Changes ******* 1.2dev (unreleased) =================== * Render note on payment slips which indicates charges included. * Configure new and returning school fee in session configuration objects. * Do not create activation code when paying acceptance (= clearance) fee payment tickets. * Cleared students must pay acceptance fee before paying school fees. * applicant_student_mapping extended. * ExportPDFMatricNumberSlipPage and MatricNumberSlipActionButton added. * Label of NigeriaExportPDFClearanceSlipPage customized. * constructMatricNumber customized. AAUE matric number construction scheme applied. View and viewlet added which enable students to generate a matric number. * STUDY_MODES_DICT customized. * File input fields brought into shape with Bootstrap 3. * Change transcript signature. * Webservice returns error message if payment ticket is paid. * Adapt exporters and batch processors to customized interfaces. * Rename programme types. * Use kofa-scrollto script. 1.1 (2014-03-14) ================ * Back-to links replaced by animated jQuery plugins. * Apply _isPaymentDisabled method. * jquery-ui.min.js is also used for tooltips. * Refer to INSTALL.txt in waeup.kofa sources. * Use only https in theme.html. * Removed sphinx docs. * Added generic install instructions. * Removed README in src/. 1.0 (2014-02-22) ================ * Diazofied whole package. 0.1 (2014-02-22) ================ Initial version.