.. _label-uc-service-manage: Use-Case: Modify a Service *********************************************************************** Short Description ----------------------------------------------------------------------- A service is modified by staff Actor(s) ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Officer Trigger(s) ----------------------------------------------------------------------- - Imports (modifying existing data) - Web form(s) submitted by authorized user Result(s) ----------------------------------------------------------------------- - Data (terms, title, description) of the given service is modified Incoming Data ----------------------------------------------------------------------- - Service ID, names and values of parameters to change Outgoing Data ----------------------------------------------------------------------- - Message about service modification. - (optional) Regarding customers are informed by email or SMS. Regarding customers are those having a contract created by the modified service. - Log message Precondition(s) ----------------------------------------------------------------------- - Service ID must exist. - Submitting user must be authorized to perform the operation. Postcondition(s) ----------------------------------------------------------------------- - The new service data were checked for validity. Validation here is stricter than when adding a service. For instance it is not allowed to change terms for the past if there are already existing contracts created by this service. Invariant(s) ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Essential Steps ----------------------------------------------------------------------- - System receives service ID and any optional parameters specifying the data to change in the service. - Data is validated. - If passed-in parameters are invalid, user is offered a possibility to fix the invalid data. - System updates the given service. Open Issues ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Remarks ----------------------------------------------------------------------- .. raw:: latex \pagebreak[4]