'Second Higher Education Record'), 'form.nysc_year': _(u'NYSC Information'), 'form.employer': _(u'Employment History'), 'form.former_matric': _(u'Former AAUE Student'), } # AAUE prefix STUDENT_ID_PREFIX = u'E'