#-*- mode: python; mode: fold -*- # (C) Copyright 2005 The WAeUP group # Author: Joachim Schmitz (js@aixtraware.de) # # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 as published # by the Free Software Foundation. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software # Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA # 02111-1307, USA. # # $Id: WAeUPTool.py 1550 2007-03-15 10:46:22Z uli $ """The WAeUP Tool Box. """ from AccessControl import ClassSecurityInfo from Acquisition import aq_inner from Acquisition import aq_parent from Globals import DTMLFile from Globals import InitializeClass from OFS.SimpleItem import SimpleItem from Products.CMFCore.ActionProviderBase import ActionProviderBase from Products.CMFCore.permissions import View from Products.ZCatalog.ZCatalog import ZCatalog from Products.CMFCore.permissions import ModifyPortalContent from Products.CMFCore.utils import UniqueObject from Products.CMFCore.URLTool import URLTool from Students import makeCertificateCode from Globals import package_home,INSTANCE_HOME p_home = package_home(globals()) i_home = INSTANCE_HOME import logging,os import transaction class WAeUPTool(UniqueObject, SimpleItem, ActionProviderBase): """WAeUP tool""" id = 'waeup_tool' meta_type = 'WAeUP Tool' _actions = () security = ClassSecurityInfo() security.declareObjectProtected(View) manage_options = ( ActionProviderBase.manage_options + SimpleItem.manage_options ) def generateStudentId(self,letter): ###( import random r = random ##if letter not in ('ABCDEFGIHKLMNOPQRSTUVWXY'): if letter == '?': letter= r.choice('ABCDEFGHKLMNPQRSTUVWXY') sid = "%c%d" % (letter,r.randint(99999,1000000)) ## students = self.portal_url.getPortalObject().campus.students ## while hasattr(students, sid): ## sid = "%c%d" % (letter,r.randint(99999,1000000)) while self.students_catalog(id = sid): sid = "%c%d" % (letter,r.randint(99999,1000000)) return sid ###) def generatePassword(self,s=None): ###( import random r = random ##if letter not in ('ABCDEFGIHKLMNOPQRSTUVWXY'): if s is None: s = 'abcdefghklmnpqrstuvwxy23456789' pw = '' while len(pw) < 6: pw += r.choice(s) return pw ###) security.declareProtected(ModifyPortalContent,'getCredential') ###( def getCredential(self,student_id): "return a student password" student_entry = getattr(self.portal_directories.students,student_id,None) if student_entry is None: return None return getattr(student_entry,"password","not set") ###) security.declarePublic('checkPassword') ###( def checkPassword(self,student_id,password): "return a student password" student_entry = getattr(self.portal_directories.students,student_id,None) if student_entry is None: return False return getattr(student_entry,"password","not set") == password ###) security.declarePublic('editPassword') ###( def editPassword(self,student_id,password): "edit a student password" student_entry = getattr(self.portal_directories.students,student_id,None) if student_entry is None: return setattr(student_entry,'password',password) ###) security.declareProtected(ModifyPortalContent,'doCommit') ###( def doCommit(self,logger=None): "commit some transactions" transaction.commit() ###) security.declarePublic('loadStudentFoto') ###( def loadStudentFoto(self,student): "return a student passport picture" app_doc = student.application.getContent() clear = student.clearance clear_doc = clear.getContent() matric_no = clear_doc.matric_no.upper() picture1 ="%s/import/pictures_returning/%s.jpg" % (i_home,matric_no) picture2 ="%s/import/pictures_returning/%s.JPG" % (i_home,matric_no) #import pdb;pdb.set_trace() if os.path.exists(picture1): file = open(picture1) elif os.path.exists(picture2): file = open(picture2) else: return "passport picture not found %s" % picture1 outfile = file.read() app_doc.manage_addFile('passport', file=outfile, title="%s.jpg" % matric_no) return "successfully loaded passport picture" ###) security.declareProtected(ModifyPortalContent,'createOne') ###( def createOne(self,students_folder,student_brain,letter,commit=False): sid = self.waeup_tool.generateStudentId(letter) students_folder.invokeFactory('Student', sid) student = getattr(students_folder,sid) self.portal_workflow.doActionFor(student,'return') student.manage_setLocalRoles(sid, ['Owner',]) matric_no = student_brain.matric_no jamb_reg_no = student_brain.Entryregno self.students_catalog.addRecord(id = sid, matric_no = matric_no, jamb_reg_no = jamb_reg_no, sex = student_brain.Sex == "F", name = "%s %s %s" % (student_brain.Firstname, student_brain.Middlename, student_brain.Lastname) ) if commit: transaction.commit() return sid,jamb_reg_no ###) security.declareProtected(ModifyPortalContent,'createStudent') ###( def createStudent(self,dict): students_folder = self.portal_url.getPortalObject().campus.students sid = self.waeup_tool.generateStudentId('?') students_folder.invokeFactory('Student', sid) student_obj = getattr(students_folder,sid) password = self.generatePassword() self.makeStudentMember(sid,password) status,entry_mode = dict.get('entry_mode').split('_') wfaction = 'return' if status == "NEW": wfaction = 'admit' matric_no = dict.get('matric_no') email = dict.get('email') level = dict.get('level') jamb_reg_no = dict.get('jamb_reg_no') study_course = dict.get('study_course') self.portal_workflow.doActionFor(student_obj,wfaction) student_obj.manage_setLocalRoles(sid, ['Owner',]) student_obj.invokeFactory('StudentApplication','application') application = student_obj.application self.portal_workflow.doActionFor(application,'open',dest_container=application) da = {'Title': 'Application Data'} student_obj.invokeFactory('StudentPersonal','personal') da['entry_mode'] = entry_mode personal = student_obj.personal self.portal_workflow.doActionFor(personal,'open',dest_container=personal) dp = {'Title': 'Personal Data'} student_obj.invokeFactory('StudentClearance','clearance') clearance = student_obj.clearance self.portal_workflow.doActionFor(clearance,'open',dest_container=clearance) dc = {'Title': 'Clearance/Eligibility Record'} dc['matric_no'] = matric_no da['app_email'] = dp['email'] = email da['jamb_reg_no'] = jamb_reg_no dp['firstname'] = dict.get('firstname') dp['middlename'] = dict.get('middlename') dp['lastname'] = dict.get('lastname') da['jamb_lastname'] = "%(firstname)s %(middlename)s %(lastname)s" % dict sex = dict.get('sex') if sex: da['jamb_sex'] = 'F' else: da['jamb_sex'] = 'M' dp['sex'] = sex application.getContent().edit(mapping=da) self.portal_workflow.doActionFor(application,'close',dest_container=application) personal.getContent().edit(mapping=dp) clearance.getContent().edit(mapping=dc) self.portal_workflow.doActionFor(clearance,'close',dest_container=clearance) catd = {} catd['id'] = sid catd['entry_mode']= entry_mode catd['email'] = email catd['jamb_reg_no'] = jamb_reg_no catd['matric_no'] = matric_no catd['name'] = "%(firstname)s %(middlename)s %(lastname)s" % dp catd['sex'] = dp['sex'] catd['level'] = level certificate_brain = self.getCertificateBrain(study_course) if certificate_brain: cpath = certificate_brain.getPath().split('/') catd['faculty'] = cpath[-4] catd['department'] = cpath[-3] catd['course'] = study_course self.students_catalog.addRecord(**catd) # # Study Course # student_obj.invokeFactory('StudentStudyCourse','study_course') sc = student_obj.study_course self.portal_workflow.doActionFor(sc,'open',dest_container=sc) dsc = {} dsc['study_course'] = study_course dsc['current_level'] = level sc.getContent().edit(mapping=dsc) return sid,password ###) security.declarePublic('getCertificateBrain') ###( def getCertificateBrain(self,cert_id): "do it" res = ZCatalog.searchResults(self.portal_catalog, {'portal_type':"Certificate", 'id': cert_id}) if res: return res[0] return None ###) security.declarePublic('findStudentByMatricelNo') ###( def findStudentByMatricelNo(self,matric_no): "do it" res = ZCatalog.searchResults(self.portal_catalog, {'portal_type':"StudentClearance", 'SearchableText': matric_no}) if res: return res[0] return None ###) security.declarePublic('makeStudentMember') ###( def makeStudentMember(self,sid,password='uNsEt'): """make the student a member""" membership = self.portal_membership membership.addMember(sid, password , roles=('Member', 'Student', ), domains='', properties = {'memberareaCreationFlag': False, 'homeless': True},) member = membership.getMemberById(sid) self.portal_registration.afterAdd(member, sid, password, None) #self.manage_setLocalRoles(sid, ['Owner',]) ###) security.declarePublic('makeStudentData') ###( def makeStudentData(self,student_id,email=None,phone_nr=None): "create Datastructure for a returning Student" #import pdb;pdb.set_trace() logger = logging.getLogger('Student.CreateData') students_folder = self.portal_url.getPortalObject().campus.students res = self.students_catalog(id=student_id) if res: st = res[0] res = self.returning_import(matric_no = st.matric_no) if res: student = res[0] logger.info('"%s", "creating Datastructure"' % student_id) s_results = self.results_import(matric_no = st.matric_no) lnr = self.getLevelFromResultsCosCode(s_results) level = "%d00" % lnr verdict,elegible = self.getVerdict(s_results[0].Verdict) if elegible: level = "%d00" % (lnr + 1) ## level = s_results[0].Level ## for result in s_results: ## if level != result.Level: ## logger.info('"%s", "Levels differ","%s != %s"' % (student_id,level,result.Level)) #student should not be allowed to perform this transition #wftool = self.portal_workflow #wftool.doActionFor(student,'return') certcode_org = student.Coursemajorcode certcode = makeCertificateCode(certcode_org) certificate_brain = self.getCertificateBrain(certcode) if not certificate_brain: em = 'Certificate %s org-code %s not found\n' % (certcode, certcode_org) logger.info(em) matric_no = student.matric_no sid = student_id student_obj = getattr(students_folder,sid) student_obj.invokeFactory('StudentApplication','application') application = student_obj.application self.portal_workflow.doActionFor(application,'open',dest_container=application) da = {'Title': 'Application Data'} student_obj.invokeFactory('StudentPersonal','personal') da['jamb_reg_no'] = student.Entryregno em = self.getEntryMode(student.Entryregno) ## em = student.Mode_of_Entry ## if em in ('DIRECT', 'DIRECT ENTRY',): ## em = 'DE' ## elif em in ('U.M.E', 'UNE',): ## em = 'UME' ## elif not em: ## em = "unknown" da['entry_mode'] = em personal = student_obj.personal self.portal_workflow.doActionFor(personal,'open',dest_container=personal) dp = {'Title': 'Personal Data'} student_obj.invokeFactory('StudentClearance','clearance') clearance = student_obj.clearance self.portal_workflow.doActionFor(clearance,'open',dest_container=clearance) dc = {'Title': 'Clearance/Eligibility Record'} dc['matric_no'] = matric_no state = student.State lga = student.LGA if state and lga: lga = state + ' / ' + lga else: lga = "None" da['jamb_lga'] = dc['lga'] = lga da['app_email'] = dp['email'] = email da['app_mobile'] = dp['phone'] = phone_nr dp['firstname'] = student.Firstname dp['middlename'] = student.Middlename dp['lastname'] = student.Lastname da['jamb_lastname'] = "%s %s %s" % (student.Firstname,student.Middlename,student.Lastname) da['jamb_sex'] = student.Sex dp['sex'] = student.Sex == 'F' dp['perm_address'] = student.Permanent_Address application.getContent().edit(mapping=da) self.portal_workflow.doActionFor(application,'close',dest_container=application) personal.getContent().edit(mapping=dp) clearance.getContent().edit(mapping=dc) self.portal_workflow.doActionFor(clearance,'close',dest_container=clearance) catd = {} catd['id'] = sid catd['entry_mode']= da['entry_mode'] catd['matric_no'] = matric_no catd['jamb_reg_no'] = da['jamb_reg_no'] catd['name'] = "%(firstname)s %(middlename)s %(lastname)s" % dp catd['sex'] = dp['sex'] catd['level'] = level catd['verdict'] = verdict if certificate_brain: cpath = certificate_brain.getPath().split('/') catd['faculty'] = cpath[-4] catd['department'] = cpath[-3] catd['course'] = certcode self.students_catalog.modifyRecord(**catd) # # Study Course # student_obj.invokeFactory('StudentStudyCourse','study_course') studycourse = student_obj.study_course self.portal_workflow.doActionFor(studycourse,'open',dest_container=studycourse) dsc = {} dsc['study_course'] = certcode dsc['current_level'] = level dsc['current_verdict'] = verdict studycourse.getContent().edit(mapping=dsc) # # Level # ## l = getattr(studycourse,level,None) ## if l is None: ## studycourse.invokeFactory('StudentStudyLevel', level) ## l = getattr(studycourse, level) ## self.portal_workflow.doActionFor(l,'open',dest_container=l) ## l.getContent().edit(mapping={'Title': "Level %s" % level}) ###) security.declarePublic('makeStudentLevel') ###( def makeStudentLevel(self,student_id): "create the StudyLevel for a returning Student" #import pdb;pdb.set_trace() logger = logging.getLogger('Student.CreateLevel') students_folder = self.portal_url.getPortalObject().campus.students res = self.students_catalog(id=student_id) if res: st = res[0] course = st.course matric_no = st.matric_no level = st.level res = self.results_import(matric_no = matric_no) if res: results = res logger.info('"%s", "creating Level", "%s"' % (student_id,level)) # # Level # student_obj = getattr(self.portal_url.getPortalObject().campus.students,student_id) studycourse = getattr(student_obj,"study_course",None) self.portal_workflow.doActionFor(studycourse,'close_for_edit',dest_container=studycourse) l = getattr(studycourse,level,None) if l is None: studycourse.invokeFactory('StudentStudyLevel', level) l = getattr(studycourse, level) self.portal_workflow.doActionFor(l,'open',dest_container=l) l.getContent().edit(mapping={'Title': "Level %s" % level}) ###) security.declarePublic('getAccommodationInfo') ###( def getAccommodationInfo(self,bed): """return Accommodation Info""" info = {} hall,block,room,letter = bed.split('_') res = ZCatalog.searchResults(self.portal_catalog,portal_type="AccoHall",id=hall) if res and len(res) == 1: hall_brain = res[0] hall_doc = hall_brain.getObject().getContent() else: return info info['hall_title'] = hall_brain.Title info['maintenance_code'] = hall_doc.maintenance_code res = ZCatalog.searchResults(self.portal_catalog,portal_type="ScratchCardBatch") batch_doc = None for brain in res: if brain.id.startswith(info['maintenance_code']): batch_doc = brain.getObject().getContent() break if batch_doc is None: info['maintenance_fee'] = None else: info['maintenance_fee'] = batch_doc.cost return info ###) security.declareProtected(ModifyPortalContent,'deleteAllCourses') ###( def deleteAllCourses(self,department="All"): ''' delete the courses''' pm = self.portal_membership member = pm.getAuthenticatedMember() if str(member) not in ("henrik","joachim"): return "not possible" if department == "All": res = self.portal_catalog({'meta_type': 'Department'}) if len(res) < 1: return "No Departments found" deleted = [] for dep in res: cf = dep.getObject().courses if cf: cf.manage_delObjects(ids=cf.objectIds()) deleted.append("deleted Courses in %s" % dep.getId) return "\r".join(deleted) ###) security.declareProtected(ModifyPortalContent,'getLogfileLines') ###( def getLogfileLines(self,filename="event.log",numlines=20): """Get last NUMLINES lines of logfile FILENAME. Return last lines' of a file in the instances logfile directory as a list. The number of returned lines equals `numlines' or less. If less than `numlines' lines are available, the whole file ist returned. If the file can not be opened or some other error occurs, empty list is returend. """ result = [] lines_hit = 0 # We only handle files in instances' log directory... logpath = os.path.join(i_home, "log") filename = str(os.path.abspath( os.path.join( logpath, filename ))) if not filename.startswith( logpath ): # Attempt to access file outside log-dir... return [] try: fd = file( filename, "rb" ) except IOError: return [] if not fd: return [] if os.linesep == None: linesep = '\n' else: linesep = os.linesep # Try to find 'numlines' times a lineseparator, searching from end # and moving to the beginning of file... fd.seek( 0, 2) # Move to end of file... while lines_hit < numlines: if fd.read(1) == linesep[-1]: # This moves filedescriptor # one step forward... lines_hit += 1 try: fd.seek( -2, 1) # Go two bytes back from current pos... except IOError: # We cannot go back two bytes. Maybe the file is too small... break fd.seek(2,1) # Read all lines from current position... result = fd.readlines() # Remove line endings... result = [x.strip() for x in result] fd.close() return result ###) InitializeClass(WAeUPTool)