#-*- mode: python; mode: fold -*- # (C) Copyright 2005 AixtraWare # Author: Joachim Schmitz # # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 as published # by the Free Software Foundation. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software # Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA # 02111-1307, USA. # # $Id: WAeUPTables.py 1705 2007-04-24 18:18:05Z joachim $ from zope.interface import implements from Globals import InitializeClass from Products.ZCatalog.ZCatalog import ZCatalog from Products.ZCatalog.ProgressHandler import ZLogHandler from AccessControl import ClassSecurityInfo from Products.CMFCore.permissions import ModifyPortalContent import urllib import DateTime,time import csv,re import logging import Globals p_home = Globals.package_home(globals()) i_home = Globals.INSTANCE_HOME from Products.AdvancedQuery import Eq, Between, Le,In from interfaces import IWAeUPTable class AttributeHolder(object): pass def dict2ob(dict): ob = AttributeHolder() for key, value in dict.items(): setattr(ob, key, value) return ob class WAeUPTable(ZCatalog): ###( implements(IWAeUPTable) security = ClassSecurityInfo() def refreshCatalog(self, clear=0, pghandler=None): """ don't refresh for a normal table """ if self.REQUEST and self.REQUEST.RESPONSE: self.REQUEST.RESPONSE.redirect( URL1 + '/manage_catalogAdvanced?manage_tabs_message=Catalog%20refresh%20not%20implemented') def manage_catalogClear(self, REQUEST=None, RESPONSE=None, URL1=None): """ clears the whole enchilada """ #self._catalog.clear() if REQUEST and RESPONSE: RESPONSE.redirect( URL1 + '/manage_catalogAdvanced?manage_tabs_message=Catalog%20Clearing%20disabled') def addRecord(self, **data): # The uid is the same as "bed". uid = data[self.key] res = self.searchResults({"%s" % self.key : uid}) if len(res) > 0: raise ValueError("More than one record with uid %s" % uid) self.catalog_object(dict2ob(data), uid=uid) return uid def deleteRecord(self, uid): self.uncatalog_object(uid) def searchAndSetRecord(self, **data): raise NotImplemented def modifyRecord(self, **data): #records = self.searchResults(uid=uid) uid = data[self.key] records = self.searchResults({"%s" % self.key : uid}) if len(records) > 1: # Can not happen, but anyway... raise ValueError("More than one record with uid %s" % uid) if len(records) == 0: raise KeyError("No record for uid %s" % uid) record = records[0] record_data = {} for field in self.schema() + self.indexes(): record_data[field] = getattr(record, field) # Add the updated data: record_data.update(data) self.catalog_object(dict2ob(record_data), uid) def reindexIndex(self, name, REQUEST,pghandler=None): if isinstance(name, str): name = (name,) paths = self._catalog.uids.items() i = 0 #import pdb;pdb.set_trace() for p,rid in paths: i += 1 metadata = self.getMetadataForRID(rid) record_data = {} for field in name: record_data[field] = metadata.get(field) uid = metadata.get(self.key) self.catalog_object(dict2ob(record_data), uid, idxs=name, update_metadata=0) security.declareProtected(ModifyPortalContent,"exportAllRecords") def exportAllRecords(self): "export a WAeUPTable" #import pdb;pdb.set_trace() fields = [field for field in self.schema()] format = ','.join(['"%%(%s)s"' % fn for fn in fields]) csv = [] csv.append(','.join(['"%s"' % fn for fn in fields])) for uid in self._catalog.uids: records = self.searchResults({"%s" % self.key : uid}) if len(records) > 1: # Can not happen, but anyway... raise ValueError("More than one record with uid %s" % uid) if len(records) == 0: raise KeyError("No record for uid %s" % uid) rec = records[0] csv.append(format % rec) current = DateTime.DateTime().strftime("%d-%m-%y_%H_%M_%S") open("%s/import/%s-%s.csv" % (i_home,self.getId(),current),"w+").write('\n'.join(csv)) ###) class AccommodationTable(WAeUPTable): ###( meta_type = 'WAeUP Accommodation Tool' name = "accommodation" key = "bed" def __init__(self): WAeUPTable.__init__(self, 'portal_accommodation') def searchAndReserveBed(self, student_id,bed_type): records = self.searchResults({'student' : student_id}) if len(records) > 0: return -1,"Student with Id %s already booked bed %s." % (student_id,records[0].bed) records = [r for r in self.searchResults({'bed_type' : bed_type}) if not r.student] #import pdb;pdb.set_trace() if len(records) == 0: return -2,"No bed available" rec = records[0] self.modifyRecord(bed=rec.bed,student=student_id) s_logger = logging.getLogger('WAeUPTables.AccommodationTable.searchAndReserveBed') s_logger.info('%s reserved bed %s' % (student_id,rec.bed)) return 1,rec.bed InitializeClass(AccommodationTable) ###) class PinTable(WAeUPTable): ###( from ZODB.POSException import ConflictError meta_type = 'WAeUP Pin Tool' name = "pins" key = 'pin' def __init__(self): WAeUPTable.__init__(self, 'portal_pins') def searchAndSetRecord(self, uid, student_id,prefix): #records = self.searchResults(uid=uid) records = self.searchResults(student = student_id) #import pdb;pdb.set_trace() if len(records) > 0: for r in records: if r.pin != uid and r.prefix_batch.startswith(prefix): return -2 records = self.searchResults({"%s" % self.key : uid}) if len(records) > 1: # Can not happen, but anyway... raise ValueError("More than one record with uid %s" % uid) if len(records) == 0: return -1 record = records[0] if record.student == "": record_data = {} for field in self.schema() + self.indexes(): record_data[field] = getattr(record, field) # Add the updated data: record_data['student'] = student_id try: self.catalog_object(dict2ob(record_data), uid) return 1 except ConflictError: return 2 if record.student.upper() != student_id.upper(): return 0 if record.student.upper() == student_id.upper(): return 2 return -3 InitializeClass(PinTable) ###) class PumeResultsTable(WAeUPTable): ###( meta_type = 'WAeUP PumeResults Tool' name = "pumeresults" key = "jamb_reg_no" def __init__(self): WAeUPTable.__init__(self, 'portal_pumeresults') InitializeClass(PumeResultsTable) ###) class StudentsCatalog(WAeUPTable): ###( security = ClassSecurityInfo() meta_type = 'WAeUP Students Catalog' name = "students_catalog" key = "id" affected_types = { ###( 'StudentApplication': ('jamb_reg_no', 'entry_mode', 'entry_session', ), 'StudentClearance': ('matric_no', ), 'StudentPersonal': ('name', 'sex', 'email', 'phone', ), 'StudentStudyCourse': ('course', 'faculty', 'department', 'level', 'mode', 'session', 'verdict', ), } ###) def __init__(self): WAeUPTable.__init__(self, 'students_catalog') return def manage_catalogClear(self, REQUEST=None, RESPONSE=None, URL1=None): """ clears the whole enchilada """ self._catalog.clear() if REQUEST and RESPONSE: RESPONSE.redirect( URL1 + '/manage_catalogAdvanced?manage_tabs_message=Catalog%20Cleared') def manage_catalogReindex(self, REQUEST, RESPONSE, URL1): ###( """ clear the catalog, then re-index everything """ elapse = time.time() c_elapse = time.clock() pgthreshold = self._getProgressThreshold() handler = (pgthreshold > 0) and ZLogHandler(pgthreshold) or None self.refreshCatalog(clear=1, pghandler=handler) elapse = time.time() - elapse c_elapse = time.clock() - c_elapse RESPONSE.redirect( URL1 + '/manage_catalogAdvanced?manage_tabs_message=' + urllib.quote('Catalog Updated \n' 'Total time: %s\n' 'Total CPU time: %s' % (`elapse`, `c_elapse`))) ###) def get_from_doc_department(self,doc): ###( "return the students department" if doc is None: return None certificate_res = self.portal_catalog(id = doc.study_course) if len(certificate_res) != 1: return None return certificate_res[0].getPath().split('/')[-3] def get_from_doc_faculty(self,doc): "return the students faculty" if doc is None: return None certificate_res = self.portal_catalog(id = doc.study_course) if len(certificate_res) != 1: return None return certificate_res[0].getPath().split('/')[-4] def get_from_doc_level(self,doc): "return the students level" if doc is None: return None return getattr(doc,'current_level',None) def get_from_doc_mode(self,doc): "return the students mode" if doc is None: return None cm = getattr(doc,'current_mode',None) return cm def get_from_doc_session(self,doc): "return the students current_session" if doc is None: return None return getattr(doc,'current_session',None) def get_from_doc_entry_session(self,doc): "return the students entry_session" if doc is None: return None es = getattr(doc,'entry_session',None) if len(es) == 2: return es try: digit = int(doc.jamb_reg_no[0]) except: return "xx" if digit < 8: return "0%c" % doc.jamb_reg_no[0] return "9%c" % doc.jamb_reg_no[0] def get_from_doc_session(self,doc): "return the students session" if doc is None: return None return getattr(doc,'current_session',None) def get_from_doc_course(self,doc): "return the students study_course" if doc is None: return None return getattr(doc,'study_course',None) def get_from_doc_name(self,doc): "return the students name from the personal" if doc is None: return None return "%s %s %s" % (doc.firstname,doc.middlename,doc.lastname) def get_from_doc_verdict(self,doc): "return the students study_course" if doc is None: return None return getattr(doc,'current_verdict',None) ###) def reindexIndex(self, name, REQUEST,pghandler=None): ###( if isinstance(name, str): name = (name,) reindextypes = {} reindex_special = [] #import pdb;pdb.set_trace() for n in name: if n in ("review_state","registered_courses"): reindex_special.append(n) else: for pt in self.affected_types.keys(): if n in self.affected_types[pt]: if reindextypes.has_key(pt): reindextypes[pt].append(n) else: reindextypes[pt]= [n] break students = self.portal_catalog(portal_type="Student") aq_portal = self.portal_catalog.evalAdvancedQuery num_objects = len(students) if pghandler: pghandler.init('Refreshing catalog: %s' % self.absolute_url(1), num_objects) noattr = set(('StudentClearance','StudentPersonal')) & set(reindextypes.keys()) for i in xrange(num_objects): if pghandler: pghandler.report(i) student_brain = students[i] data = {} modified = False sid = data['id'] = student_brain.getId if reindex_special and 'review_state' in reindex_special: modified = True data['review_state'] = student_brain.review_state if reindextypes: query = Eq('path',student_brain.getPath()) sub_brains = aq_portal(query) modified = True spath = student_brain.getPath() if len(sub_brains) > 1: for sub_brain in sub_brains: if not sub_brain.portal_type in reindextypes.keys(): continue doc = sub_brain.getObject().getContent() for field in self.affected_types[sub_brain.portal_type]: if hasattr(self,'get_from_doc_%s' % field): data[field] = getattr(self,'get_from_doc_%s' % field)(doc) else: data[field] = getattr(doc,field) elif len(sub_brains) == 1 and noattr: import_res = self.returning_import(id = sid) if not import_res: continue import_record = import_res[0] data['matric_no'] = import_record.matric_no data['sex'] = import_record.Sex == 'F' data['name'] = "%s %s %s" % (import_record.Firstname, import_record.Middlename, import_record.Lastname) data['matric_no'] = import_record.Entryregno if reindex_special and 'registered_courses' in reindex_special: query = Eq('id','study_course') & Eq('path',student_brain.getPath()) brains = aq_portal(query) while brains: study_course_path = brains[0].getPath() level_brains = self.portal_catalog(path = study_course_path, portal_type = "StudentStudyLevel") if not level_brains: break modified = True level_ids = [l.getId for l in level_brains] level_ids.sort() for l in level_brains: if l.getId == level_ids[-1]: level_path = l.getPath() break result_brains = self.portal_catalog(path = level_path, portal_type = "StudentCourseResult") course_ids = [cr.getId for cr in result_brains] courses = [] for c in course_ids: if c.endswith('_co'): courses.append(c[:-3]) else: courses.append(c) data['registered_courses'] = courses break if modified: self.modifyRecord(**data) if pghandler: pghandler.finish() ###) def refreshCatalog(self, clear=0, pghandler=None): ###( """ re-index everything we can find """ students_folder = self.portal_url.getPortalObject().campus.students cat = self._catalog paths = self._catalog.uids.items() if clear: paths = tuple(paths) cat.clear() students = self.portal_catalog(portal_type="Student") num_objects = len(students) if pghandler: pghandler.init('Refreshing catalog: %s' % self.absolute_url(1), num_objects) for i in xrange(num_objects): if pghandler: pghandler.report(i) student_brain = students[i] spath = student_brain.getPath() student_obj = student_brain.getObject() data = {} sid = data['id'] = student_brain.getId data['review_state'] = student_brain.review_state sub_brains = self.portal_catalog(path = spath) if len(sub_brains) > 1: for sub_brain in sub_brains: if not sub_brain.portal_type in self.affected_types.keys(): continue doc = sub_brain.getObject().getContent() for field in self.affected_types[sub_brain.portal_type]: if hasattr(self,'get_from_doc_%s' % field): data[field] = getattr(self,'get_from_doc_%s' % field)(doc) else: data[field] = getattr(doc,field) elif len(sub_brains) == 1: #import pdb;pdb.set_trace() import_res = self.returning_import(id = sid) if not import_res: continue import_record = import_res[0] data['matric_no'] = import_record.matric_no data['sex'] = import_record.Sex == 'F' data['name'] = "%s %s %s" % (import_record.Firstname, import_record.Middlename, import_record.Lastname) data['matric_no'] = import_record.Entryregno study_course = getattr(student_obj,'study_course',None) current_level = data.get('level',None) data['registered_courses'] = [] if study_course and current_level and current_level in study_course.objectIds(): level_obj = getattr(study_course,current_level) courses = [] for c in level_obj.objectIds(): if c.endswith('_co'): courses.append(c[:-3]) else: courses.append(c) data['registered_courses'] = courses self.addRecord(**data) if pghandler: pghandler.finish() ###) security.declarePrivate('notify_event_listener') ###( def notify_event_listener(self,event_type,object,infos): "listen for events" pt = getattr(object,'portal_type',None) mt = getattr(object,'meta_type',None) students_catalog = self.students_catalog data = {} if pt == 'Student' and\ mt == 'CPS Proxy Folder' and\ event_type.startswith('workflow'): data['id'] = object.getId() data['review_state'] = self.portal_workflow.getInfoFor(object,'review_state',None) #from pdb import set_trace;set_trace() students_catalog.modifyRecord(**data) return if pt not in self.affected_types.keys(): return if not infos.has_key('rpath'): return rpl = infos['rpath'].split('/') if pt == 'Student' and event_type == "sys_add_object": student_id = object.id try: self.addRecord(id = student_id) except ValueError: pass return elif pt == 'CourseResult' and mt == 'CPS Proxy Folder': from pdb import set_trace;set_trace() if event_type not in ('sys_modify_object'): from pdb import set_trace;set_trace() return if mt == 'CPS Proxy Folder': return for field in self.affected_types[pt]: if hasattr(self,'get_from_doc_%s' % field): data[field] = getattr(self,'get_from_doc_%s' % field)(object) else: data[field] = getattr(object,field) data['id'] = rpl[2] students_catalog.modifyRecord(**data) ###) InitializeClass(StudentsCatalog) ###) class CoursesCatalog(WAeUPTable): ###( meta_type = 'WAeUP Courses Catalog' name = "students_catalog" key = "code" def __init__(self): WAeUPTable.__init__(self, 'courses_catalog') InitializeClass(CoursesCatalog) ###) class OnlinePaymentsImport(WAeUPTable): ###( meta_type = 'WAeUP Online Payment Transactions' name = "online_payments_import" key = "order_id" def __init__(self): WAeUPTable.__init__(self, self.name) InitializeClass(CoursesCatalog) ###) class ReturningImport(WAeUPTable): ###( meta_type = 'Returning Import Table' name = "returning_import" key = "matric_no" def __init__(self): WAeUPTable.__init__(self, 'returning_import') InitializeClass(ReturningImport) ###) class ResultsImport(WAeUPTable): ###( meta_type = 'Results Import Table' name = "results_import" key = "key" def __init__(self): WAeUPTable.__init__(self, 'results_import') InitializeClass(ResultsImport) ###) class PaymentsCatalog(WAeUPTable): ###( meta_type = 'WAeUP Payments Catalog' name = "students_catalog" key = "id" def __init__(self): WAeUPTable.__init__(self, 'payments_catalog') InitializeClass(PaymentsCatalog) ###) # BBB: AccomodationTable = AccommodationTable