source: WAeUP_SRP/base/skins/waeup_student/ @ 2496

Last change on this file since 2496 was 2489, checked in by Henrik Bettermann, 17 years ago

fix for students with strange session result course codes
beautify course result views do not fill grade of carry-over courses; grade is a deprecated catalog field

File size: 10.8 KB
1<metal:body use-macro="here/slip_template/macros/master">
2  <metal:main fill-slot="main"
3          tal:define="info context/getStudyLevelInfo;">
5    <span tal:condition="not: info">
6      <span tal:content="here/illegal_view" />
7    </span>
8    <span tal:condition="info">
9    <span tal:define= "is_so context/isSectionOfficer;
10                       is_ca info/is_ca;
11                       show_check_boxes info/show_check_boxes;
12                       is_student info/is_student;
13                       status_info info/status_info;
14                       review_state info/review_state;
15                       view_only info/view_only">       
17    <div style="text-align: right"
18         tal:condition="python:review_state in ('courses_registered','courses_validated',)">
19    <a href="" target="slip" tal:attributes="href string:course_registration_slip"
20        onclick="'','slip','width=600, height=700, directories=no, toolbar=no, location=no, menubar=yes, scrollbars=yes, status=no, resizable=no, dependent=no')">
21        <img tal:attributes="src string:${here/portal_url}/actionicon_print.png" />
22        Course Registration Slip
23    </a>
24    </div>
27      <h3>
28        <span tal:condition="python: is_so or is_ca">
29          <span tal:content="info/student/name" />:
30        </span>
31        Course Registration Form for <span tal:content="here/title_or_id" />
32      </h3>
34      <form action="." method="post" class="group">
35        <span tal:condition="info/carry_overs" tal:omit-tag="">
36        <h4>Carryover Courses</h4>
37        <br />
38        <table class="contentListing" width="100%" summary="content layout" id="folder_content" tal:condition="info/carry_overs">
39          <tr tal:repeat="row info/carry_overs"
40              tal:attributes="class python:test(repeat['row'].even(), 'even ajaxtd', 'odd ajaxtd')">
42            <td align="left" valign="middle" width="5%" tal:condition="show_check_boxes">
43              <input type="checkbox" name="ids:list" value="" id="" class="noborder"
44                     tal:define="id row/id"
45                     tal:attributes="value id;
46                     id python:'cb_' + id;
47                     checked python:id in info['choosen_ids'];"
48                     />
49            </td>
50            <td width="72%" tal:content="row/title"></td>
51            <td align="center" width="10%" tal:content="row/code"></td>
52            <td align="center" width="2%">S<span tal:content="row/semester" /></td>
53            <td align="center" width="2%" tal:content="row/credits"></td>
54            <td align="center" width="9%" tal:content="row/coe|nothing"></td>
55          </tr>
56        </table>
57        </span>
58        <br />
60        <h4>Session Courses</h4>
61        <br />
62        <div class="" tal:condition="not: info/normal">
63          Your faculty has not yet provided the list of courses for your certificate. Please contact your faculty!
64        </div>
66         <table class="contentListing" width="100%" id="folder_content" tal:condition="info/normal">     
67          <tr tal:repeat="row info/normal"
68              tal:attributes="class python:test(repeat['row'].even(), 'even ajaxtd', 'odd ajaxtd')">
70            <td align="left" valign="middle" width="5%" tal:condition="show_check_boxes">
71              <input type="checkbox" name="ids:list" value="" id="" class="noborder"
72                     tal:define="id row/id"
73                     tal:attributes="value id;
74                     id python:'cb_' + id;
75                     checked python:id in info['choosen_ids'];"
76                     />
77            </td>
78            <td width="72%" tal:content="row/title"></td>
79            <td align="center" width="10%" tal:content="row/code"></td>
80            <td align="center" width="2%">S<span tal:content="row/semester" /></td>
81            <td align="center" width="2%" tal:content="row/credits"></td>
82            <td align="center" width="9%" tal:content="row/coe|nothing"></td>
83          </tr>
84          <tr>
85            <td width="5%" tal:condition="show_check_boxes">&nbsp;</td>
86            <td width="82%" colspan="2" align="right">Total Credits:</td>
87            <td width="2%">&nbsp;</td>
88            <td width="2%" align="center" tal:content="info/credits_total"></td>
89            <td width="9%">&nbsp;</td>
90          </tr>
91        </table>
96        <table tal:condition="python: is_student and review_state == 'school_fee_paid'" width="100%" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="2"
97               class="folderButtons">
98          <tr>
99            <td align="left" valign="top" rowspan="3"></td>
100            <td align="left" valign="top">
101                <input type="submit" name="delete_course_result:method" value="Delete selected"
102                       class="destructive" i18n:attributes="value"
103                       tal:attributes="onclick python:'return window.confirm(\'%s\')' %
104                       ('Do you really want to delete selected courses?', )"
105                       />
106                <input type="submit" name="refresh_level:method"
107                       class="context" value="Update"
108                       />
109                <br /><br />
110                <input tal:condition="info/normal"
111                       type="submit" name="register_courses:method"
112                       class="context" value="Submit" />
113            </td>
114          </tr>
115        </table>
116        <table tal:condition="python:is_so" width="100%" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="2"
117               class="folderButtons">
118          <tr>
119            <td align="left" valign="top" rowspan="3"></td>
120            <td align="left" valign="top">
121                <input type="button" value="Select all" class="context"
122                       onclick="someJavaScriptFunctionThatWillBeReplaced"
123                       i18n:attributes="value"
124                       tal:attributes="onclick python:'toggleSelect(this, \'%s\', \'%s\')'
125                       % (cpsmcat('button_select_all'), cpsmcat('button_deselect_all'))"
126                       />
127                <input type="submit" name="delete_course_result:method" value="Delete selected"
128                       class="destructive" i18n:attributes="value"
129                       tal:attributes="onclick python:'return window.confirm(\'%s\')' %
130                       ('Do you really want to delete the courses selected?', )"
131                       />
132                <input
133                       type="submit" name="refresh_level:method"
134                       class="context" value="Update"
135                       />
136                <input tal:condition="python: review_state == 'school_fee_paid'" type="submit" name="register_courses:method"
137                       class="context" value="Submit" /> 
138                <input tal:condition="python: review_state == 'courses_registered'" type="submit" name="validate_courses:method"
139                       class="context" value="Validate" />
140                <input tal:condition="python: review_state in ('courses_registered', 'courses_validated',)" type="submit" name="reject_courses:method"
141                       class="context" value="Reject" />
142                <input type="hidden" name="action_after_validate" type="text" id="action_after_validate"
143                       tal:attributes="value string:external_study_level_view"/>                         
144                <input type="hidden" name="action_after_reject" type="text" id="action_after_reject"
145                       tal:attributes="value string:external_contact_student_form"/>                           
147            </td>
148          </tr>
149        </table>
150        <table tal:condition="python:is_ca" width="100%" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="2"
151               class="folderButtons">
152          <tr>
153            <td align="left" valign="top" rowspan="3"></td>
154            <td align="left" valign="top">
155                <input tal:condition="python: review_state == 'school_fee_paid'"
156                       type="button" value="Select all" class="context"
157                       onclick="someJavaScriptFunctionThatWillBeReplaced"
158                       i18n:attributes="value"
159                       tal:attributes="onclick python:'toggleSelect(this, \'%s\', \'%s\')'
160                       % (cpsmcat('button_select_all'), cpsmcat('button_deselect_all'))"
161                       />
162                <input tal:condition="python: review_state == 'school_fee_paid'"
163                       type="submit" name="delete_course_result:method" value="Delete selected"
164                       class="destructive" i18n:attributes="value"
165                       tal:attributes="onclick python:'return window.confirm(\'%s\')' %
166                       ('Do you really want to delete the courses selected?', )"
167                       />
168                <input tal:condition="python: review_state == 'school_fee_paid'"
169                       type="submit" name="refresh_level:method"
170                       class="context" value="Update"
171                       />
172                <input tal:condition="python: review_state == 'school_fee_paid'" type="submit" name="register_courses:method"
173                       class="context" value="Submit" /> 
174                <input tal:condition="python: review_state == 'courses_registered'" type="submit" name="validate_courses:method"
175                       class="context" value="Validate" />
176                <input tal:condition="python: review_state in ('courses_registered', 'courses_validated',)" type="submit" name="reject_courses:method"
177                       class="context" value="Reject" />
179                <input type="hidden" name="action_after_validate" type="text" id="action_after_validate"
180                       tal:attributes="value string:external_study_level_view"/>                         
181                <input type="hidden" name="action_after_reject" type="text" id="action_after_reject"
182                       tal:attributes="value string:external_contact_student_form"/>   
185            </td>
186          </tr>
187        </table>
189      </form>
190      <br />
191        <form action="add_course_result" method="post" class="group"
192            tal:condition="show_check_boxes">
193        <table>
194          <tr>
195            <th>Course Id</th>
196            <td><input type="text" name="course_id"
197                       tal:attributes="value request/course_id|nothing"/></td>
198            <td colspan="2">
199              <input type="submit" name="add"
200                     class="context" value="Add Course"
201                     />
202              <input type="hidden" name="action_after_validate" type="text" id="action_after_validate"
203                       tal:attributes="value string:external_study_level_view"/>                     
204            </td>               
205        </table>
206        </form>         
207  </span>
208  </span>         
209  </metal:main>
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