ngren.theme =========== This is the NgREN theme for Plone. Short hints for developers -------------------------- To build a running local Plone instance with this theme activated, follow these steps: Create a virtual environment:: $ virtualenv py27 $ source py27/bin/activate Then run with zc.buildout v 1.4.4 enforced:: (py27)$ python -v 1.4.4 (although there shouldn't be a reason to use a newer version). Run buildout:: (py27)$ ./bin/buildout Start the instance:: (py27)$ ./bin/instance fg In the running instance (credentials admin/admin) add a Plone Site with all Diazo-related packages, ngren.theme and other stuff activated (or activate this stuff after creation). In ZMI go to portal_stylesheets and disable the condition set for `public.css`. We are working on removing this condition automatically on startup.