.. _label-uc-customer-edit-basedata: Use-Case: Edit Basic Customer Data *********************************************************************** .. Description of a use case .. The description must be formulated as seen from system (not: actors) .. Describes those changes an (outside) actor can notice .. Short and abstract as possible, as long as necessary. .. Each use case must have at least one actor involved .. Each use case must have a trigger and a result Short Description ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Basic customer data like contact data or login credentials are modified. Actor(s) ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Customer Trigger(s) ----------------------------------------------------------------------- - Imports (modifying existing data) - Web form(s) submitted by authorized user. Result(s) ----------------------------------------------------------------------- - Customer base data are modified. Incoming Data ----------------------------------------------------------------------- - Contact data | password | user name | user id Outgoing Data ----------------------------------------------------------------------- - Message about successful/failed changes. - Log message Precondition(s) ----------------------------------------------------------------------- - Submitting user is authorized to do the requested modifications. Postcondition(s) ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Any entered data is valid. Invariant(s) ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Essential Steps ----------------------------------------------------------------------- - Sending user authorization is checked. - System receives infos about - what data fields of which user should be set to which values. - submitting user - Data is modified in system - User gets informed about operation success/fail. - if operation fails, possibility to change input data is offered Open Issues ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Remarks ----------------------------------------------------------------------- .. raw:: latex \pagebreak[4]