## $Id: utils.py 17207 2022-12-07 16:29:23Z henrik $ ## ## Copyright (C) 2012 Uli Fouquet & Henrik Bettermann ## This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify ## it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by ## the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or ## (at your option) any later version. ## ## This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, ## but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of ## MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the ## GNU General Public License for more details. ## ## You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License ## along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software ## Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA ## """Customize general helper utilities for Kofa. """ from kofacustom.nigeria.utils.utils import NigeriaKofaUtils class CustomKofaUtils(NigeriaKofaUtils): """A collection of methods subject to customization. """ EXAM_GRADES = ( ('A1', 'Excellent (A1)'), ('A2', 'Very Good (A2)'), ('A3', 'Good (A3)'), ('B2', 'Very Good (B2)'), ('B3', 'Good (B3)'), ('C4', 'Credit (C4)'), ('C5', 'Credit (C5)'), ('C6', 'Credit (C6)'), ('A', 'Pass (A)'), ('B', 'Pass (B)'), ('C', 'Pass (C)'), #('U', 'Pass (U)'), #('D7', 'Pass (D7)'), #('P7', 'Pass (P7)'), #('P8', 'Pass (P8)'), #('E8', 'Pass (E8)'), #('F9', 'Fail (F9)'), ('Aa', 'A (a)'), ('Bb', 'B (b)'), ('Cc', 'C (c)'), #('Dd', 'D (d)'), #('Ee', 'E (e)'), #('Ff', 'F (f)'), #('Gg', 'G (g)'), ('credit-1', 'Credit-1'), ('credit-2', 'Credit-2'), ('dist', 'Distinction'), #('pass', 'Pass'), #('AR', 'Awaiting Results'), ) PAYMENT_CATEGORIES = { 'schoolfee': 'School Fee (total amount)', 'schoolfee_1': 'School Fee (66% - 1st instalment)', 'secondinstal': 'School Fee (34% - 2nd instalment)', 'clearance': 'Acceptance Fee', 'hostel':'Hostel Fee', #'bed_allocation': 'Bed Allocation Fee', #'hostel_maintenance': 'Hostel Maintenance Fee', #'transfer': 'Transfer Fee', #'gown': 'Gown Hire Fee', 'application': 'Application Fee', #'app_balance': 'Application Fee Balance', 'transcript': 'Transcript Fee', #'late_registration': 'Late Course Registration Fee', #'combi': 'Combi Payment', } SELECTABLE_PAYMENT_CATEGORIES = { 'schoolfee': 'School Fee (total amount)', 'schoolfee_1': 'School Fee (66% - 1st instalment)', 'secondinstal': 'School Fee (34% - 2nd instalment)', 'hostel':'Hostel Fee', } def selectable_payment_categories(self, student): return self.SELECTABLE_PAYMENT_CATEGORIES PREVIOUS_PAYMENT_CATEGORIES = { 'schoolfee': 'School Fee', 'hostel':'Hostel Fee', } REPORTABLE_PAYMENT_CATEGORIES = { 'schoolfee': 'School Fee', } BALANCE_PAYMENT_CATEGORIES = { 'schoolfee': 'School Fee', 'hostel':'Hostel Fee', } COMBI_PAYMENT_CATEGORIES = { } STUDY_MODES_DICT = { 'ug_ft': 'Undergraduate Full Time', #'no': 'no application', 'basic_mid':'Basic Midwifery', 'basic_nurs':'Basic Nursing', 'post_mid':'Post Midwifery', 'post_nurs':'Post Nursing', }