.. _label-uc-contract-remove: Use-Case: Remove a Contract *********************************************************************** .. Description of a use case .. The description must be formulated as seen from system (not: actors) .. Describes those changes an (outside) actor can notice .. Short and abstract as possible, as long as necessary. .. Each use case must have at least one actor involved .. Each use case must have a trigger and a result Short Description ----------------------------------------------------------------------- A contract is removed from system. Actor(s) ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Staff Trigger(s) ----------------------------------------------------------------------- - Imports (removing existing data) - Web form(s) submitted by authorized user. Result(s) ----------------------------------------------------------------------- - Contract data of the given contract and all connected data (contract add-ons, etc.) was removed from the system. - All removed data is archived. Incoming Data ----------------------------------------------------------------------- - Contract ID Outgoing Data ----------------------------------------------------------------------- - Message about contract removal. - (optional) regarding customer is informed by email or SMS. - Log message - Archive entry. Precondition(s) ----------------------------------------------------------------------- - Contract ID must exist. - Submitting user must be authorized to perform the operation. Postcondition(s) ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Invariant(s) ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Essential Steps ----------------------------------------------------------------------- - System validates contract ID. - Removed data is archived. - System removes the given contract and connected items (transactions, contract-add-ons, etc.). - (optional) System informs regarding customer (email and/or SMS) Open Issues ----------------------------------------------------------------------- Remarks ----------------------------------------------------------------------- An ended contract is not the same as a removed contract. .. raw:: latex \pagebreak[4]