source: WAeUP_SRP/trunk/skins/waeup_academics/ @ 603

Last change on this file since 603 was 603, checked in by Henrik Bettermann, 18 years ago

batch of fixes to open the frontend for the first time

File size: 4.4 KB
1<metal:html tal:define="info context/getLevelInfo;
2            is_manager info/is_manager|nothing;"
3            >
4  <metal:body use-macro="here/waeup_content_master/macros/master">
5    <metal:block fill-slot="header">
6      <a href=""
7         tal:attributes="href string:${here/academicsParent}">
8        <img tal:attributes="src string:${here/portal_url}/arrow_up.gif"/>
9        Up one level
10      </a>
11      <h3 tal:content="here/title_or_id" />
12      <div tal:condition="python:0" tal:content="info/container_path"/>
13      <div tal:condition="python:0" tal:content="info/dep_id"/>
14      <div tal:condition="python:0" tal:content="info/cert_id"/>
15    </metal:block>
16    <metal:main fill-slot="main" tal:condition="python:1">
17      <span tal:omit-tag="" 
18            tal:content="structure python: info['doc'].render(layout_mode='view')" />
20      <form action="" method="post" class="group"
21            tal:attributes="action info/action"
22            >
23        <table tal:condition="python: 1" class="contentListing" width="100%" summary="content layout" id="folder_content">     
24          <span tal:repeat="sem python:('first','second')">
25            <tr><th colspan="3" tal:content="python: test(sem == 'first','First Semester', 'Second Semester')" />
26            <tr tal:repeat="row python: info[sem]"
27                tal:attributes="class python:test(repeat['row'].even(), 'even ajaxtd', 'odd ajaxtd')">
28              <td align="left" valign="middle" style="width: 5px;"
29                  tal:condition="is_manager">
30                <input type="checkbox" name="ids:list" value="" id="" class="noborder"
31                       tal:condition="is_manager"
32                       tal:define="id row/id"
33                       tal:attributes="value id;
34                       id python:'cb_' + id;
35                       checked python:id in info['choosen_ids'];"
36                       />
37                </td>
38                <td><a href="view" tal:attributes="href string:${row/url}">
39                    <strong tal:content="row/title" /></a> </td>
40                <td tal:content="row/id"></td>
41                <td tal:content="python: test(row['core'],'core','elective')"></td>
42                <td tal:condition="row/is_editable" tal:content="row/review_state"> </td>
43                <td>
44                <a tal:condition="row/is_editable"
45                    href="edit" tal:attributes="href string:${row/url}/external_edit_form"
46                    target="edit"
47                    onclick="'','edit','width=600, height=700, directories=no, toolbar=no, location=no, menubar=no, scrollbars=yes, status=no, resizable=no, dependent=no')">
48                    [edit]
49                    </a>
50                </td>
51              </tr>
52            </span>
53          </table>
54        <table width="100%" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="2"
55               class="folderButtons">
56          <tr>
57            <td align="left" valign="top" rowspan="3"></td>
58            <td align="left" valign="top">
59              <span tal:condition="is_manager">
60                <input type="button" value="button_select_all" class="context"
61                       onclick="someJavaScriptFunctionThatWillBeReplaced"
62                       i18n:attributes="value"
63                       tal:attributes="onclick python:'toggleSelect(this, \'%s\', \'%s\')'
64                       % (cpsmcat('button_select_all'), cpsmcat('button_deselect_all'))"
65                       />
66                <input type="submit" name="approve_checked:method"
67                       class="context" value="Approve" />
68                <input type="submit" name="retract_checked:method"
69                       class="context" value="Retract" />
70                <input type="submit" name="folder_delete:method" value="button_delete"
71                       class="destructive" i18n:attributes="value"
72                       tal:attributes="onclick python:'return window.confirm(\'%s\')' %
73                       (cpsmcat('description_confirm_delete'), )"
74                       />
75                <input tal:condition="python: context.portal_type not in ('Semester','Certificate')"
76                       type="submit" name="id_rename_form:method"
77                       class="context" value="Change Object ID" i18n:attributes="value"
78                       />
79              </span>
80            </td>
81          </tr>
82        </table>
83      </form>
84    </metal:main>
86    <metal:sub fill-slot="sub"/>
87  </metal:body>
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