.. _label-uc-customer-add-by-anon: Add a Customer by Anonymous User (self-registration) *********************************************************************** Short Description ----------------------------------------------------------------------- A customer is manually added by some arbitrary person. Actor(s) ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Anonymous Trigger(s) ----------------------------------------------------------------------- - Some customer is added to the system. - A respective web form is requested from the system to fill customer data. Result(s) ----------------------------------------------------------------------- - The new customer was created in system with a new unique customer ID. - The new customer got valid login credentials from the system. The credentials have been forwarded by email. - A (nearly empty) transaction history can be retrieved for the new customer. - Authorized users can get the current account balance of the balance. Incoming Data ----------------------------------------------------------------------- - Contact data Outgoing Data ----------------------------------------------------------------------- - Message about customer creation - Email/SMS to customer with login credentials - Log message Precondition(s) ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Postcondition(s) ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Any email address/phone number was checked for validity. User is able to login with sent credentials. User is able to create contracts, etc. Invariant(s) ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Essential Steps ----------------------------------------------------------------------- - System receives user contact data, as required, plus optional data. - Contact data is checked for validity (test email, etc.). - System sends login credentials to user. Open Issues ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Remarks ----------------------------------------------------------------------- .. raw:: latex \