source: WAeUP_SRP/trunk/skins/waeup_ois/ @ 11089

Last change on this file since 11089 was 5145, checked in by Henrik Bettermann, 14 years ago

revert changes made for testing only

File size: 14.4 KB
1<metal:body use-macro="here/main_template/macros/master">
2  <metal:main fill-slot="main"
3          tal:define="info context/getStudyLevelInfo;
4                      contact_student_form string:contact_student_form;
5                      academic_report_view string:academic_report_view;">
6  <metal:block define-macro="edit_form">   
8    <span tal:condition="not: info">
9      <span tal:content="here/illegal_view" />
10    </span>
11    <span tal:condition="info">
12    <span tal:define= "is_so context/isSectionOfficer;
13    is_ca info/is_ca;
14    show_check_boxes info/show_check_boxes;
15    has_verdict info/has_verdict;
16    submission_allowed info/submission_allowed;
17    rejection_allowed info/rejection_allowed;
18    is_current_level info/is_current_level;
19    is_student info/is_student;
20    with_score not: info/without_score|nothing;
21    with_cascore not: info/without_cascore|nothing;
22    ">     
25    <span tal:condition="python:True"> 
26    <div style="text-align: right"
27         tal:condition="python:True">
28    <img tal:attributes="src string:${here/portal_url}/actionicon_print.png" /> Academic Report Slip:
29    <a href="" target="slip" tal:attributes="href string:callAcademicReportSlip?term=1"
30        onclick="'','slip','width=700, height=700, directories=no, toolbar=no, location=no, menubar=yes, scrollbars=yes, status=no, resizable=no, dependent=no')">
31        Term 1 /
32    </a>
33    <a href="" target="slip" tal:attributes="href string:callAcademicReportSlip?term=2"
34        onclick="'','slip','width=700, height=700, directories=no, toolbar=no, location=no, menubar=yes, scrollbars=yes, status=no, resizable=no, dependent=no')">
35        Term 2 /
36    </a>
37    <a href="" target="slip" tal:attributes="href string:callAcademicReportSlip?term=3"
38        onclick="'','slip','width=700, height=700, directories=no, toolbar=no, location=no, menubar=yes, scrollbars=yes, status=no, resizable=no, dependent=no')">
39        Term 3
40    </a>     
41    </div>
42    </span>
44    <a href=""
45       tal:attributes="href string:${here/academicsParent}">
46      <img tal:attributes="src string:${here/portal_url}/arrow_up.gif"/>
47      Up one level
48    </a>
50    <h3>
51      <span tal:condition="python: is_so or is_ca">
52        <span tal:content="info/student/name" />:
53      </span>
54      Subject Registration Form for <span tal:content="info/level_str" />
55    </h3>
57    <br />
59    <table>
60      <tr>
61        <th>Session:</th>
62        <td><span tal:content="info/session" /></td>
63      </tr>
64      <tr tal:condition="has_verdict">
65        <th>Verdict:</th>
66        <td><span tal:content="info/verdict" /></td>
67      </tr>     
68      <tr>
69        <th>Passmark:</th>
70        <td>55%</td>
71      </tr>       
72    </table>           
75    <form action="." method="post" class="group" onsubmit="return submit_once()">
77      <div class="" tal:condition="python: info['data_missing'] and not info['spillover']">
78        <font color="red">Your faculty has not yet provided the list of subjects for your certificate. Please contact your faculty!</font>
79        <br /><br />
80      </div>
82      <span tal:condition="not:info/data_missing" tal:omit-tag="">
84      <table class="contentListing"  id="folder_content" width="100%">
86        <span tal:repeat="sem python:(('1','Term One','normal1'),('2','Term Two','normal2'),('3','Term Three','normal3'))">       
88        <tr tal:condition="python:info[sem[2]]">
89        <th tal:attributes="colspan python: test(show_check_boxes,'2','1')"
90            tal:content="python:sem[1]" />
91        <th style='text-align:center'>Code</th>   
92        <th style='text-align:center'>Attitude To Learning</th>   
93        <th style='text-align:center'>CA 1 <br />Marks</th>
94        <th style='text-align:center'>CA 2 <br />Marks</th>   
95        <th style='text-align:center'>Exam <br />Marks</th>             
96        <th style='text-align:center'>Overall <br />Marks</th>
97        <th style='text-align:center'>Grade</th>
98        <th style='text-align:center'>PiS</th>
99        <th tal:condition="submission_allowed" style='text-align:center'></th>   
100        <th tal:condition="is_so" style='text-align:center'></th>
102        </tr>               
103        <tr tal:repeat="row python:info[sem[2]]"
104            tal:attributes="class python:test(repeat['row'].even(), 'even ajaxtd', 'odd ajaxtd')">
105          <td align="left" valign="middle" style="width: 5%;"
106             tal:condition="show_check_boxes">
107            <input type="checkbox" name="ids:list" value="" id="" class="noborder"
108                   tal:define="id row/id"
109                   tal:attributes="value id;
110                   id python:'cb_' + id;
111                   checked python:id in info['choosen_ids'];"
112                   />
113          </td>
114          <td tal:content="row/title"></td>
115          <td style='text-align:center' tal:content="row/code"></td>
116          <td style='text-align:center' tal:content="python:context.portal_vocabularies.pastoral_grade.get(row['atl'])"></td>
117          <td style='text-align:center' tal:content="row/ca1"></td>
118          <td style='text-align:center' tal:content="row/ca2"></td>
119          <td style='text-align:center' tal:content="row/exam"></td>
120          <td style='text-align:center' tal:content="row/score_calc"></td>
121          <td style='text-align:center' tal:content="row/grade"></td>
122          <td style='text-align:center' tal:content="row/pic"></td>
124          <td tal:condition="python:submission_allowed and is_student and False" style='text-align:center'>
125            <a href="edit" tal:attributes="href string:course_edit/${row/code}"
126            target="edit_course_result"
127            onclick="'','edit_course_result','width=600, height=350, directories=no, toolbar=no, location=no, menubar=no, scrollbars=yes, status=no, resizable=no, dependent=no')">
128            [edit]
129            </a>
130          </td>       
131          <td tal:condition="is_so" style='text-align:center'>
132            <a href="edit" tal:attributes="href string:lecturer_course_edit/${row/code}"
133            target="edit_course_result"
134            onclick="'','edit_course_result','width=600, height=500, directories=no, toolbar=no, location=no, menubar=no, scrollbars=yes, status=no, resizable=no, dependent=no')">
135            [edit]
136            </a>
137          </td>                   
138        </tr>
139        <tr><td>&nbsp;</td></tr>
140        </span>       
142      </table>
143      </span>
147      <br />
149      <table tal:condition="python: is_student and show_check_boxes" width="100%" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="2"
150             class="folderButtons">
151        <tr>
152          <td align="left" valign="top" rowspan="3"></td>
153          <td align="left" valign="top">
154              <input type="submit" name="delete_course_result:method" value="Delete selected"
155                     class="destructive" i18n:attributes="value"
156                     tal:attributes="onclick python:'return window.confirm(\'%s\')' %
157                     ('Do you really want to delete selected subjects?', )"
158                     />
159              <input tal:condition="python: 1" type="submit" name="refresh_level:method"
160                     class="context" value="Update"
161                     />
164              <br /><br />
165              <input tal:condition="not: info/credits_exceeded"
166                     type="submit" name="register_courses:method"
167                     class="context" value="Submit to Academic Tutor"
168                     tal:attributes="onclick python:'return window.confirm(\'%s\')' %
169                     ('Do you really want to submit the list? You will not be able to edit your data after submission.', )" />
170              <span tal:condition="info/credits_exceeded">
171                  <font color="red"> <strong>Your total credits exceed <span tal:replace="info/max_credits" />!</strong></font>
172              </span>
174              <input type="hidden" name="action_after_validate" type="text" id="action_after_validate"
175                     tal:attributes="value academic_report_view"/> 
177              <br /><br />
179              <span tal:condition="python: 1">
180              <strong>Note:</strong> 'Update' checks for all subjects in your certificate and will add them to your subject list irrespective of
181              prior deletion, i.e. already deleted subjectss will show up again.
182              Please use this function only if you are sure that your department has added subjects which are not yet on your subject list.                               
183              </span>
184              <span tal:condition="python: 0">
185              <strong>Note:</strong> The 'Update' function has been temporarily disabled.                                 
186              </span>             
188          </td>
189        </tr>
190      </table>
191      <table tal:condition="python: is_so and show_check_boxes" width="100%" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="2"
192             class="folderButtons">
193        <tr>
194          <td align="left" valign="top" rowspan="3"></td>
195          <td align="left" valign="top">
196              <input type="button" value="Select all" class="context"
197                     onclick="someJavaScriptFunctionThatWillBeReplaced"
198                     i18n:attributes="value"
199                     tal:attributes="onclick python:'toggleSelect(this, \'%s\', \'%s\')'
200                     % (cpsmcat('button_select_all'), cpsmcat('button_deselect_all'))"
201                     />
202              <input type="submit" name="delete_course_result:method" value="Delete selected"
203                     class="destructive" i18n:attributes="value"
204                     tal:attributes="onclick python:'return window.confirm(\'%s\')' %
205                     ('Do you really want to delete the subjects selected?', )"
206                     />
207              <input
208                     type="submit" name="refresh_level:method"
209                     class="context" value="Update"
210                     />
211              <input tal:condition="submission_allowed" type="submit" name="register_courses:method"
212                     class="context" value="Submit" /> 
213              <input tal:condition="info/validation_allowed" type="submit" name="validate_courses:method"
214                     class="context" value="Validate" />
215              <input tal:condition="info/rejection_allowed" type="submit" name="reject_courses:method"
216                     class="context" value="Reject" />
218              <input type="hidden" name="action_after_validate" type="text" id="action_after_validate"
219                     tal:attributes="value academic_report_view"/>                         
220              <input type="hidden" name="action_after_reject" type="text" id="action_after_reject"
221                     tal:attributes="value contact_student_form"/>                         
223          </td>
224        </tr>
225      </table>
226      <table tal:condition="python:is_ca and is_current_level and not has_verdict" width="100%" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="2"
227             class="folderButtons">
228        <tr>
229          <td align="left" valign="top" rowspan="3"></td>
230          <td align="left" valign="top">
231              <input tal:condition="show_check_boxes"
232                     type="button" value="Select all" class="context"
233                     onclick="someJavaScriptFunctionThatWillBeReplaced"
234                     i18n:attributes="value"
235                     tal:attributes="onclick python:'toggleSelect(this, \'%s\', \'%s\')'
236                     % (cpsmcat('button_select_all'), cpsmcat('button_deselect_all'))"
237                     />
238              <input tal:condition="show_check_boxes"
239                     type="submit" name="delete_course_result:method" value="Delete selected"
240                     class="destructive" i18n:attributes="value"
241                     tal:attributes="onclick python:'return window.confirm(\'%s\')' %
242                     ('Do you really want to delete the subjects selected?', )"
243                     />
244              <input tal:condition="show_check_boxes"
245                     type="submit" name="refresh_level:method"
246                     class="context" value="Update"
247                     />
248              <input tal:condition="submission_allowed" type="submit" name="register_courses:method"
249                     class="context" value="Submit" /> 
250              <input tal:condition="info/validation_allowed" type="submit" name="validate_courses:method"
251                     class="context" value="Validate" />
252              <input tal:condition="info/rejection_allowed" type="submit" name="reject_courses:method"
253                     class="context" value="Reject" />
255              <input type="hidden" name="action_after_validate" type="text" id="action_after_validate"
256                     tal:attributes="value academic_report_view"/>                         
257              <input type="hidden" name="action_after_reject" type="text" id="action_after_reject"
258                     tal:attributes="value contact_student_form"/>   
261          </td>
262        </tr>
263      </table>
265    </form>
266    <br />
267      <form action="add_course_result" method="post" class="group" onsubmit="return submit_once()"
268          tal:condition="show_check_boxes">
269      <table>
270        <tr>
271          <th>Subject Id</th>
272          <td><input type="text" name="course_id"
273                     tal:attributes="value request/course_id|nothing"/></td>
274          <td colspan="2">
275            <input type="submit" name="add"
276                   class="context" value="Add Subject"
277                   />
278            <input type="hidden" name="action_after_validate" type="text" id="action_after_validate"
279                     tal:attributes="value academic_report_view"/>                       
280          </td>               
281      </table>
282      </form>   
284      <table>     
285           <tr>
286            <th valign='top'>Pastoral Reports:</th>
287            <td>
288              <span tal:repeat="item python:info['items']">
289                <a href="view"
290                   tal:attributes="href item/id"
291                   tal:content="item/title"/><br />
292              </span>
293            </td>
294          </tr>
295       </table>     
296  </span>
297  </span>       
298  </metal:block>   
299  </metal:main>
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