Export action icon definitions Export actions tool's action providers and their actions. Export caching policy manager's policies. Export catalog tool's sub-objects, indexes and columns. Export content type registry's predicates / bindings. Export cookie crumbler settings Export directory tool and directory configuration. Export event service tool and event subscribers. Export layout tool, layouts and widgets. Export the mailhost's settings and properties Export membership tool. Export portlet tool and portlets. Export site properties. Export registration tool. Export custom roles and non-default role-permission mappings. Export schema tool, schemas and fields. Export skins tool's filesystem directory views and skin path definitions. Export current contents of import step registry and export step registry. Export theme tool and themes. Export required / forbidden tools. Export tree tool and tree caches. Export types tool's type information objects. Export user folder configuration. Export vocabulary tool and vocabularies. Export workflow tool's workflow definitions and supporting scripts. Export WAeUP_SRP and it's configuration.