1 | <metal:defineblock tal:define="rendered_main python:context.getContent().render(layout_mode='edit', |
2 | cluster=None, |
3 | request=request, |
4 | use_session=True, |
5 | no_form=True); |
6 | form_action string:waeup_edit; |
7 | form_type string:waeup; |
8 | creation python:False; |
9 | is_allowed context/isSectionOfficer; |
10 | metadata metadata|nothing; |
11 | template here/main_template/macros/master;" |
12 | > |
13 | <metal:block define-macro="edit_form"> |
14 | <metal:block use-macro=template> |
15 | <metal:block fill-slot="style_slot"> |
16 | <link rel="Stylesheet" type="text/css" href="" |
17 | tal:attributes="href string:${base_url}document.css" /> |
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19 | <span tal:condition="python:1"> |
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21 | tal:attributes="src string:${base_url}prototype.js"></script> |
22 | <script type="text/javascript" src="effects.js" |
23 | tal:attributes="src string:${base_url}effects.js"></script> |
24 | <script type="text/javascript" src="controls.js" |
25 | tal:attributes="src string:${base_url}controls.js"></script> |
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27 | tal:attributes="src string:${base_url}cpsdocument.js"></script> |
28 | <script type="text/javascript" src="cpsschemas.js" |
29 | tal:attributes="src string:${base_url}cpsschemas.js"></script> |
30 | </span> |
31 | <tal:block condition="python:modules['Products.CPSUtil.integration'].isProductPresent('Products.FCKeditor')"> |
32 | <script type="text/javascript"> |
33 | var popup_editor_form = 'popup_fckeditor_form'; |
34 | var width = 640; |
35 | var height = 520; |
36 | </script> |
37 | </tal:block> |
38 | <script type="text/javascript"> |
39 | function popup_rte(input_id, label_edit) { |
40 | var args, value; |
41 | value = document.getElementById(input_id).value; |
42 | args = '?input_id='+input_id+'&label_edit='+escape(label_edit); |
43 | str_window_features = 'toolbar=0,scrollbars=0,location=0,statusbar=0,menubar=0,resizable=1,dependent=1,width=' + width + ',height=' + height; |
44 | popup = window.open(popup_editor_form + args, input_id, str_window_features); |
45 | if (!popup.opener) { |
46 | popup.opener = window; |
47 | } |
48 | return false; |
49 | } |
50 | </script> |
51 | </metal:block> |
52 | </metal:block> |
53 | <metal:block fill-slot="header"> |
54 | <span tal:condition="not: is_allowed"> |
55 | <span tal:content="here/illegal_view" /> |
56 | </span> |
57 | <span tal:condition="is_allowed"> |
58 | <h3 tal:condition="creation" i18n:translate=""> |
59 | Create a document of type |
60 | <tal:block i18n:name="type_name" i18n:translate="" |
61 | tal:define="type_name request/type_name; |
62 | type_info python:here.portal_types[type_name]" |
63 | tal:content="type_info/Title">Type Title</tal:block> |
64 | </h3> |
65 | <span tal:condition="python: not creation"> |
66 | <a href="" tal:condition="python: form_type in ('waeup',)" |
67 | tal:attributes="href string:${here/academicsParent}"> |
68 | <img tal:attributes="src string:${here/portal_url}/arrow_up.gif"/> |
69 | Up one level |
70 | </a> |
71 | <h3> |
72 | <tal:block condition="not: metadata" |
73 | i18n:translate="">Edit <span id="page_title" i18n:name="title" |
74 | tal:content="here/title_or_id">Page Title</span> |
75 | </tal:block> |
76 | <tal:block tal:condition="metadata" |
77 | i18n:translate="">Metadata of <span i18n:name="title" tal:content="here/title_or_id">Page Title</span> |
78 | </tal:block> |
79 | </h3> |
80 | <br /> |
81 | </span> |
82 | </span> |
83 | </metal:block> |
84 | |
85 | |
86 | <metal:block fill-slot="main" tal:condition="is_allowed"> |
87 | <form id=editForm action="waeup_edit" method="post" id="editForm" |
88 | enctype="multipart/form-data" class="workflow" |
89 | tal:attributes="action string:${context/absolute_url}/waeup_edit" |
90 | > |
91 | <input type="hidden" id="came_from" name="came_from" value="" |
92 | tal:attributes="value string:${form_action}_form"/> |
93 | <div class="group"> |
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96 | replace="structure python:getFormUidHtml(request)"/> |
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98 | tal:condition="creation" |
99 | tal:attributes="value request/type_name" /> |
100 | <div id="rendered_main" tal:content="structure rendered_main"> |
101 | CONTENT |
102 | </div> |
103 | </div> |
104 | |
105 | <tal:block condition="python: 0 and not creation"> |
106 | <div class="tooltipArea" style="visibility: hidden;" |
107 | id="transition_comments_help" |
108 | onclick="showElement(false, 'transition_comments_help')" |
109 | i18n:translate="help_transition_comments_modification"> |
110 | In this field you can give the reason for the modification |
111 | on this document. Your comments may be used to notify other users. |
112 | </div> |
113 | <dl> |
114 | <dt><label for="comments" |
115 | i18n:translate="transition_comments_modification" |
116 | >Reason of the modification</label> |
117 | <button type="button" class="tooltipControl" |
118 | onclick="toggleElementVisibility('transition_comments_help')"> ? </button> |
119 | </dt> |
120 | <dd> |
121 | <textarea name="comments" id="comments" cols="60" rows="3" |
122 | tal:content="nothing"> |
123 | </textarea> |
124 | </dd> |
125 | </dl> |
126 | </tal:block> |
127 | <metal:block use-macro="python:path('context/%s_edit_buttons/macros/buttons' % form_type)"/> |
128 | </div> |
129 | </form> |
130 | <div id="ajax_psm" style="display:none"> |
131 | ajax feedback |
132 | </div> |
133 | </metal:block> |
134 | |
135 | </metal:block> |
136 | </metal:block> |
137 | </metal:defineblock> |