- None
- Accounts
- Add General Science
- Add Maths
- Adv. Electrical Installation and Maintenance
- Agricultural Science
- Applied Electricity
- Arabic
- Arithmetics
- Art
- Auto Mechanics
- Basic Electricity
- Bible Knowledge
- Biology
- Biology (Alt.Syl)
- Book Keeping
- Building Construction
- Business Management
- Business/Construction Management (Adv)
- Chemistry
- Chemistry (Alt.Syl)
- Christian Religious Studies
- Clerical Office Duties
- Clothing and Textiles
- Commerce
- Economics
- Education
- Efik
- Electronics
- Elementary Surveying
- English Language
- Engineering Science
- Financial Accounting
- Food and Nutrition
- French
- Further Mathematics
- General Science
- Geography
- German
- Government
- Hausa
- Hausa Literature
- Health Science
- History
- Home Management
- Industrial Elect Installation (Adv)
- Intergrated Science
- Islamic Studies
- Literature in English
- Literature in Nigerian Languages
- Igbo
- Igbo Literature
- Yoruba
- Yoruba Literature
- Management in Living
- Mathematics
- Metalwork
- Music
- Nigerian Language
- Office Practice
- Physical Education
- Physical and Health Education
- Physics
- Physics (Alt.Syl)
- Principles of Cost Accounting
- Rural Science
- Science
- Secretarial Duties
- Shorthand
- Sierra Leone Studies
- Sierra Leone Languages
- Social Studies
- Statistics
- Teaching Practice
- Technical Drawing
- Typewriting
- Visual Art
- Woodwork
- Winding of Elect Machines and Elect Eng Sc