--- # This ansible-playbook prepares fresh-from-hetzner # servers for work with ansible. # # What it does: # secures sshd (according to bettercrypto.org) # adds accounts uli/henrik/deploy # disables root access # # This playbook should be executed as first thing # after getting your hands over new hardware # # It will normally be run with ``ask-pass`` # - hosts: yet-untouched vars: deploy_user: 'deploy' deploy_public_key: "{{ lookup('file', 'files/id-deploy.pub') }}" tasks: - name: "bootstrap | update authorized key of 'deploy'" authorized_key: user="{{ deploy_user }}" key="{{ deploy_public_key }}" - name: "bootstrap | grant sudoers perms to 'deploy'" lineinfile: dest=/etc/sudoers insertafter="^root" line="{{ deploy_user }} ALL=(ALL) NOPASSWD{{ ':' }} ALL" state=present roles: - openssh - core