## $Id: utils.py 18034 2025-03-10 16:40:53Z henrik $ ## ## Copyright (C) 2012 Uli Fouquet & Henrik Bettermann ## This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify ## it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by ## the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or ## (at your option) any later version. ## ## This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, ## but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of ## MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the ## GNU General Public License for more details. ## ## You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License ## along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software ## Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA ## """Customize general helper utilities for Kofa. """ import grok from copy import deepcopy from kofacustom.nigeria.utils.utils import NigeriaKofaUtils class CustomKofaUtils(NigeriaKofaUtils): """A collection of methods subject to customization. """ PAYMENT_CATEGORIES = { 'schoolfee': 'Tuition Plus (total amount)', 'schoolfee40': 'Tuition Plus (40% - 1st instalment)', 'secondinstal': 'Tuition Plus (60% - 2nd instalment)', 'clearance': 'Acceptance Fee', 'grad_clearance': 'Clearance Fee', 'registration': 'Registration Fee', 'registration_fresh': 'Registration Fee (Fresh)', 'registration_return': 'Registration Fee (Returning)', #'bed_allocation': 'Bed Allocation Fee', #'hostel_maintenance': 'Accommodation', #'transfer': 'Transfer Fee', #'gown': 'Gown Hire Fee', 'application': 'Application Fee', 'pg_application': 'PG Application Fee', 'app_balance': 'Application Fee Balance', 'transcript': 'Transcript Fee', 'transcript_local': 'Transcript Fee Local', 'transcript_overseas': 'Transcript Fee Oversea', 'late_registration': 'Late Registration Fee', 'science': 'Science Bench Fee', 'clinical': 'Clinical Fee (Medical Students)', 'develop': 'Development Fee', 'municipal_fresh': 'Municipal Fee (Fresh Students)', 'municipal_returning': 'Municipal Fee (Returning Students)', 'alumni': 'Alumni Fee', 'conv': 'Convocation Fee', 'matric': 'Matriculation Fee', 'waecneco': 'WAEC/NECO Verification', 'jambver': 'JAMB Verification', 'book': 'Book Deposit', 'parentsconsult': 'Parents Consultative Forum (PCF) Fee', 'pharmlab': 'Pharmacy Lab Support Fee', 'lo_ident': 'Letter of Identification Fee', 'change_course': 'Change of Course Fee', 'make_up': 'Make-up Fee', 'iuits': 'IUITS Fee', 'fine': 'Fine', 'combi': 'Combi Payment', 'resit1': '1 Make-Up Examination Course', 'resit2': '2 Make-Up Examination Courses', 'resit3': '3 Make-Up Examination Courses', 'resit4': '4 Make-Up Examination Courses', 'resit5': '5 Make-Up Examination Courses', 'resit6': '6 Make-Up Examination Courses', 'resit7': '7 Make-Up Examination Courses', 'resit8': '8 Make-Up Examination Courses', 'resit9': '9 Make-Up Examination Courses', 'makeup_admin': 'Make-Up Registration Fee', 'id_card': 'Student ID Card', 'required_combi': 'Required Combi Payment', 'pg_other': 'PG Other Charges', 'jupeb_form':'JUPEB Form Fee', 'jupeb_acc':'JUPEB Acceptance Fee', 'jupeb_reg':'JUPEB Administrative Fee', 'jupeb_sci':'JUPEB Tuition (Science)', 'jupeb_arts':'JUPEB Tuition (Arts)', 'jupeb_hostel':'JUPEB Accommodation (optional)', 'brought_fwd': 'Balance Brought Forward', 'health_insurance': 'Student Health Insurance', # CDL Portal Fees only 'medical':'Medical Services', 'library':'Library', 'ict':'ICT Fees', 'orientation':'Orientation Fee', 'examination':'Examination Fee', 'medical_screening':'Medical Screening Fees', 'cdlcourse1': ' 1 Course', 'cdlcourse2': ' 2 Courses', 'cdlcourse3': ' 3 Courses', 'cdlcourse4': ' 4 Courses', 'cdlcourse5': ' 5 Courses', 'cdlcourse6': ' 6 Courses', 'cdlcourse7': ' 7 Courses', 'cdlcourse8': ' 8 Courses', 'cdlcourse9': ' 9 Courses', 'cdlcourse10': '10 Courses', 'cdlcourse11': '11 Courses', 'cdlcourse12': '12 Courses', 'cdlcourse13': '13 Courses', 'cdlcourse14': '14 Courses', 'cdlcourse15': '15 Courses', } SELECTABLE_PAYMENT_CATEGORIES = { 'schoolfee': 'Tuition Plus (total amount)', 'schoolfee40': 'Tuition Plus (40% - 1st instalment)', 'secondinstal': 'Tuition Plus (60% - 2nd instalment)', #'registration': 'Registration Fee', 'registration_fresh': 'Registration Fee (Fresh)', 'registration_return': 'Registration Fee (Returning)', 'clearance': 'Acceptance Fee', 'grad_clearance': 'Clearance Fee', #'bed_allocation': 'Bed Allocation Fee', #'hostel_maintenance': 'Accommodation', #'transfer': 'Transfer Fee', #'gown': 'Gown Hire Fee', 'application': 'Application Fee', 'pg_application': 'PG Application Fee', #'app_balance': 'Application Fee Balance', 'transcript_local': 'Transcript Fee (Local Students)', 'transcript_overseas': 'Transcript Fee (Oversea Students)', 'late_registration': 'Late Registration Fee', 'science': 'Science Bench Fee', 'clinical': 'Clinical Fee (Medical Students)', 'medical_screening':'Medical Screening Fees', 'develop': 'Development Fee', 'municipal_fresh': 'Municipal Fee (Fresh Students)', 'municipal_returning': 'Municipal Fee (Returning Students)', 'alumni': 'Alumni Fee', 'conv': 'Convocation Fee', 'matric': 'Matriculation Fee', 'waecneco': 'WAEC/NECO Verification', 'jambver': 'JAMB Verification', 'book': 'Book Deposit', 'parentsconsult': 'Parents Consultative Forum (PCF) Fee', 'pharmlab': 'Pharmacy Lab Support Fee', 'lo_ident': 'Letter of Identification Fee', 'change_course': 'Change of Course Fee', #'make_up': 'Make-up Fee', 'iuits': 'IUITS Fee', 'fine': 'Fine', 'combi': 'Combi Payment', #'resit1': '1 Make-Up Examination Course', #'resit2': '2 Make-Up Examination Courses', #'resit3': '3 Make-Up Examination Courses', #'resit4': '4 Make-Up Examination Courses', #'resit5': '5 Make-Up Examination Courses', #'resit6': '6 Make-Up Examination Courses', #'resit7': '7 Make-Up Examination Courses', #'resit8': '8 Make-Up Examination Courses', #'resit9': '9 Make-Up Examination Courses', 'makeup_admin': 'Make-Up Registration Fee', 'id_card': 'Student ID Card', 'required_combi': 'Required Combi Payment', 'pg_other': 'PG Other Charges', #'jupeb_form':'JUPEB Form Fee', #'jupeb_acc':'JUPEB Acceptance Fee', #'jupeb_reg':'JUPEB Administrative Fee', 'jupeb_sci':'JUPEB Tuition (Science)', 'jupeb_arts':'JUPEB Tuition (Arts)', 'jupeb_hostel':'JUPEB Accommodation (optional)', 'health_insurance': 'Student Health Insurance', } CDLPORTAL_PAYMENT_CATEGORIES = { 'schoolfee': 'School Fees', 'clearance': 'Acceptance Fee', 'id_card': 'Student ID Card', 'waecneco': 'WAEC/NECO Verification', # CDL Portal fees only 'medical':'Medical Services', 'library':'Library', 'ict':'ICT Fees', 'orientation':'Orientation Fee', 'examination':'Examination Fee', 'cdlcourse1': ' 1 Course', 'cdlcourse2': ' 2 Courses', 'cdlcourse3': ' 3 Courses', 'cdlcourse4': ' 4 Courses', 'cdlcourse5': ' 5 Courses', 'cdlcourse6': ' 6 Courses', 'cdlcourse7': ' 7 Courses', 'cdlcourse8': ' 8 Courses', 'cdlcourse9': ' 9 Courses', 'cdlcourse10': '10 Courses', 'cdlcourse11': '11 Courses', 'cdlcourse12': '12 Courses', 'cdlcourse13': '13 Courses', 'cdlcourse14': '14 Courses', 'cdlcourse15': '15 Courses', 'combi': 'Combi Payment', } def selectable_payment_categories(self, student): if grok.getSite().__name__ == 'iuokada-cdl': spc = deepcopy(self.CDLPORTAL_PAYMENT_CATEGORIES) return spc spc = deepcopy(self.SELECTABLE_PAYMENT_CATEGORIES) if student.depcode == 'BMS': del spc['schoolfee40'] del spc['secondinstal'] return spc PREVIOUS_PAYMENT_CATEGORIES = { 'schoolfee': 'Tuition, Accommodation, Adm. Charges', #'registration': 'Registration Fee', 'registration_fresh': 'Registration Fee (Fresh)', 'registration_return': 'Registration Fee (Returning)', 'clearance': 'Acceptance Fee', 'grad_clearance': 'Clearance Fee', 'application': 'Application Fee', 'late_registration': 'Late Registration Fee', 'science': 'Science Bench Fee', 'clinical': 'Clinical Fee (Medical Students)', 'medical_screening':'Medical Screening Fees', 'develop': 'Development Fee', 'municipal_fresh': 'Municipal Fee (Fresh Students)', 'municipal_returning': 'Municipal Fee (Returning Students)', 'alumni': 'Alumni Fee', 'conv': 'Convocation Fee', 'matric': 'Matriculation Fee', 'waecneco': 'WAEC/NECO Verification', 'jambver': 'JAMB Verification', 'book': 'Book Deposit', 'parentsconsult': 'Parents Consultative Forum (PCF) Fee', 'pharmlab': 'Pharmacy Lab Support Fee', 'lo_ident': 'Letter of Identification Fee', 'change_course': 'Change of Course Fee', 'make_up': 'Make-up Fee', 'iuits': 'IUITS Fee', 'fine': 'Fine', 'id_card': 'Student ID Card', #'required_combi': 'Required Combi Payment', 'pg_other': 'PG Other Charges', #'jupeb_form':'JUPEB Form Fee', #'jupeb_acc':'JUPEB Acceptance Fee', #'jupeb_reg':'JUPEB Administrative Fee', 'jupeb_sci':'JUPEB Tuition (Science)', 'jupeb_arts':'JUPEB Tuition (Arts)', 'jupeb_hostel':'JUPEB Accommodation (optional)', 'health_insurance': 'Student Health Insurance', } @property def COMBI_PAYMENT_CATEGORIES(self): if grok.getSite().__name__ == 'iuokada-cdl': return self.CDLPORTAL_COMBI_PAYMENT_CATEGORIES return self._COMBI_PAYMENT_CATEGORIES CDLPORTAL_COMBI_PAYMENT_CATEGORIES = { 'clearance': 'Acceptance Fee', 'id_card': 'Student ID Card', 'waecneco': 'WAEC/NECO Verification', # CDL Portal fees only 'medical':'Medical Services', 'library':'Library', 'ict':'ICT Fees', 'orientation':'Orientation Fee', 'examination':'Examination Fee', 'cdlcourse1': ' 1 Course', 'cdlcourse2': ' 2 Courses', 'cdlcourse3': ' 3 Courses', 'cdlcourse4': ' 4 Courses', 'cdlcourse5': ' 5 Courses', 'cdlcourse6': ' 6 Courses', 'cdlcourse7': ' 7 Courses', 'cdlcourse8': ' 8 Courses', 'cdlcourse9': ' 9 Courses', 'cdlcourse10': '10 Courses', 'cdlcourse11': '11 Courses', 'cdlcourse12': '12 Courses', 'cdlcourse13': '13 Courses', 'cdlcourse14': '14 Courses', 'cdlcourse15': '15 Courses', } _COMBI_PAYMENT_CATEGORIES = { #'registration': 'Registration Fee', 'registration_fresh': 'Registration Fee (Fresh)', 'registration_return': 'Registration Fee (Returning)', 'grad_clearance': 'Clearance Fee', 'late_registration': 'Late Registration Fee', 'science': 'Science Bench Fee', 'clinical': 'Clinical Fee (Medical Students)', 'medical_screening':'Medical Screening Fees', 'develop': 'Development Fee', 'municipal_fresh': 'Municipal Fee (Fresh Students)', 'municipal_returning': 'Municipal Fee (Returning Students)', 'alumni': 'Alumni Fee', 'conv': 'Convocation Fee', 'matric': 'Matriculation Fee', 'waecneco': 'WAEC/NECO Verification', 'jambver': 'JAMB Verification', 'book': 'Book Deposit', 'parentsconsult': 'Parents Consultative Forum (PCF) Fee', 'pharmlab': 'Pharmacy Lab Support Fee', 'lo_ident': 'Letter of Identification Fee', 'change_course': 'Change of Course Fee', 'make_up': 'Make-up Fee', 'iuits': 'IUITS Fee', 'fine': 'Fine', 'id_card': 'Student ID Card', 'pg_other': 'PG Other Charges', 'jupeb_form':'JUPEB Form Fee', 'jupeb_acc':'JUPEB Acceptance Fee', 'jupeb_reg':'JUPEB Administrative Fee', 'jupeb_sci':'JUPEB Tuition (Science)', 'jupeb_arts':'JUPEB Tuition (Arts)', 'jupeb_hostel':'JUPEB Accommodation (optional)', 'health_insurance': 'Student Health Insurance', } BALANCE_PAYMENT_CATEGORIES = { 'schoolfee': 'Tuition, Accommodation, Adm. Charges', } @property def PAYMENT_OPTIONS(self): if grok.getSite().__name__ == 'iuokada-cdl': return dict() return self._PAYMENT_OPTIONS _PAYMENT_OPTIONS = { 'first': 'First Bank Debit Card', 'access': 'Access Bank Debit Card', 'zenith': 'Zenith Bank Debit Card', 'other': 'Other Bank Debit Card', } APP_CATS_DICT = { 'basic': 'UAS, PUTME, PUDE, PCE, PRENCE', 'no': 'No Application', 'pg': 'Postgraduate Programmes', 'pg2': 'Postgraduate Programmes 2', 'pgphd': 'Postgraduate PhD/MPhil', 'pre': 'Pre-Degree Studies', 'pt': 'Part-Time Degree Programmes', 'ut': 'Undergraduate Programmes', 'conv': 'HND to BSc Conversion', 'odl': 'Open & Distant Learning', } STUDY_MODES_DICT = { 'ug_ft': 'Undergraduate Full Time', 'ug_pt': 'Undergraduate Part Time', 'pg_ft': 'Postgraduate Full Time', 'pg_pt': 'Postgraduate Part Time', 'pgphd': 'Postgraduate PhD/MPhil', 'odl': 'Open & Distant Learning', 'found': 'Foundation', 'no': 'no application', 'transfer': 'Transfer', 'transferred': 'Transferred', 'de': 'Direct Entry', 'jupeb': 'JUPEB', } #: Maximum size in Bytes of passport images in the applicants and #: students section MAX_PASSPORT_SIZE = 250 * 1024