source: WAeUP_SRP/trunk/skins/waeup_student/ @ 1300

Last change on this file since 1300 was 1286, checked in by Henrik Bettermann, 18 years ago

new student statistics
sc payment beautified
student workflow state and transition renamed

File size: 6.3 KB
1<metal:body use-macro="here/main_template/macros/master">
2    <metal:block fill-slot="header"
3                 tal:define="creation creation|nothing;
4                 edition edition|nothing;
5                 metadata metadata|nothing"
6                 >
7    </metal:block>
9    <metal:main fill-slot="main"
10            tal:define="rendered options/rendered;
11            portal_status_message options/psm;
12            students options/students;
13            info options/info|nothing;
14            allowed options/allowed|nothing"
15            >
16      <span tal:condition="not: allowed">
17        <span tal:content="here/illegal_view" />
18      </span>
19      <span tal:condition="allowed" tal:omit-tag="">
20        <a href="statistics_new_view"><strong>New Student Statistics</strong></a>
21        &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;
22        <a href="statistics_ret_view"><strong>Returning Student Statistics</strong></a>
23        <h3> Search Student Section</h3><br />
24          You are logged in as member <span tal:replace="info/member|nothing" />
25          <span tal:condition="info/faculties|nothing" tal:omit-tag="">
26            who is ClearanceOfficer for Faculty
27            <span tal:repeat="faculty info/faculties" tal:content="faculty" />
28          </span>
29          <span tal:condition="info/departments|nothing" tal:omit-tag="">
30            and <span tal:repeat="department info/departments|nothing" tal:content="department"/></span>.
31          <br /><br />
32        <span tal:replace="structure rendered" />
33        <span tal:condition="students">
34          <span
35              tal:define="items students;
36              columns python:3;
37              items_per_page python:40;
38              max_items python:300;
39              zoom python:0;
40              batches_all python:here.getBatchList(items,columns, items_per_page,zoom,max_items=400);
41              batches python:batches_all[0];
42              batch_info python:batches_all[1];
43              zoomed python:batches_all[2];
44              mq nocall:modules/ZTUtils/make_query;"
45              tal:omit-tag=""
46              >
47            <tal:block tal:condition="python: items and batch_info and batch_info['nb_pages'] > 1">
48              <div class="batchLayout">
49                <span i18n:translate="">
50                  Objects:
51                  <strong>
52                    <tal:block replace="batch_info/start"
53                               i18n:name="batch_start" /> - <tal:block replace="batch_info/limit"
54                                                                       i18n:name="batch_limit" />
55                  </strong>
56                  of <tal:block replace="batch_info/length"
57                                i18n:name="batch_length" />
58                </span>
59              </div>
60              <br />
61            </tal:block>
62            <table class="contentListing" width="100%">
63              <span tal:repeat="rows batches" tal:omit-tag="">
64                <span tal:repeat="student rows">
65                  <tr tal:condition="student"
66                      tal:attributes="class python:test(repeat['student'].even(), 'even ajaxtd', 'odd ajaxtd')">
67                    <td><a href="id" tal:attributes="href string:${context/portal_url}/campus/students/${student/id}"
68                           tal:content="student/id"></a></td>   
69                    <td>
70                      <span tal:replace="student/name" />
71                    </td>   
72                    <td><span tal:replace="student/matric_no" /></td>   
73                    <td><span tal:replace="student/jamb_reg_no" /></td>
74                    <td tal:condition="options/co_view|nothing">
75                      <a href="id"
76                         tal:attributes="href string:${context/portal_url}/campus/students/${student/id}/clearance/external_clearance_edit_form"
77                         target="edit"
78                         onclick="'','edit','width=600, height=700, directories=no, toolbar=no, location=no, menubar=no, scrollbars=yes, status=no, resizable=no, dependent=no')"
79                         >[view and change state]</a></td>
80                    <td tal:condition="options/co_view|nothing"><span tal:replace="student/review_state|nothing" /></td>   
81                  </tr>
82                </span>
83              </span>
84            </table>
85            <tal:block condition="python:batch_info and batch_info['nb_pages'] > 1">
86              <div class="pageNavigationLayout">
87                <a tal:define="previous batch_info/previous"
88                   tal:condition="python:previous is not None"
89                   tal:attributes="href python:'%s?%s'%(request['URL'],
90                   mq(request.form, b_start=0))"
91                   >
92                (&lt;&lt;)</a>
93                <a tal:define="previous batch_info/previous"
94                   tal:condition="python:previous is not None"
95                   tal:attributes="href python:'%s?%s'%(request['URL'],
96                   mq(request.form, b_start=previous))"
97                   i18n:translate="batch_previous">Previous</a>
98                <tal:block repeat="page batch_info/pages">
99                  <tal:block condition="python:page != batch_info['start'] - 1">
100                    <a tal:attributes="href python:'%s?%s'%(request['URL'],
101                    mq(request.form, b_start=page))"
102                    tal:content="repeat/page/number">1</a>&nbsp;
103                  </tal:block>
104                  <tal:block condition="python:page == batch_info['start'] - 1">
105                    <span tal:content="string:${repeat/page/number}" />&nbsp;
106                  </tal:block>
107                </tal:block>
108                <a tal:define="next batch_info/next"
109                   tal:condition="python:next is not None"
110                   tal:attributes="href python:'%s?%s'%(request['URL'],
111                   mq(request.form, b_start=next))"
112                   i18n:translate="batch_next">Next</a>
113                <a tal:define="next batch_info/next;
114                last_page python:batch_info['pages'][-1]"
115                tal:condition="python:next is not None"
116                tal:attributes="href python:'%s?%s'%(request['URL'],
117                mq(request.form, b_start=last_page))"
118                >
119                (&gt;&gt;)</a>
120              </div>
121            </tal:block>
122          </span>
123        </span>
124      </span>
125    </metal:main>
Note: See TracBrowser for help on using the repository browser.