#-*- mode: python; mode: fold -*- # $Id: __init__.py 458 2006-08-31 17:49:48Z joachim $ from Products.CMFCore.utils import ContentInit, ToolInit from Products.CMFCore.DirectoryView import registerDirectory from Products.CMFCore import utils as cmfutils from Products.CMFCore.permissions import AddPortalContent from Products.GenericSetup import profile_registry from Products.GenericSetup import EXTENSION from Products.CPSCore.interfaces import ICPSSite # Only for CPS 3.4.1. In 3.4.2 and later this should be fixed. import PatchCPSDefaultImportExport import PatchCatalogToolXMLAdapter import Products.WAeUP_SRP.WAeUPPermissions import Widgets waeup_types = ( ("University",('University',)), ("Academics", ("AcademicsFolder", "Certificate", "CertificateCourse", "Faculty", "Department", "Course", "CertificateCourse", ) ), ("Accommodation", ("AccoFolder", "Accommodation", ) ), ("Students", ("StudentsFolder", "Student", "StudentStudyCourse", "CourseTicket", "StudentAdmission", "StudentClearance", "StudentPersonal", "ScratchCardBatch", "ScratchCardBatchesFolder", "StudyLevel", "StudentStudyLevel", "Semester", ) ), ) contentClasses = [] cc = [] for modu,names in waeup_types: mod = __import__('Products.WAeUP_SRP.%(modu)s' % vars(), globals(), locals(), ['*',] ) for name in names: #print name contentClasses.append(getattr(mod,name)) cc.append(getattr(mod,"add%(name)s" % vars())) contentConstructors = tuple(cc) fti = [{} for t in range(len(contentConstructors))] registerDirectory('skins', globals()) def initialize(registrar): ContentInit('WAeUP Types', content_types = contentClasses, permission = AddPortalContent, extra_constructors = contentConstructors, fti = fti, ).initialize(registrar) # Extension profile registration profile_registry.registerProfile( 'default', 'WAeUP_SRP', "The WestAfrican e-University Project", 'profiles/default', 'WAeUP_SRP', EXTENSION, for_=ICPSSite)