.. _label-uc-contract-remove: Remove a Contract *********************************************************************** Short Description ----------------------------------------------------------------------- A contract is removed from system. Actor(s) ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Officer, Customer Trigger(s) ----------------------------------------------------------------------- - Imports (removing existing data) - Web form(s) submitted by authorized user Result(s) ----------------------------------------------------------------------- - Contract data of the given contract and all connected data (contract add-ons, etc.) was removed from the system. - All removed data is archived. Incoming Data ----------------------------------------------------------------------- - Contract ID Outgoing Data ----------------------------------------------------------------------- - Message about contract removal - (optional) Regarding customer is informed by email or SMS. - Log message - Archive entry Precondition(s) ----------------------------------------------------------------------- - Contract ID must exist. - Submitting user must be authorized to perform the operation. - Customers can only remove the contract if it has not yet been concluded and no transactions have been made. If customers accidentally added a contract they can subesequently remove it to correct their mistake. Postcondition(s) ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Invariant(s) ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Essential Steps ----------------------------------------------------------------------- - System validates contract ID. - Removed data is archived. - System removes the given contract and connected items (transactions, supplementary contracts, etc.). - (optional) System informs regarding customer (email and/or SMS). Open Issues ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Remarks ----------------------------------------------------------------------- An ended contract is not the same as a removed contract. .. raw:: latex \