source: WAeUP_SRP/base/skins/waeup_student/ @ 3389

Last change on this file since 3389 was 3342, checked in by Henrik Bettermann, 17 years ago

extend sanwich deadline

  • Property svn:keywords set to Id
File size: 13.0 KB
1## Script (Python) "apply_admission"
2##bind container=container
3##bind context=context
4##bind namespace=
5##bind script=script
6##bind subpath=traverse_subpath
10# $Id: 3342 2008-03-16 21:26:39Z henrik $
12process the Application Form
15    from Products.zdb import set_trace
17    def set_trace():
18        pass
20import DateTime
21import logging
22logger = logging.getLogger('Skins.apply_admission')
24mtool = context.portal_membership
25member = mtool.getAuthenticatedMember()
27current = DateTime.DateTime()
28pr = context.portal_registration
29request = REQUEST
31manage = "manage" in request.keys()
32screening_types = ('prence','pume','pce','pde','cest','sandwich')
33if not (traverse_subpath and traverse_subpath[0] in screening_types) and not manage:
34    return request.RESPONSE.redirect("%s/srp_anonymous_view" % context.portal_url())
35configuration = []
36headings = {}
37headings['pume'] = 'Apply for Post UME Screening Test (2007/2008)! '
38headings['pde'] = 'Apply for Post UDE Screening Test (2007/2008)! '
39headings['prence'] = 'Apply for Pre-NCE Programme (2007/2008)! '
40headings['pce'] = 'Apply for PCE Screening (2007/2008)! '
41#headings['cest'] = 'Apply for Part-Time Degree and Diploma Programmes (2007/2008)! '
42headings['cest'] = 'Apply for Diploma Programmes (2007/2008)! '
43headings['sandwich'] = 'Apply for Part Time Degree in Education (2007/2008)! '
44#headings['pt'] = 'Apply for Local/Part-Time Programmes (2007/2008)'
46configuration += ('heading',headings),
47headings_slip = {}
48headings_slip['pume'] = 'Post UME Screening (2007/2008) Aknowledgement Slip!'
49headings_slip['pde'] = 'Post UDE Screening (2007/2008) Aknowledgement Slip'
50headings_slip['prence'] = 'Pre-NCE Application (2007/2008) Aknowledgement Slip'
51headings_slip['pce'] = 'PCE Screening (2007/2008) Aknowledgement Slip'
52headings_slip['cest'] = 'Common Entrance Screening (2007/2008) Aknowledgement Slip'
53headings_slip['sandwich'] = 'Application for Part Time Degree in Education (2007/2008) Aknowledgement Slip'
54#headings_slip['pt'] = 'Part Time (2007/2008) Aknowledgement Slip'
55configuration += ('heading_slip',headings_slip),
57deaddates = {}
58deaddates['pume'] = DateTime.DateTime('2007/08/12 23:59')
59deaddates['pde'] = DateTime.DateTime('2007/11/04 23:59')
60deaddates['prence'] = DateTime.DateTime('2007/12/4 23:59')
61deaddates['pce'] = DateTime.DateTime('2007/08/12 23:59')
62deaddates['cest'] = DateTime.DateTime('2008/02/15 23:59')
63deaddates['sandwich'] = DateTime.DateTime('2008/04/09 23:59')
64#deaddates['pt'] = DateTime.DateTime('2007/12/24 23:59')
65configuration += ('deaddate',deaddates),
67deadline = {}
68#deadline['pume'] = '[Date of PUME Deadline]'
69for sct in screening_types:
70    deadline[sct] = deaddates[sct].strftime('%A, %d. %B %Y')
71# deadline['pde'] = 'Sunday, 4th November 2007'
72# deadline['prence'] = '[Date of PRENCE Deadline]'
73# deadline['pce'] = '[Date of PCE Deadline]'
74# deadline['cest'] = '[Date of CEST Deadline]'
75# deadline['pt'] = '[Date of PT Deadline]'
76configuration += ('deadline',deadline),
78confirm = {}
79confirm['pume'] = "I confirm that the Passport Photograph uploaded on this form is a true picture of me."
80confirm['pde'] = "I confirm that the Passport Photograph uploaded on this form is a true picture of me."
81confirm['prence'] = "I confirm that the Passport Photograph uploaded on this form is a true picture of me."
82confirm['pce'] = "I confirm that the Passport Photograph uploaded on this form is a true picture of me."
83#confirm['cest'] = "I confirm that the Passport Photograph uploaded on this form is a true picture of me."
84confirm['cest'] = """I hereby acknowledge by ticking this check box that if it is discovered
85at any time, that I do not possess any of the qualifications, which I have obtained, I will be
86expelled from the University and shall not be readmitted for the same or any other programme,
87even if I have upgraded my previous qualification or posses additional qualifications."""
88confirm['sandwich'] = """I hereby acknowledge by ticking this check box that if it is discovered
89at any time, that I do not possess any of the qualifications, which I have obtained, I will be
90expelled from the University and shall not be readmitted for the same or any other programme,
91even if I have upgraded my previous qualification or posses additional qualifications."""
92configuration += ('confirm',confirm),
94#type_name = 'StudentApplication'
95#ti = context.portal_types[type_name]
97create = "create" in request.keys()
98apply_admission = "apply" in request.keys()
99edit = "edit" in request.keys() or "cpsdocument_edit_button" in request.form.keys()
100slip = "slip" in request.keys()
101submitted = False
102mode = request.get('mode','')
103if not mode:
104    if apply_admission or edit or manage:
105        mode = "edit"
106    else:
107        mode = "create"
108validate = create or edit or apply_admission
110if manage:
111    validate = False
112without_reg_no = False
115lt = context.portal_layouts
117pin = request.form.get('pin','')
118reg_no = request.get('widget__reg_no','').upper()
119if not reg_no:
120    reg_no = request.form.get('reg_no','').upper()
121if not reg_no:
122    reg_no = request.get('widget__pin_n','').upper()
124object = {}
125if reg_no:
126    brains = context.applicants_catalog(reg_no = reg_no)
127    if len(brains) == 1:
128        for field in context.applicants_catalog.schema():
129            object[field] = getattr(brains[0],field,None)
130        if not object['passport']:
131                object['passport'] = ''
132        if object['status'] and ('submitted' in object['status'] or 'admitted' in object['status'] or 'created' in object['status']):
133            submitted = True
135        if not (create or slip) and (pin != object['pin'] and not context.isSectionOfficer()):
136  '%s/%s entered wrong pin %s' % (member,reg_no,pin))
137            return request.RESPONSE.redirect("%s/srp_anonymous_view" % context.portal_url())
139        # For the next application session it should be reverted to
140        # (see comment 09/06/07 16:40:52 in ticket #328):
142        #if not create and (pin != object['pin'] and not context.isSectionOfficer()):
143  '%s/%s entered wrong pin %s' % (member,reg_no,pin))
144            #return request.RESPONSE.redirect("%s/srp_anonymous_view" % context.portal_url())
148info = {}
150info['status'] = object.get('status','')
151if traverse_subpath and traverse_subpath[0] in screening_types:
152    screening_type = info['screening_type'] = traverse_subpath[0]
153elif manage:
154    if object['screening_type']:
155        st = object['screening_type']
156    else:
157        st = 'pume'
158    screening_type = info['screening_type'] = st
160for co_name,co_dict in configuration:
161    info[co_name] = co_dict[screening_type]
162layout = "application_%s" % screening_type
163without_reg_no = screening_type in ('prence','cest','sandwich')
164info['expired'] = current.greaterThan(deaddates[screening_type])
167if slip:
168    mode = "view_slip"
169'%s/%s views application slip' % (member,reg_no))
171res,psm,ds = lt.renderLayout(layout_id= layout,
172                             schema_id= 'import_application',
173                             layout_mode = mode,
174                             context=context,
175                             mapping=validate and REQUEST,
176                             ob=object,
177                             commit = False,
178                            )
179if slip:
180    return context.apply_admission_slip(rendered = res,
181                                        psm = "",
182                                        mode = mode,
183                                        ds = ds,
184                                        info = info,
185                                       )
186if psm == 'invalid':
187    return context.apply_admission_form(rendered = res,
188                                        psm = "Please correct your input!",
189                                        mode = mode,
190                                        ds = ds,
191                                        info = info,
192                                       )
193elif psm == '' and not manage:
194    return context.apply_admission_form(rendered = res,
195                                        psm = psm,
196                                        ds = ds,
197                                        mode = mode,
198                                        info = info,
199                                       )
200# elif psm == 'valid' or (psm == '' and manage):
201#     pass
202if without_reg_no:
203    reg_no = ds.get('reg_no')
204data = {}
205dm = ds.getDataModel()
206for field in context.applicants_catalog.schema():
207    if dm.has_key("%s" % field):
208        data[field] = dm.get(field)
209data['reg_no'] = reg_no
210if apply_admission:
211    if submitted:
212        mode = "view"
213        psm = "The form has already been submitted and you are not allowed to resubmit the data!"
214'%s/%s tried to resubmit application record' % (member,reg_no))
215        res,psm_dummy,ds_dummy = lt.renderLayout(layout_id= layout,
216                                schema_id= 'import_application',
217                                layout_mode = mode,
218                                context=context,
219                                mapping={},
220                                ob=object,
221                                commit = False,
222                                )
223    elif not request.has_key('confirm'):
224        mode = "edit"
225        psm = "Please confirm Passport Photograph!"
226'%s/%s tried to submit without ticking confirmation check box' % (member,reg_no))
227    else:
228        mode = "view"
229        psm = "You successfully applied for admission!"
230        if object['status'] == 'edited':
231            data['status'] = "submitted"
232            data['application_date'] = current
233  '%s/%s modified and submitted application record' % (member,reg_no))
234        elif object['status'] == 'reset':
235            data['status'] = 'resubmitted on %s' % DateTime.DateTime().strftime('%A, %B %d, %Y')
236  '%s/%s modified and resubmitted application record' % (member,reg_no))
237        object['status'] = data['status']
238        context.applicants_catalog.modifyRecord(**data)
240        res,psm_dummy,ds = lt.renderLayout(layout_id= layout,
241                                schema_id= 'import_application',
242                                layout_mode = mode,
243                                context=context,
244                                mapping=validate and REQUEST,
245                                ob=object,
246                                commit = False,
247                                )
248elif create:
249    if submitted:
250        mode = "view"
251'%s/%s views application record' % (member,reg_no))
252    else:
253        mode = "edit"
254'%s/%s edits application record' % (member,reg_no))
255    psm = ""
256    if without_reg_no:
257        object['reg_no'] = reg_no
258    object['pin'] = str(ds.get('pin'))
259    res,psm,ds_dummy = lt.renderLayout(layout_id= layout,
260                                schema_id= 'import_application',
261                                layout_mode = mode,
262                                context=context,
263                                mapping={},
264                                ob=object,
265                                commit = False,
266                                )
267elif edit:
268    #set_trace()
269    if submitted:
270        mode = "view"
271        psm = "The form has already been submitted and you are not allowed to modify the data!"
272'%s/%s tried to edit submitted application record' % (member,reg_no))
273        res,psm_dummy,ds_dummy = lt.renderLayout(layout_id= layout,
274                                schema_id= 'import_application',
275                                layout_mode = mode,
276                                context=context,
277                                mapping={},
278                                ob=object,
279                                commit = False,
280                                )
281    else:
282        mode = "edit"
283        psm = "Content changed!"
284        data['status'] = "edited"
285        #set_trace()
286        context.applicants_catalog.modifyRecord(**data)
287'%s/%s modified application record' % (member,reg_no))
289elif manage:
290    if submitted:
291        mode = "view"
292        psm = "You are now assuming the applicant's role!"
293'%s/%s entered application record' % (member,reg_no))
294        res,psm_dummy,ds_dummy = lt.renderLayout(layout_id= layout,
295                                schema_id= 'import_application',
296                                layout_mode = mode,
297                                context=context,
298                                mapping={},
299                                ob=object,
300                                commit = False,
301                                )
302    else:
303        mode = "edit"
304        psm = "You are now assuming the applicant's role!"
305'%s/%s entered application record' % (member,reg_no))
309    passport_uploaded = bool(data['passport'])
311    passport_uploaded = False
313return context.apply_admission_form(rendered = res,
314                                    psm = psm,
315                                    mode = mode,
316                                    show_submit = passport_uploaded,
317                                    ds = ds,
318                                    info = info,
319                              )
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