## Script (Python) "mail2student" ##bind container=container ##bind context=context ##bind namespace= ##bind script=script ##bind subpath=traverse_subpath ##parameters=co_name=None,co_email=None,student_email=None,probtype=None,commt=None ##title= ## # $Id: mail2admin.py 869 2006-11-15 13:46:49Z henrik $ mhost = context.MailHost prop = context.portal_properties # the message format, %s will be filled in from data message = """ From: %s <%s> To: %s Cc: %s Bcc: %s Reply-To: %s Subject: %s %s """ #prop.email_from_address should be used for To: REQUEST = context.REQUEST url_tuple = REQUEST.HTTP_REFERER.split('?') if len(url_tuple) == 2: url_tuple[1] ='portal_status_message=Your message has been sent!' else: url_tuple.append('portal_status_message=Your message has been sent!') redirect_url = "?".join(url_tuple) REQUEST.set('rurl', redirect_url) # to see the result in the error log msg = message % ( co_name, co_email, student_email, co_email, 'henrik@waeup.org', # 'js@aixtraware.de', co_email, probtype, commt, ) mhost.send(msg) REQUEST = context.REQUEST RESPONSE = REQUEST.RESPONSE RESPONSE.redirect(redirect_url)