## Script (Python) "pay_online" ##bind container=container ##bind context=context ##bind namespace= ##bind script=script ##bind subpath=traverse_subpath ##parameters= ##title= ## # $Id: pay_interswitch.py 2172 2007-08-31 07:14:27Z henrik $ """ pay online """ from urllib import urlencode import logging logger = logging.getLogger('Skins.pay_interswitch') import DateTime if context.portal_membership.isAnonymousUser(): return None try: from Products.zdb import set_trace except: def set_trace(): pass request = context.REQUEST wftool = context.portal_workflow students = context.portal_url.getPortalObject().campus.students student_id = context.getStudentId() student = getattr(students,student_id) sbrain = context.students_catalog(id=student_id)[0] #amount,description = context.getSchoolFee(sbrain.faculty,sbrain.session,sbrain.course) info = {} info['student'] = sbrain info['payment_possible'] = False info['amount'] = '0' info['bank'] = '' info['type_description'] = '' info['pay_bill_to'] = '' fee_dict = context.getSchoolFee(sbrain) fulltime = sbrain.mode.endswith('_ft') #new = sbrain.entry_session == context.getSessionId()[-2:] new = sbrain.review_state == 'cleared_and_validated' returning = sbrain.review_state == 'returning' if not fee_dict or (not new and fulltime) or not (new or returning): return context.interswitch_form(info=info) info['site_id'] = '61' info['currency_id'] = '566' if new: amount = info['amount'] = fee_dict['new'] elif returning: amount = info['amount'] = fee_dict['returning'] if fulltime: pay_item_id = "6100" info['type_code'] = sbrain.faculty info['bank'] = '' else: pay_item_id = "6101" info['type_code'] = sbrain.course info['bank'] = '' info['payment_possible'] = True info['type_description'] = fee_dict['description'] info['pay_bill_to'] = sbrain.name info['pay_ship_to'] = "University of Benin" info['student_id'] = student_id info['student_name'] = sbrain.name info['student_email'] = sbrain.email now = DateTime.DateTime() info['date'] = now order_id = info['order_id'] = "%d" % int(now.timeTime()*1000) info['order_id'] = "%s%s" % (student_id[1:],order_id) p_id = "p%s" % order_id if student_id is None: return context.REQUEST.RESPONSE.redirect("%s/srp_anonymous_view" % context.portal_url()) if True or context.portal_url().find('uniben-demo.waeup.org') >-1 or\ context.portal_url().find('uniben.waeup.org') >-1: info['action'] = "https://webpay.interswitchng.com/paydirect/webpay/pay.aspx" else: #pass #return None info['action'] = "%s/payments/%s/simulate_callback" % (student.absolute_url(),p_id) if "payments" not in student.objectIds(): student.invokeFactory('PaymentsFolder','payments') payments = getattr(student,'payments') d = {} d['Title'] = 'Payments' payments.getContent().edit(mapping=d) wftool.doActionFor(payments,'open') else: payments = getattr(student,'payments') if request.has_key('epayment'): return context.interswitch_form(info=info) payments.invokeFactory('Payment', p_id) payment = getattr(payments,p_id) wftool.doActionFor(payment,'open') d = {} d.update(info) #from Products.zdb import set_trace;set_trace() payment.getContent().edit(mapping=d) #wftool.doActionFor(payment,'close') #wftool.doActionFor(student,'pay_school_fee') info['callback_url'] = "%s/payments/%s/interswitch_cb?echo=%s" % (student.absolute_url(), p_id, p_id) logger.info('%(student_id)s initiated online school fee payment with order_id %(order_id)s and callback url %(callback_url)s' % info) payment_fields = (('product_id','site_id'), ('site_redirect_url','callback_url'), ('Currency','currency_id'), ('cust_id','student_id'), ('cust_id_desc','type_description'), ('cust_name','student_name'), ('txn_ref','order_id'), ('Amount','amount'), ) args = {} for arg,field in payment_fields: args[arg] = info[field] itotal = int(amount)*100 wema_amount = 10000 provider_amount = 35000 interswitch_amount = 15000 #uniben_amount = itotal - wema_amount - provider_amount - interswitch_amount uniben_amount = itotal - interswitch_amount xmldict = {} xmldict['detail_ref'] = args['txn_ref'] xmldict['department'] = sbrain.department xmldict['faculty'] = sbrain.faculty #xmldict['wema_amt'] = "%d" % wema_amount #xmldict['provider_amt'] = "%d" % provider_amount xmldict['uniben_amt'] = "%d" % uniben_amount ## ## xmltext = """ """ % xmldict #total = int(xmldict['uniben_amt'])+int(xmldict['wema_amt'])+int(xmldict['provider_amt']) total = int(xmldict['uniben_amt']) args['Amount'] = "%d" % (total + 15000) args['site_name'] = "uniben.waeup.org" args['cust_name_desc'] = "Student Name" args['pay_item_id'] = pay_item_id args['pay_item_name'] = "UNIBEN Tuition Payments" args['payment_params'] = 'switch_college_split' #args['xml_data'] = xmltext % info args['xml_data'] = '' info['args'] = args return context.goto_interswitch_form(info=info)