layout_apply_admission_ False Total JAMB Score Total JAMB Score Total JAMB Score string:row Application Date Application Date Application Date string:row %A, %d. %B %Y False 1st Choice Course of Study 1st Choice Course of Study 1st Choice Course of Study string:row cos 2nd Choice Course of Study 2nd Choice Course of Study 2nd Choice Course of Study string:row cos 3rd Choice Course of Study 3rd Choice Course of Study 3rd Choice Course of Study string:row cos True Admitted Course of Study Admitted Course of Study Admitted Course of Study True string:row cos True Date of Birth Date of Birth Date of Birth (dd/mm/yyyy) string:row %d/%m/%Y False Department Department Department string:row Email Email Email string:row English Score 'English' Score 'English' Score string:row Faculty Faculty Faculty string:row First Name First Name First Name string:row Last Name Last Name Last Name string:row LGA LGA LGA string:row Middle Name Middle Name Middle Name string:row Notice Notice Notice True string:row Passport Photograph True Passport Photograph Passport Photograph 20480 False 100 150 True Phone Phone Phone (international format) string:row Access Code Access Code Access Code string:row PUME reg_no JAMB Registration Number JAMB Registration Number JAMB Registration Number string:row 13 13 applicants_catalog reg_no Screening Date Screening Date Screening Date string:row %A, %d. %B %Y at %I:%M %p False Screening Venue Screening Venue Screening Venue True string:row Screening Score Screening Score Screening Score True string:row Screening Type Screening Type Screening Type string:row screening_types Sex Sex Sex male female State State State string:row Application Status Application Status Application Status string:row application_status Student Id Student Id Student Id string:row Subject 1 label field string:row jamb_subjects Subject 1 Score string:row Subject 2 label field string:row jamb_subjects Subject 2 Score string:row Subject 3 label field string:row jamb_subjects Subject 3 Score string:row PUME + UME Score PUME + UME Score PUME + UME Score True string:row