.. _label-uc-service-manage: Use-Case: Modify a Service *********************************************************************** .. Description of a use case .. The description must be formulated as seen from system (not: actors) .. Describes those changes an (outside) actor can notice .. Short and abstract as possible, as long as necessary. .. Each use case must have at least one actor involved .. Each use case must have a trigger and a result Short Description ----------------------------------------------------------------------- A service is modified by staff. Actor(s) ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Staff Trigger(s) ----------------------------------------------------------------------- - Imports (modifying existing data) - Web form(s) submitted by authorized user. Result(s) ----------------------------------------------------------------------- - Data (terms, title, description) of the given service is modified. Incoming Data ----------------------------------------------------------------------- - Service ID, names and values of parameters to change. Outgoing Data ----------------------------------------------------------------------- - Message about service modification. - (optional) regarding customers are informed by email or SMS. Regarding customers are those having a contract created by the modified service. - Log message Precondition(s) ----------------------------------------------------------------------- - Service ID must exist. - Submitting user must be authorized to perform the operation. Postcondition(s) ----------------------------------------------------------------------- - The new service data were checked for validity. Validation here is stricter than when adding a service. For instance it is not allowed to change terms for the past if there are already existing contracts created by this service. Invariant(s) ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Essential Steps ----------------------------------------------------------------------- - System receives service ID and any optional parameters specifying the data to change in the service. - Data is validated. - If passed-in parameters are invalid, user is offered a possibility to fix the invalid data. - System updates the given service. Open Issues ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Remarks ----------------------------------------------------------------------- .. raw:: latex \pagebreak[4]