[2249] | 1 | # TODO: I want comments in this file!
| 2 |
| 3 | plone_skin:string=Nuxeo CPS Default
| 4 |
| 5 | mainFont:string=70% Arial, sans-serif, Verdana, Helvetica
| 6 | mainBackground:string=#ffffff
| 7 | mainFontColor:string=black
| 8 | mainLinkColor:string=#436976
| 9 | mainTabBorderColor:string=#838183
| 10 | mainTabBorderColorSelected:string=#838183
| 11 | mainTabBackground:string=#003a6b
| 12 | mainTabBackgroundNotSelected:string=#9cb2cd
| 13 | # FIXME: remove since it is not used ?
| 14 | #mainTabBackdrop:string=transparent
| 15 | mainTabFontWeight:string=normal
| 16 | mainTabFontColor:string=white
| 17 | mainTabFontColorSelected:string=white
| 18 |
| 19 | headingFont:string=100% Arial, sans-serif, Verdana, Helvetica
| 20 | headingFontColor:string=black
| 21 | headingSize1:string=140%
| 22 | headingSize2:string=130%
| 23 | headingSize3:string=120%
| 24 | headingSize4:string=110%
| 25 | headingSize5:string=105%
| 26 | headingSize6:string=100%
| 27 |
| 28 | descriptionFont:string=100% Arial, sans-serif, Verdana, Helvetica
| 29 |
| 30 | contentFont:string=120% Arial, sans-serif, Verdana, Helvetica
| 31 | contentBackground:string=White
| 32 | contentImageBorder:string=0
| 33 | contentLinkActiveColor:string=Red
| 34 | contentLinkVisitedColor:string=Purple
| 35 | # FIXME: remove since it is not used ?
| 36 | #contentTabBorder:string=1px solid #74ae0b
| 37 | contentTabBackground:string=#cde2a7
| 38 | contentTabBackgroundNotSelected:string=transparent
| 39 | contentTabBackdrop:string=transparent
| 40 | contentTabFontWeight:string=normal
| 41 | contentTabFontColor:string=#578308
| 42 | contentTabFontColorSelected:string=#578308
| 43 |
| 44 | preBorder:string=0px none
| 45 | preBackground:string=#eeeeee
| 46 |
| 47 | messageFont:string=normal 110% Arial, sans-serif, Verdana, Helvetica
| 48 | messageBackground:string=#ffca31
| 49 | messageBorder:string=2px solid #333333
| 50 |
| 51 | textTransform:string=none
| 52 | noBorder:string=none
| 53 | groupBorder:string=0px none transparent
| 54 | requiredField:string=url(required.png) right no-repeat
| 55 |
| 56 | inputFont:string=100% Arial, sans-serif, Verdana, Helvetica
| 57 | inputBorder:string=1px inset #757575
| 58 | # FIXME: not used
| 59 | #inputBackground:string=#f7f9fa
| 60 |
| 61 | buttonBackground:string=#ffffff 4px 4px no-repeat
| 62 | buttonBackgroundHover:string=#e7e7e7 url(buttonbg_bc.png) bottom left repeat-x
| 63 | buttonBorder:string=1px outset #757575
| 64 |
| 65 | contextButtonBackground:string=#ffffff url(buttonbg_e7.png) bottom left repeat-x
| 66 | contextButtonBackgroundHover:string=#e7e7e7 url(buttonbg_bc.png) bottom left repeat-x
| 67 | contextButtonPadding:string=2px 5px 2px 5px
| 68 | contextButtonFontColor:string=#454545
| 69 | contextButtonBorder:string=1px outset #999999
| 70 |
| 71 | standaloneButtonBackground:string=#ffffff url(buttonbg_e7.png) bottom left repeat-x
| 72 | standaloneButtonBackgroundHover:string=#e7e7e7 url(buttonbg_bc.png) bottom left repeat-x
| 73 | standaloneButtonPadding:string=2px 5px 2px 5px
| 74 | standaloneButtonFontColor:string=#454545
| 75 | standaloneButtonBorder:string=1px outset #999999
| 76 |
| 77 | destructiveButtonBackground:string=#ffffff url(buttonbg_e7.png) bottom left repeat-x
| 78 | destructiveButtonBackgroundHover:string=#e7e7e7 url(buttonbg_bc.png) bottom left repeat-x
| 79 | destructiveButtonPadding:string=2px 5px 2px 5px;
| 80 | destructiveButtonBorder:string=1px outset #757575;
| 81 | destructiveButtonBorderHover:string=1px solid #ff0000
| 82 | destructiveButtonFontColor:string=#454545
| 83 |
| 84 | moveUpButtonBackground:string=white url(buttonbg_e7.png) bottom left repeat-x
| 85 | moveDownButtonBackground:string=white url(buttonbg_e7.png) bottom left repeat-x
| 86 | moveTopButtonBackground:string=white url(buttonbg_e7.png) bottom left repeat-x
| 87 | moveBottomButtonBackground:string=white url(buttonbg_e7.png) bottom left repeat-x
| 88 |
| 89 | buttonWeight:string=normal
| 90 |
| 91 | boxBorder:string=0px solid #838183
| 92 | boxHeaderBackground:string=#003a6b
| 93 | boxHeaderFontColor:string=white
| 94 | # FIXME: Not used
| 95 | #boxLinkBackground:string=transparent
| 96 | #boxLinkColor:string=#436976
| 97 | boxEvenBackground:string=#eeeeee
| 98 | boxOddBackground:string=white
| 99 | boxHighlight:string=2px solid #ffa500
| 100 |
| 101 | # FIXME: Not used
| 102 | #listingBorder:string=1px solid #838183
| 103 | #listingHeaderBackground:string=#003a6b
| 104 | #listingHeaderFontColor:string=black
| 105 | #listingLinkHover:string=underline
| 106 |
| 107 | topBackground:string=#ffffff
| 108 | topMargin:string=0
| 109 | topPadding:string=0
| 110 |
| 111 | logoMargin:string=0.2em 0em 0.3em 1em
| 112 | logoPadding:string=0
| 113 |
| 114 | searchMargin:string=0
| 115 | searchPadding:string=0
| 116 | searchFontColor:string=black
| 117 |
| 118 | footerBackground:string=#eeeeee
| 119 | footerBorder:string=1px solid #003a6b
| 120 |
| 121 | columnsLeftBackground:string=#9cb2cd
| 122 | columnsRightBackground:string=#eeeeee url('rightcol_bg.png') repeat-y
| 123 |
| 124 | columnsLeftBackgroundNS4:string=#9cb2cd
| 125 | columnsRightBackgroundNS4:string=#eeeeee
| 126 |
| 127 | workspaceBackground:string=#cde2a7
| 128 | workspaceBackgroundSelected:string=#297b28
| 129 | urlFontColor:string=#666666
| 130 |
| 131 | legendFontSize:string=80%
| 132 |
| 133 | # Layout properties used to display listing type tables (this layout is used for
| 134 | # history and subscriptions tables).
| 135 | listingHeaderBackground:string=#003a6b
| 136 | listingHeaderColor:string=white
| 137 | listingCellBackground:string=#eeeeee
| 138 | listingCellColor:string=black
| 139 | listingCellOddBackground:string=#ffffff
| 140 | listingCellOddColor:string=black
| 141 | listingCellEvenBackground:string=#eeeeee
| 142 | listingCellEvenColor:string=black
| 143 |
| 144 | # Layout properties used to display RSS/Syndication logos (those logos
| 145 | # typically appear in each box).
| 146 | rssBorder:string=0.1em outset #ff6600
| 147 | rssBackground:string=#ff6600
| 148 | rssColor:string=#ffffff
| 149 | rssFont:string=bold 70% 'Lucida Grande', Verdana, Geneva, Lucida, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif
| 150 |
| 151 | # Layout properties used to display Atom/Syndication logos (those logos
| 152 | # typically appear in each box).
| 153 | atomBorder:string=0.1em outset #ff6600
| 154 | atomBackground:string=#ff6600
| 155 | atomColor:string=#ffffff
| 156 | atomFont:string=bold 70% 'Lucida Grande', Verdana, Geneva, Lucida, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif
| 157 |
| 158 | inheritedRole:string=#ffff99
| 159 | inheritedBlockedRole:string=#ff9999 |