#-*- mode: python; mode: fold -*- # $Id: Students.py 1820 2007-05-24 15:44:59Z joachim $ from string import Template from Globals import InitializeClass from AccessControl import ClassSecurityInfo from AccessControl.SecurityManagement import newSecurityManager from zExceptions import BadRequest from Products.ZCatalog.ZCatalog import ZCatalog from Products.CMFCore.utils import UniqueObject, getToolByName from Products.CMFCore.permissions import View from Products.CMFCore.permissions import ModifyPortalContent from Products.CPSCore.CPSBase import CPSBase_adder, CPSBaseFolder #from Products.CPSCore.CPSBase import CPSBaseDocument as BaseDocument from Products.CPSDocument.CPSDocument import CPSDocument from Products.CPSCore.CPSBase import CPSBaseBTreeFolder as BaseBTreeFolder from Products.CPSCore.CPSMembershipTool import CPSUnrestrictedUser from Products.WAeUP_SRP.Academics import makeCertificateCode from Products.AdvancedQuery import Eq, Between, Le,In import DateTime import logging import csv,re,os import Globals p_home = Globals.package_home(globals()) i_home = Globals.INSTANCE_HOME MAX_TRANS = 1000 from urllib import urlencode import DateTime #import PIL.Image from StringIO import StringIO def makeCertificateCode(code): ###( code = code.replace('.','') code = code.replace('(','') code = code.replace(')','') code = code.replace('/','') code = code.replace(' ','') code = code.replace('_','') return code ###) def response_write(response,s): response.setHeader('Content-type','text/html; charset=ISO-8859-15') while s.find('<') > -1: s = s.replace('<','<') while s.find('>') > -1: #from pdb import set_trace;set_trace() s = s.replace('>','>') response.write("%s
\n" % s) def getInt(s): ###( try: return int(s) except: return 0 def getFloat(s): try: return float(s) except: return 0.0 ###) def getStudentByRegNo(self,reg_no): ###( """search student by JAMB Reg No and return StudentFolder""" search = ZCatalog.searchResults(self.portal_catalog,{'meta_type': 'StudentApplication', 'SearchableText': reg_no, }) if len(search) < 1: return None return search[0].getObject().aq_parent ###) def checkJambNo(jnr): try: if len(jnr) != 10: return False except: return False try: int(jnr[:8]) return True except: return False class StudentsFolder(CPSDocument): ###( """ WAeUP container for the various WAeUP containers data """ meta_type = 'StudentsFolder' portal_type = meta_type security = ClassSecurityInfo() security.declareProtected(ModifyPortalContent,"loadPumeResultsFromCSV")###( def loadPumeResultsFromCSV(self): """load Fulltime Studentdata from CSV values into pumeresults catalog""" import transaction import random ## csv_d = {'jamb_reg_no': "RegNumber", ###( ## 'status': "Admission Status", ## 'name': "Name", ## 'score': "Score", ## 'sex': "Sex", ## 'faculty': "Faculty", ## 'department': "Dept", ## 'course': "Course", ## 'course_code_org': "Course Code", ## } ###) ## csv_d = {'jamb_reg_no': "JAMBRegno", ## 'name': "Name", ## 'score': "Score", ## 'sex': "Sex", ## 'course': "Course", ## 'faculty': "Faculty", ## 'department': "Dept", ## 'course_code_org': "Course Code", ## 'status': "Admission Status", ## 'result_type': None, ## } csv_d = {'jamb_reg_no': "reg_no", 'name': "fullname", 'score': "pume_score", 'sex': "sex", 'course': "study_course", 'course_code_org': "study_course", 'status': "admission_status", 'result_type': "entry_mode", } csv_fields = [f[1] for f in csv_d.items() if f[1]] tr_count = 0 total = 0 #name = 'pup_new' #name = 'pup_update' name = 'Admitted' update = name.endswith('update') no_import = [] ok_import = [] ok_import.append('%s' % ','.join(['"%s"' % fn for fn in csv_d.keys()])) no_import.append('%s' % ','.join(['"%s"' % fn for fn in csv_fields])) current = DateTime.DateTime().strftime("%d-%m-%y_%H_%M_%S") ok_import_name = "%s/import/%s_imported_%s.csv" % (i_home,name,current) #open(ok_import_name,"w").write('\n'.join(no_import)) no_import_name = "%s/import/%s_not_imported_%s.csv" % (i_home,name,current) #open(no_import_name,"w").write('\n'.join(no_import)) logger = logging.getLogger('Import.%s' % name) starttime = DateTime.now() logger.info('Start loading from %s.csv' % name) try: result = csv.DictReader(open("%s/import/%s.csv" % (i_home,name),"rb")) except: logger.error('Error reading %s.csv' % name) return pume = self.portal_pumeresults format = ','.join(['"%%(%s)s"' % fn for fn in csv_fields]) import_format = ','.join(['"%%(%s)s"' % fn for fn in csv_d.keys()]) eduplicate = '%s,"duplicate"' % format einvalidjamb = '%s,"invalid JambRegNo"' % format added = 'added ,%s' % format #from pdb import set_trace;set_trace() for jamb in result: dict = {} for f,fn in csv_d.items(): dict[f] = jamb.get(csv_d[f]) dict['result_type'] = 'CEST' jnr = jamb.get(csv_d['jamb_reg_no']) #if not checkJambNo(jnr): # logger.info(einvalidjamb % jamb) # dd = {} # for f,fn in csv_d.items(): # dd[fn] = getattr(data,f) # no_import.append(eduplicate % dd) # no_import.append(eduplicate % jamb) # continue res = pume(jamb_reg_no=jnr) if len(res) > 0: if update: try: pume.modifyRecord(**dict) except ValueError: logger.info(eduplicate % jamb) continue except KeyError: pume.addRecord(**dict) logger.info(added % jamb) continue else: data = res[0] if data.name != jamb.get(csv_d['name']): #set_trace() logger.info(eduplicate % jamb) #em = 'Student with REG-NO %(jamb_reg_no)s already exists\n' % dict #logger.info(em) dd = {} for f,fn in csv_d.items(): dd[fn] = getattr(data,f) no_import.append(eduplicate % dd) no_import.append(eduplicate % jamb) continue try: pume.addRecord(**dict) ok_import.append(import_format % dict) except ValueError: logger.info(eduplicate % jamb) #em = 'Student with REG-NO %(jamb_reg_no)s already exists\n' % dict #logger.info(em) no_import.append(eduplicate % jamb) logger.info('End loading from %s.csv' % name) if len(no_import) > 1: open(no_import_name,"w+").write('\n'.join(no_import)) open(ok_import_name,"w+").write('\n'.join(ok_import)) return self.REQUEST.RESPONSE.redirect("%s" % self.REQUEST.get('URL1')) ###) security.declareProtected(ModifyPortalContent,"createStudents")###( def createStudents(self): """ load addmitted Studentdata from CSV values and create Studentobjects. This is the current method to create new addmitted Students. Before running the eventservice for the students_catalog must be disabled. """ import transaction import random #from pdb import set_trace wftool = self.portal_workflow #students_folder = self.portal_catalog({'meta_type': 'StudentsFolder'})[-1].getObject() students_folder = self.portal_url.getPortalObject().campus.students levels = {'ume_ft':'100', 'de_ft': '200', 'ug_pt': '100', 'de_pt': '200', 'pg_ft': '700', 'pg_pt': '700', 'dp_pt': '100', 'dp_ft': '100', } csv_d = {'jamb_reg_no': "reg_no", 'entry_mode': 'entry_mode', 'jamb_firstname': "firstname", 'jamb_middlename': "middlename", 'jamb_lastname': "lastname", 'jamb_sex': "sex", 'jamb_state': "state", 'birthday': "date_of_birth", 'app_email': "email", 'study_course': "study_course", 'perm_address': "address", 'admission_status': "admission_status", } csv_fields = [f[1] for f in csv_d.items()] tr_count = 0 total = 0 #name = 'pume_results' name = 'Admitted' no_import = [] s = ','.join(['"%s"' % fn for fn in csv_fields]) no_import.append('"Error",%s' % s) format = '"%(Error)s",' + ','.join(['"%%(%s)s"' % fn for fn in csv_fields]) no_certificate = "no certificate %s" % format open("%s/import/%s_not_imported.csv" % (i_home,name),"w").write('\n'.join(no_import)) logger = logging.getLogger('Students.StudentsFolder.createStudents') logger.info('Start loading from %s.csv' % name) certs = {} try: results = csv.DictReader(open("%s/import/%s.csv" % (i_home,name),"rb")) except: logger.error('Error reading %s.csv' % name) return for result in results: if not result.get(csv_d['admission_status']).startswith('Admitted'): continue #result['Error'] = "Processing " #logger.info(format % result) jamb_reg_no = result.get(csv_d['jamb_reg_no']) res = self.students_catalog(jamb_reg_no = jamb_reg_no) if res: em = 'Student with RegNo %s already exists\n' % jamb_reg_no logger.info(em) result['Error'] = "Student exists" no_import.append(format % result) continue cert_id = makeCertificateCode(result.get(csv_d['study_course'])) if cert_id not in certs.keys(): res = self.portal_catalog(meta_type = "Certificate",id = cert_id) if not res: em = 'No Certificate with ID %s \n' % cert_id logger.info(em) result['Error'] = "No Certificate %s" % cert_id no_import.append( format % result) continue cert = res[0] cert_path = cert.getPath().split('/') certificate = certs[cert_id] = {'faculty': cert_path[-4], 'department': cert_path[-3]} cert_doc = certs[cert_id] catalog_entry = {} catalog_entry['jamb_reg_no'] = jamb_reg_no firstname = result.get(csv_d['jamb_firstname']) middlename = result.get(csv_d['jamb_middlename']) lastname = result.get(csv_d['jamb_lastname']) perm_address = result.get(csv_d['perm_address']) sid = self.generateStudentId('x') students_folder.invokeFactory('Student', sid) catalog_entry['id'] = sid tr_count += 1 logger.info('%(total)s+%(tr_count)s: Creating Student with ID %(sid)s reg_no %(jamb_reg_no)s ' % vars()) student = getattr(self,sid) student.manage_setLocalRoles(sid, ['Owner',]) student.invokeFactory('StudentApplication','application') da = {'Title': 'Application Data'} da["jamb_firstname"] = firstname da["jamb_middlename"] = middlename da["jamb_lastname"] = lastname catalog_entry['entry_session'] = da["entry_session"] = self.getSessionId()[-2:] catalog_entry['sex'] = sex = result.get(csv_d['jamb_sex']).startswith('F') da_fields = ('jamb_reg_no', 'jamb_sex', 'jamb_state', 'entry_mode', 'app_email', ) for f in da_fields: da[f] = result.get(csv_d[f]) catalog_entry['email'] = da['app_email'] catalog_entry['entry_mode'] = da['entry_mode'] app = student.application app_doc = app.getContent() app.getContent().edit(mapping=da) picture ="%s/import/pictures/%s.jpg" % (i_home,jamb_reg_no) app.manage_setLocalRoles(sid, ['Owner',]) picture_id = da['jamb_reg_no'].replace('/','_') file = None for ext in ('jpg','JPG'): picture ="%s/import/pictures_admitted_latest/%s.%s" % (i_home,picture_id,ext) if os.path.exists(picture): file = open(picture) break if file is not None: ## file conversion does not work #img = PIL.Image.open(file) #img.thumbnail((150,200), # resample=PIL.Image.ANTIALIAS) #outfile = StringIO() #img.save(outfile, format=img.format) outfile = file.read() app_doc.manage_addFile('passport', file=outfile, title="%s.jpg" % jamb_reg_no) #wftool.doActionFor(app,'close') dp = {} dp['firstname'] = firstname dp['middlename'] = middlename dp['lastname'] = lastname dp['email'] = da['app_email'] dp['sex'] = sex dp['perm_address'] = perm_address catalog_entry['name'] = "%(firstname)s %(middlename)s %(lastname)s" % dp student.invokeFactory('StudentPersonal','personal') per = student.personal per_doc = per.getContent() per_doc.edit(mapping = dp) per.manage_setLocalRoles(sid, ['Owner',]) wftool.doActionFor(student,'pume_pass') wftool.doActionFor(student,'admit') # # Clearance # student.invokeFactory('StudentClearance','clearance') #wftool.doActionFor(student.clearance,'open') clearance = student.clearance dc = {'Title': 'Clearance/Eligibility Record'} clearance = student.clearance date_str = result.get(csv_d['birthday']) try: date = DateTime.DateTime(date_str) except: #import pdb;pdb.set_trace() date = None dc['birthday'] = date clearance.getContent().edit(mapping=dc) clearance.manage_setLocalRoles(sid, ['Owner',]) # # Study Course # student.invokeFactory('StudentStudyCourse','study_course') study_course = student.study_course dsc = {} catalog_entry['level'] = dsc['current_level'] = entry_levels.get(da['entry_mode'],'100') #catalog_entry['level'] = dsc['current_level'] = '100' # Attention: not for DE students catalog_entry['session'] = dsc['current_session'] = da['entry_session'] catalog_entry['mode'] = dsc['current_mode'] = da['entry_mode'] catalog_entry['course'] = dsc['study_course'] = cert_id catalog_entry['faculty'] = certificate['faculty'] catalog_entry['department'] = certificate['department'] catalog_entry['verdict'] = dsc['current_verdict'] = 'N/A' catalog_entry['review_state'] = self.portal_workflow.getInfoFor(student,'review_state',None) study_course.getContent().edit(mapping=dsc) #import pdb;pdb.set_trace() self.students_catalog.addRecord(**catalog_entry) if tr_count > 1000: if len(no_import) > 0: open("%s/import/%s_not_imported.csv" % (i_home,name),"a").write( '\n'.join(no_import) + "\n") no_import = [] em = '%d transactions commited\n' % tr_count transaction.commit() logger.info(em) total += tr_count tr_count = 0 open("%s/import/%s_not_imported.csv" % (i_home,name),"a").write( '\n'.join(no_import)) return self.REQUEST.RESPONSE.redirect("%s" % self.REQUEST.get('URL1')) ###) security.declareProtected(ModifyPortalContent,"transferStudents")###( def transferStudents(self,filename): """ load Interfaculty transferStudents Studentdata from CSV values. """ import transaction import random current = DateTime.DateTime().strftime("%d-%m-%y_%H_%M_%S") pm = self.portal_membership member = pm.getAuthenticatedMember() logger = logging.getLogger('Students.StudentsFolder.transferStudents') #students_folder = self.portal_catalog({'meta_type': 'StudentsFolder'})[-1].getObject() students_folder = self.portal_url.getPortalObject().campus.students csv_fields = ('old_matric_no', 'matric_no', 'study_course', 'current_mode', 'current_level', ) tr_count = 0 total = 0 total_imported = 0 total_not_imported = 0 imported = [] not_imported = [] certs = {} try: results = csv.DictReader(open("%s/import/%s.csv" % (i_home,filename),"rb")) except: logger.error('Error reading %s.csv' % filename) return start = True for result in results: total += 1 if start: start = False logger.info('%s starts import from %s.csv' % (member,filename)) import_keys = [k for k in result.keys() if not k.startswith('ignore')] diff2schema = set(import_keys).difference(set(csv_fields)) if diff2schema: em = "not ignorable key(s) %s found in heading" % diff2schema return em s = ','.join(['"%s"' % fn for fn in import_keys]) open("%s/import/%s_not_imported%s.csv" % (i_home,filename,current),"a").write(s + ',"Error"'+ '\n') s = '"id",' + s open("%s/import/%s_imported%s.csv" % (i_home,filename,current),"a").write(s + '\n') format = ','.join(['"%%(%s)s"' % fn for fn in import_keys]) format_error = format + ',"%(Error)s"' format = '"%(id)s",'+ format old_matric_no = result.get('old_matric_no') res = self.students_catalog(matric_no = old_matric_no) result['id'] = "None" if not res: em = 'Student with Matric_no %s not found' % old_matric_no logger.info(em) result['Error'] = "Student not exists" not_imported.append(format_error % result) total_not_imported += 1 continue student_brain = res[0] student_object = getattr(students_folder,student_brain.id) result['id'] = student_brain.id cert_id = makeCertificateCode(result.get('study_course')) if cert_id not in certs.keys(): res = self.portal_catalog(meta_type = "Certificate",id = cert_id) if not res: em = 'No Certificate with ID %s \n' % cert_id logger.info(em) result['Error'] = "No Certificate %s" % cert_id not_imported.append( format_error % result) total_not_imported += 1 continue cert = res[0] cert_path = cert.getPath().split('/') certificate = certs[cert_id] = {'faculty': cert_path[-4], 'department': cert_path[-3]} cert_doc = certs[cert_id] clearance = getattr(student_object,'clearance',None) if clearance is None: em = 'Student has no clearance object' logger.info(em) result['Error'] = em not_imported.append( format_error % result) total_not_imported += 1 continue clearance_doc = clearance.getContent() study_course = student_object.study_course study_course_doc = study_course.getContent() old_study_course = study_course_doc.study_course old_current_level = study_course_doc.current_level current_level = result.get('current_level',None) try: icl = int(current_level) except: em = 'Invalid new level %s' % current_level logger.info(em) result['Error'] = em not_imported.append( format_error % result) total_not_imported += 1 continue if icl <= int(old_current_level) and study_course.objectIds(): em = 'Already registered level %s new %s' % (old_current_level,current_level) logger.info(em) result['Error'] = em not_imported.append( format_error % result) total_not_imported += 1 continue #from pdb import set_trace; set_trace() cd = {} matric_no_history = getattr(clearance_doc,'matric_no_history',[]) if not matric_no_history: matric_no_history = [] matric_no_history.append(old_matric_no) cd['matric_no_history'] = matric_no_history cd['matric_no'] = result.get('matric_no') clearance_doc.edit(mapping = cd) dsc = {} study_course_history = getattr(study_course_doc,'study_course_history',[]) if not study_course_history: study_course_history = [] study_course_history.append(old_study_course) dsc['study_course_history'] = study_course_history dsc['study_course'] = result.get('study_course') dsc['current_level'] = current_level dsc['current_mode'] = result.get('current_mode') study_course_doc.edit(mapping=dsc) imported.append( format % result) tr_count += 1 total_imported += 1 if tr_count > 1000: if len(not_imported) > 0: open("%s/import/%s_not_imported%s.csv" % (i_home,filename,current),"a").write( '\n'.join(not_imported) + '\n') not_imported = [] if len(imported) > 0: open("%s/import/%s_imported%s.csv" % (i_home,filename,current),"a").write( '\n'.join(imported) + '\n') imported = [] em = '%d transactions committed\n' % (tr_count) transaction.commit() regs = [] logger.info(em) tr_count = 0 if len(imported) > 0: open("%s/import/%s_imported%s.csv" % (i_home,filename,current),"a").write( '\n'.join(imported)) if len(not_imported) > 0: open("%s/import/%s_not_imported%s.csv" % (i_home,filename,current),"a").write( '\n'.join(not_imported)) em = "Imported: %d, not imported: %d of total %d" % (total_imported,total_not_imported,total) logger.info(em) return self.REQUEST.RESPONSE.redirect("%s" % self.REQUEST.get('URL1')) ###) security.declareProtected(ModifyPortalContent,"importReturningStudents")###( def importReturningStudents(self): """load Returning Studentdata from CSV values""" import transaction import random #from pdb import set_trace wftool = self.portal_workflow current = DateTime.DateTime().strftime("%d-%m-%y_%H_%M_%S") #students_folder = self.portal_catalog({'meta_type': 'StudentsFolder'})[-1].getObject() students_folder = self.portal_url.getPortalObject().campus.students tr_count = 1 total = 0 #name = 'pume_results' name = 'Returning' table = self.returning_import no_import = [] imported = [] logger = logging.getLogger('Students.StudentsFolder.importReturningStudents') try: returning = csv.DictReader(open("%s/import/%s.csv" % (i_home,name),"rb")) except: logger.error('Error reading %s.csv' % name) return l = self.portal_catalog({'meta_type': "Certificate"}) certs = {} cert_docs = {} for f in l: certs[f.getId] = f.getObject().getContent() start = True res = table() regs = [] if len(res) > 0: regs = [s.matric_no for s in res] #import pdb;pdb.set_trace() for student in returning: if start: start = False logger.info('Start loading from %s.csv' % name) s = ','.join(['"%s"' % fn for fn in student.keys()]) imported.append(s) no_import.append('%s,"Error"' % s) format = ','.join(['"%%(%s)s"' % fn for fn in student.keys()]) format_error = format + ',"%(Error)s"' no_certificate = "no certificate %s" % format student['matric_no'] = matric_no = student.get('matric_no').upper() student['Mode_of_Entry'] = entry_mode = student.get('Mode of Entry').upper() student['Permanent_Address'] = perm_address = student.get('Permanent Address') if matric_no == '': student['Error'] = "Empty matric_no" no_import.append( format_error % student) continue if matric_no in regs or self.returning_import(matric_no = matric_no): student['Error'] = "Duplicate" no_import.append( format_error % student) continue cert_id = makeCertificateCode(student.get('Coursemajorcode')) if cert_id not in certs.keys(): student['Error'] = "No Certificate %s" % cert_id no_import.append( format_error % student) continue try: table.addRecord(**student) except ValueError: student['Error'] = "Duplicate" no_import.append( format_error % student) continue regs.append(student.get('matric_no')) imported.append(format % student) tr_count += 1 if tr_count > 1000: if len(no_import) > 0: open("%s/import/%s_not_imported%s.csv" % (i_home,name,current),"a").write( '\n'.join(no_import) + '\n') no_import = [] open("%s/import/%simported%s.csv" % (i_home,name,current),"a").write( '\n'.join(no_import) + "\n") imported = [] em = '%d transactions commited total %s\n' % (tr_count,total) transaction.commit() regs = [] logger.info(em) total += tr_count tr_count = 0 open("%s/import/%simported%s.csv" % (i_home,name,current),"a").write( '\n'.join(imported)) open("%s/import/%s_not_imported%s.csv" % (i_home,name,current),"a").write( '\n'.join(no_import)) return self.REQUEST.RESPONSE.redirect("%s" % self.REQUEST.get('URL1')) ###) security.declareProtected(ModifyPortalContent,"fixAllNames")###( def fixAllNames(self): "fix all students names" import transaction response = self.REQUEST.RESPONSE logger = logging.getLogger('fixAllNames') logger.info('Start') students = self.portal_catalog(portal_type='Student') count = 0 total = 0 for student in students: scat_res = self.students_catalog(id = student.getId) if not scat_res: self.students_catalog.addRecord(id = student.getId) scat_res = self.students_catalog(id = student.getId) student_entry = scat_res[0] old_new = self.fixName(student,student_entry) count += 1 response_write(response,'"%d","%s",%s' % (count + total,student_entry.id,old_new)) if count > 2000: transaction.commit() logger.info("%d transactions commited" % count) total += count count = 0 ###) security.declareProtected(ModifyPortalContent,"fixName")###( def fixName(self,student_brain, student_entry): "fix the name of a student" fix = "first" if student_entry.get('name_fixed',None) == fix: return "Name already fixed" student_id = student_entry.id new_student = student_entry.jamb_reg_no.startswith('6') student_obj = student_brain.getObject() personal = getattr(student_obj,'personal',None) invalid = '' if personal is None: return '"%s","Returning","%s","%s"' % (invalid,student_entry.name,"not logged in") per_doc = personal.getContent() old_first = per_doc.firstname old_middle = per_doc.middlename old_last = per_doc.lastname new_first = '' new_middle = '' new_last = '' if new_student: if not old_first and not old_middle and old_last: new_names = [n.capitalize() for n in old_last.split()] if len(new_names) > 1: old_first = new_names[0] old_last = new_names[-1] old_middle = ' '.join(new_names[1:-1]) else: old_last = new_names[0] old_first = '' old_middle = '' if old_first: new_first = old_first if old_middle: new_middle = old_middle if old_last: new_last = old_last if old_first.find('<') != -1 or\ old_first.find('>') != -1 or\ old_middle.find('<') != -1 or\ old_middle.find('>') != -1 or\ old_last.find('<') != -1 or\ old_last.find('>') != -1: invalid = "invalid characters" else: new_first = old_first if new_first.strip() == '-': new_first = '' new_middle = old_middle if new_middle.strip() == '-': new_middle = '' new_last = old_last if new_last.strip() == '-': new_last = '' name = "%(new_first)s %(new_middle)s %(new_last)s" % vars() if new_student: text = "New" else: text = "Returning" old_new = '"%s","%s","%s","%s"' % (invalid,text, student_entry.name, name) if not invalid: self.students_catalog.modifyRecord(id = student_id, name_fixed = fix, name = name) per_doc.edit(mapping = {'firstname' : new_first, 'middlename' : new_middle, 'lastname' : new_last, }) return old_new ###) security.declareProtected(ModifyPortalContent,"updateReturningStudents")###( def updateReturningStudents(self): """load and overwrite Returning Student Data from CSV values""" import transaction import random #from pdb import set_trace wftool = self.portal_workflow current = DateTime.DateTime().strftime("%d-%m-%y_%H_%M_%S") #students_folder = self.portal_catalog({'meta_type': 'StudentsFolder'})[-1].getObject() students_folder = self.portal_url.getPortalObject().campus.students tr_count = 1 total = 0 #name = 'pume_results' name = 'Returning_update' table = self.returning_import no_import = [] imported = [] logger = logging.getLogger('Students.StudentsFolder.updateReturningStudents') try: returning = csv.DictReader(open("%s/import/%s.csv" % (i_home,name),"rb")) except: logger.error('Error reading %s.csv' % name) return l = self.portal_catalog({'meta_type': "Certificate"}) certs = {} cert_docs = {} for f in l: certs[f.getId] = f.getObject().getContent() start = True res = table() regs = [] if len(res) > 0: regs = [s.matric_no for s in res] for student in returning: if start: start = False logger.info('Start loading from %s.csv' % name) s = ','.join(['"%s"' % fn for fn in student.keys()]) imported.append(s) no_import.append('%s,"Error"' % s) format = ','.join(['"%%(%s)s"' % fn for fn in student.keys()]) format_error = format + ',"%(Error)s"' no_certificate = "no certificate %s" % format matric_no = student.get('matric_no').upper() student['matric_no'] = matric_no if matric_no == '': student['Error'] = "Empty matric_no" no_import.append( format_error % student) continue # if matric_no in regs or self.returning_import(matric_no = matric_no): # student['Error'] = "Duplicate" # no_import.append( format_error % student) # continue # cert_id = makeCertificateCode(student.get('Coursemajorcode')) # if cert_id not in certs.keys(): # student['Error'] = "No Certificate %s" % cert_id # no_import.append( format_error % student) # continue try: table.modifyRecord(**student) except KeyError: #import pdb;pdb.set_trace() student['Error'] = "no Student found to update" no_import.append( format_error % student) continue #s = self.students_catalog(matric_no=matric_no) #if s: # level = "%s" % (int(student.get('Level')) + 100) # self.students_catalog.modifyRecord(id = s[0].id, # level=level) regs.append(student.get('matric_no')) imported.append(format % student) tr_count += 1 if tr_count > 1000: if len(no_import) > 0: open("%s/import/%s_not_imported%s.csv" % (i_home,name,current),"a").write( '\n'.join(no_import) + '\n') no_import = [] open("%s/import/%simported%s.csv" % (i_home,name,current),"a").write( '\n'.join(no_import) + "\n") imported = [] em = '%d transactions commited total %s\n' % (tr_count,total) transaction.commit() regs = [] logger.info(em) total += tr_count tr_count = 0 open("%s/import/%simported%s.csv" % (i_home,name,current),"a").write( '\n'.join(imported)) open("%s/import/%s_not_imported%s.csv" % (i_home,name,current),"a").write( '\n'.join(no_import)) return self.REQUEST.RESPONSE.redirect("%s" % self.REQUEST.get('URL1')) ###) security.declareProtected(ModifyPortalContent,"importResults")###( def importResults(self): """load Returning Students Results from CSV""" import transaction import random #from pdb import set_trace wftool = self.portal_workflow current = DateTime.DateTime().strftime("%d-%m-%y_%H_%M_%S") #students_folder = self.portal_catalog({'meta_type': 'StudentsFolder'})[-1].getObject() students_folder = self.portal_url.getPortalObject().campus.students tr_count = 1 total = 0 #name = 'pume_results' name = 'Results' table = self.results_import no_import = [] imported = [] logger = logging.getLogger('Students.StudentsFolder.importResults') try: results = csv.DictReader(open("%s/import/%s.csv" % (i_home,name),"rb")) except: logger.error('Error reading %s.csv' % name) return l = self.portal_catalog({'meta_type': "Course"}) courses = [f.getId for f in l] start = True res = table() regs = [] if len(res) > 0: regs = [s.key for s in res] no_course = [] no_course_list = [] course_count = 0 for result in results: if start: start = False logger.info('Start loading from %s.csv' % name) s = ','.join(['"%s"' % fn for fn in result.keys()]) imported.append(s) no_import.append('%s,"Error"' % s) format = ','.join(['"%%(%s)s"' % fn for fn in result.keys()]) format_error = format + ',"%(Error)s"' no_certificate = "no certificate %s" % format course_id = result.get('CosCode') if not course_id: course_id = 'N/A' result['CosCode'] = course_id matric_no = result.get('matric_no').upper() result['matric_no'] = matric_no key = matric_no+course_id if matric_no == '': result['Error'] = "Empty matric_no" no_import.append( format_error % result) continue if key in regs or self.results_import(key = key): result['Error'] = "Duplicate" no_import.append( format_error % result) continue if course_id not in courses: if course_id not in no_course: course_count +=1 no_course.append(course_id) no_course_list.append('"%s"' % course_id) #result['Error'] = "No Course" #logger.info(format_error % result) result['key'] = key try: table.addRecord(**result) except ValueError: #import pdb;pdb.set_trace() result['Error'] = "Duplicate" no_import.append( format_error % result) continue regs.append(key) imported.append(format % result) tr_count += 1 if tr_count > 1000: if len(no_import) > 0: open("%s/import/%s_not_imported%s.csv" % (i_home,name,current),"a").write( '\n'.join(no_import)+'\n') no_import = [] open("%s/import/%simported%s.csv" % (i_home,name,current),"a").write( '\n'.join(imported) + '\n') imported = [] if no_course_list: open("%s/import/%sno_courses%s.csv" % (i_home,name,current),"a").write( '\n'.join(no_course_list) + '\n') no_course_list = [] em = '%d transactions commited total %s\n courses not found %s' % (tr_count,total,course_count) transaction.commit() logger.info(em) regs = [] total += tr_count tr_count = 0 open("%s/import/%simported%s.csv" % (i_home,name,current),"a").write( '\n'.join(imported)) open("%s/import/%s_not_imported%s.csv" % (i_home,name,current),"a").write( '\n'.join(no_import)) if no_course_list: open("%s/import/%sno_courses%s.csv" % (i_home,name,current),"a").write( '\n'.join(no_course_list)) em = '%d transactions commited total %s\n courses not found %s' % (tr_count,total,course_count) logger.info(em) return self.REQUEST.RESPONSE.redirect("%s" % self.REQUEST.get('URL1')) ###) security.declareProtected(ModifyPortalContent,"updateStudyCourse")###( def updateStudyCourse(self): """update StudyCourse from CSV values""" import transaction import random from pdb import set_trace wftool = self.portal_workflow #students_folder = self.portal_catalog({'meta_type': 'StudentsFolder'})[-1].getObject() students_folder = self.portal_url.getPortalObject().campus.students csv_d = {'jamb_reg_no': "RegNumber", 'jamb_lastname': "Name", 'session': "Session", 'pume_tot_score': "PUME SCORE", 'jamb_score': "JambScore", 'jamb_sex': "Sex", 'jamb_state': "State", ## 'jamb_first_cos': "AdminCourse", 'faculty': "AdminFaculty", 'course_code': "AdmitCoscode", 'stud_status':"AdmitStatus", 'department': "AdmitDept", 'jamb_lga': "LGA", 'app_email': "email", 'app_mobile': "PhoneNumbers", } csv_fields = [f[1] for f in csv_d.items()] tr_count = 0 total = 0 #name = 'pume_results' name = 'StudyCourseChange' no_import = [] s = ','.join(['"%s"' % fn for fn in csv_fields]) no_import.append('"Error",%s' % s) format = '"%(Error)s",' + ','.join(['"%%(%s)s"' % fn for fn in csv_fields]) no_certificate = "no certificate %s" % format open("%s/import/%s_not_imported.csv" % (i_home,name),"w").write( '\n'.join(no_import)) logger = logging.getLogger('Students.StudentsFolder.updateStudyCourse') logger.info('Start loading from %s.csv' % name) l = self.portal_catalog({'meta_type': "Certificate"}) try: result = csv.DictReader(open("%s/import/%s.csv" % (i_home,name),"rb")) except: logger.error('Error reading %s.csv' % name) return for jamb in result: jamb['Error'] = "Processing " logger.info(format % jamb) jamb_reg_no = jamb.get(csv_d['jamb_reg_no']) res = self.portal_catalog({'portal_type': "StudentApplication", 'SearchableText': jamb_reg_no }) if not res: em = 'Student with jamb_reg_no %s does not exists\n' % jamb_reg_no logger.info(em) jamb['Error'] = "Student does not exist" no_import.append(format % jamb) continue sid = res[0].getPath().split('/')[-2] cert_id = makeCertificateCode(jamb.get(csv_d['course_code'])) res = self.portal_catalog(portal_type = "Certificate", id = cert_id) if not res: em = 'No Certificate with ID %s \n' % cert_id logger.info(em) jamb['Error'] = "No Certificate %s" % cert_id no_import.append( format % jamb) continue cert_brain = res[0] catalog_entry = {} student = getattr(self,sid) # # Study Course # study_course = student.study_course dsc = {} cert_pl = cert_brain.getPath().split('/') catalog_entry['id'] = sid catalog_entry['faculty'] = cert_pl[-4] catalog_entry['department'] = cert_pl[-3] catalog_entry['course'] = cert_id dsc['study_course'] = cert_id study_course.getContent().edit(mapping=dsc) self.students_catalog.modifyRecord(**catalog_entry) if tr_count > 10: if len(no_import) > 1: open("%s/import/%s_not_imported.csv" % (i_home,name),"w+").write( '\n'.join(no_import)) no_import = [] em = '%d transactions commited\n' % tr_count transaction.commit() logger.info(em) total += tr_count tr_count = 0 tr_count += 1 return self.REQUEST.RESPONSE.redirect("%s" % self.REQUEST.get('URL1')) ###) security.declareProtected(View,"fixOwnership") ###( def fixOwnership(self): """fix Ownership""" for s in self.portal_catalog(meta_type = 'Student'): student = s.getObject() sid = s.getId import pdb;pdb.set_trace() student.application.manage_setLocalRoles(sid, ['Owner',]) student.personal.manage_setLocalRoles(sid, ['Owner',]) ###) security.declareProtected(View,"Title") ###( def Title(self): """compose title""" return "Student Section" ###) def generateStudentId(self,letter,students = None): ###( import random r = random if students is None: students = self.portal_url.getPortalObject().campus.students if letter not in ('ABCDEFGIHKLMNOPQRSTUVWXY'): letter= r.choice('ABCDEFGHKLMNPQRSTUVWXY') sid = "%c%d" % (letter,r.randint(99999,1000000)) while hasattr(students, sid): sid = "%c%d" % (letter,r.randint(99999,1000000)) return sid #return "%c%d" % (r.choice('ABCDEFGHKLMNPQRSTUVWXY'),r.randint(99999,1000000)) ###) InitializeClass(StudentsFolder) def addStudentsFolder(container, id, REQUEST=None, **kw): ###( """Add a Student.""" ob = StudentsFolder(id, **kw) return CPSBase_adder(container, ob, REQUEST=REQUEST) ###) ###) class Student(CPSDocument): ###( """ WAeUP Student container for the various student data """ meta_type = 'Student' portal_type = meta_type security = ClassSecurityInfo() security.declareProtected(View,"Title") def Title(self): """compose title""" reg_nr = self.getId()[1:] data = getattr(self,'personal',None) if data: content = data.getContent() return "%s %s %s" % (content.firstname,content.middlename,content.lastname) data = getattr(self,'application',None) if data: content = data.getContent() return "%s" % (content.jamb_lastname) return self.title security.declarePrivate('makeStudentMember') ###( def makeStudentMember(self,sid,password='uNsEt'): """make the student a member""" membership = self.portal_membership membership.addMember(sid, password , roles=('Member', 'Student', ), domains='', properties = {'memberareaCreationFlag': False, 'homeless': True},) member = membership.getMemberById(sid) self.portal_registration.afterAdd(member, sid, password, None) self.manage_setLocalRoles(sid, ['Owner',]) ###) security.declareProtected(View,'createSubObjects') ###( def createSubObjects(self): """make the student a member""" dp = {'Title': 'Personal Data'} app_doc = self.application.getContent() names = app_doc.jamb_lastname.split() if len(names) == 3: dp['firstname'] = names[0].capitalize() dp['middlename'] = names[1].capitalize() dp['lastname'] = names[2].capitalize() elif len(names) == 2: dp['firstname'] = names[0].capitalize() dp['lastname'] = names[1].capitalize() else: dp['lastname'] = app_doc.jamb_lastname dp['sex'] = app_doc.jamb_sex == 'F' dp['lga'] = "%s/%s" % (app_doc.jamb_state,app_doc.jamb_lga ) proxy = self.aq_parent proxy.invokeFactory('StudentPersonal','personal') per = proxy.personal per_doc = per.getContent() per_doc.edit(mapping = dp) per.manage_setLocalRoles(proxy.getId(), ['Owner',]) #self.portal_workflow.doActionFor(per,'open',dest_container=per) ###) InitializeClass(Student) def addStudent(container, id, REQUEST=None, **kw): """Add a Student.""" ob = Student(id, **kw) return CPSBase_adder(container, ob, REQUEST=REQUEST) ###) class StudentAccommodation(CPSDocument): ###( """ WAeUP Student container for the various student data """ meta_type = 'StudentAccommodation' portal_type = meta_type security = ClassSecurityInfo() security.declareProtected(View,"Title") def Title(self): """compose title""" content = self.getContent() #return "Accommodation Data for %s %s" % (content.firstname,content.lastname) return "Accommodation Data for Session %s" % content.session InitializeClass(StudentAccommodation) def addStudentAccommodation(container, id, REQUEST=None, **kw): """Add a Students personal data.""" ob = StudentAccommodation(id, **kw) return CPSBase_adder(container, ob, REQUEST=REQUEST) ###) class StudentPersonal(CPSDocument): ###( """ WAeUP Student container for the various student data """ meta_type = 'StudentPersonal' portal_type = meta_type security = ClassSecurityInfo() security.declareProtected(View,"Title") def Title(self): """compose title""" content = self.getContent() #return "Personal Data for %s %s" % (content.firstname,content.lastname) return "Personal Data" InitializeClass(StudentPersonal) def addStudentPersonal(container, id, REQUEST=None, **kw): """Add a Students personal data.""" ob = StudentPersonal(id, **kw) return CPSBase_adder(container, ob, REQUEST=REQUEST) ###) class StudentClearance(CPSDocument): ###( """ WAeUP Student container for the various student data """ meta_type = 'StudentClearance' portal_type = meta_type security = ClassSecurityInfo() security.declareProtected(View,"Title") def Title(self): """compose title""" content = self.getContent() #return "Clearance/Eligibility Record for %s %s" % (content.firstname,content.lastname) return "Clearance/Eligibility Record" InitializeClass(StudentClearance) def addStudentClearance(container, id, REQUEST=None, **kw): """Add a Students personal data.""" ob = StudentClearance(id, **kw) return CPSBase_adder(container, ob, REQUEST=REQUEST) ###) class StudentStudyLevel(CPSDocument): ###( """ WAeUP Student container for the various student data """ meta_type = 'StudentStudyLevel' portal_type = meta_type security = ClassSecurityInfo() security.declareProtected(View,"Title") def Title(self): """compose title""" return "Level %s" % self.aq_parent.getId() def create_course_results(self,cert_id,current_level): ###( "create all courses in a level" aq_portal = self.portal_catalog.evalAdvancedQuery res = self.portal_catalog(portal_type="Certificate", id = cert_id) l = [] import transaction if res: cert = res[0] path = cert.getPath() query = Eq("path","%s/%s" % (path,current_level)) &\ Eq('portal_type','CertificateCourse') courses = aq_portal(query) #from pdb import set_trace;set_trace() self_proxy = self.aq_parent for c in courses: d = self.getCourseInfo(c.getId) cr_id = self_proxy.invokeFactory('StudentCourseResult',c.getId) course_result = getattr(self_proxy,cr_id) self.portal_workflow.doActionFor(course_result,'open') d['core_or_elective'] = getattr(c.getObject().getContent(),'core_or_elective') course_result.getContent().edit(mapping=d) #transaction.commit() ###) InitializeClass(StudentStudyLevel) def addStudentStudyLevel(container, id, REQUEST=None, **kw): """Add a Students personal data.""" ob = StudentStudyLevel(id, **kw) return CPSBase_adder(container, ob, REQUEST=REQUEST) ###) class StudentStudyCourse(CPSDocument): ###( """ WAeUP Student container for the various student data """ meta_type = 'StudentStudyCourse' portal_type = meta_type security = ClassSecurityInfo() security.declareProtected(View,"Title") def Title(self): """compose title""" content = self.getContent() return "Study Course" InitializeClass(StudentStudyCourse) def addStudentStudyCourse(container, id, REQUEST=None, **kw): """Add a Students personal data.""" ob = StudentStudyCourse(id, **kw) return CPSBase_adder(container, ob, REQUEST=REQUEST) ###) class StudentApplication(CPSDocument): ###( """ WAeUP Student container for the various student data """ meta_type = 'StudentApplication' portal_type = meta_type security = ClassSecurityInfo() security.declareProtected(View,"Title") def Title(self): """compose title""" return "Application Data" InitializeClass(StudentApplication) def addStudentApplication(container, id, REQUEST=None, **kw): """Add a Students eligibility data.""" ob = StudentApplication(id, **kw) return CPSBase_adder(container, ob, REQUEST=REQUEST) ###) class StudentPume(CPSDocument): ###( """ WAeUP Student container for the various student data """ meta_type = 'StudentPume' portal_type = meta_type security = ClassSecurityInfo() security.declareProtected(View,"Title") def Title(self): """compose title""" return "PUME Results" InitializeClass(StudentPume) def addStudentPume(container, id, REQUEST=None, **kw): """Add a Students PUME data.""" ob = StudentPume(id, **kw) return CPSBase_adder(container, ob, REQUEST=REQUEST) ###) ##class StudentSemester(CPSDocument): ###( ## """ ## WAeUP StudentSemester containing the courses and students ## """ ## meta_type = 'StudentSemester' ## portal_type = meta_type ## security = ClassSecurityInfo() ## ##InitializeClass(StudentSemester) ## ##def addStudentSemester(container, id, REQUEST=None, **kw): ## """Add a StudentSemester.""" ## ob = StudentSemester(id, **kw) ## return CPSBase_adder(container, ob, REQUEST=REQUEST) ## #####) ##class Semester(CPSDocument): ###( ## """ ## WAeUP Semester containing the courses and students ## """ ## meta_type = 'Semester' ## portal_type = meta_type ## security = ClassSecurityInfo() ## ##InitializeClass(Semester) ## ##def addSemester(container, id, REQUEST=None, **kw): ## """Add a Semester.""" ## ob = Semester(id, **kw) ## return CPSBase_adder(container, ob, REQUEST=REQUEST) ## #####) class StudentCourseResult(CPSDocument): ###( """ WAeUP StudentCourseResult """ meta_type = 'StudentCourseResult' portal_type = meta_type security = ClassSecurityInfo() def getCourseEntry(self,cid): res = self.portal_catalog({'meta_type': "Course", 'id': cid}) if res: return res[-1] else: return None security.declareProtected(View,"Title") def Title(self): """compose title""" cid = self.aq_parent.getId() ce = self.getCourseEntry(cid) if ce: return "%s" % ce.Title return "No course with id %s" % cid InitializeClass(StudentCourseResult) def addStudentCourseResult(container, id, REQUEST=None, **kw): """Add a StudentCourseResult.""" ob = StudentCourseResult(id, **kw) return CPSBase_adder(container, ob, REQUEST=REQUEST) ###) # Backward Compatibility StudyLevel from Products.WAeUP_SRP.Academics import StudyLevel from Products.WAeUP_SRP.Academics import addStudyLevel