[6369] | 1 | /********************************************************** |
| 2 | * This file contains style information for the modules * |
| 3 | * for this particular theme. * |
| 4 | **********************************************************/ |
| 5 | |
| 6 | /** General **/ |
| 7 | #page-mod-assignment-index .cell, |
| 8 | #page-mod-chat-index .cell, |
| 9 | #page-mod-choice-index .cell, |
| 10 | #page-mod-forum-index .generalbox .cell, |
| 11 | #page-mod-glossary-index .cell, |
| 12 | #page-mod-resource-index .cell, |
| 13 | #page-mod-scorm-index .cell, |
| 14 | #page-mod-survey-index .cell, |
| 15 | #page-mod-wiki-index .cell {font-size:0.8em;} |
| 16 | .mod_introbox {width:90%;margin:1em auto;} |
| 17 | table.mod_index {width:90%;margin:1em auto;} |
| 18 | |
| 19 | /** Assignment **/ |
| 20 | .path-mod-assignment .feedback .files {background-color: #EFEFEF;padding:5px;} |
| 21 | .path-mod-assignment .feedback .time, |
| 22 | #page-mod-assignment-view .feedback .date {font-size: 0.8em;} |
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| 28 | #page-mod-assignment-submissions .s0 {background: #FFD991;} |
| 29 | #page-mod-assignment-submissions table.submissions td.cell, |
| 30 | #page-mod-assignment-submissions table.submissions th{border:1px solid #DDD;vertical-align: middle;padding-left: 5px;padding-right: 5px;} |
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| 34 | #page-mod-assignment-submissions .fgcontrols .fastgbutton{margin-top: 0.5em;} |
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| 36 | #page-mod-assignment-view #dates .c0 {text-align:right;font-weight:bold;} |
| 37 | #page-mod-assignment-view .feedback {border:1px solid #DDD;} |
| 38 | #page-mod-assignment-view .feedback .topic {padding: 4px;border:0px solid #DDD;border-bottom-width: 1px;} |
| 39 | #page-mod-assignment-view .feedback .content {padding: 4px;} |
| 40 | #page-mod-assignment-view .feedback .left {width: 35px;padding: 4px;text-align: center;vertical-align: top;} |
| 41 | #page-mod-assignment-view #dates {font-size: 0.8em;margin:30px auto;} |
| 42 | #page-mod-assignment-submissions .status, |
| 43 | #page-mod-assignment-view #online .singlebutton {text-align: center;} |
| 44 | #page-mod-assignment-submissions .submissions .grade, |
| 45 | #page-mod-assignment-view .feedback .fullname, |
| 46 | #page-mod-assignment-view .feedback .grade {font-weight:bold;} |
| 47 | |
| 48 | /** Chat **/ |
| 49 | .path-mod-chat .time {font-weight: bold;} |
| 50 | .path-mod-chat .user {color:blue;} |
| 51 | .path-mod-chat .chat-event {text-align:center;color:gray;} |
| 52 | .path-mod-chat .chat-event .event, |
| 53 | .path-mod-chat .chat-message .title {color:#888} |
| 54 | .path-mod-chat .chat-event .text, |
| 55 | .path-mod-chat .chat-message .text {text-align: left;color:#000;} |
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| 63 | #page-mod-chat-view .nextchatsession {text-align:center;} |
| 64 | #page-mod-chat-view #enterlink {text-align: center;margin-left: auto;margin-right: auto;width: 50%;} |
| 65 | #page-mod-chat-view #chatcurrentusers .idletime {color: #888888;} |
| 66 | #page-mod-chat-gui_basic #participants .idle, |
| 67 | #page-mod-chat-view #chatcurrentusers .chatuserdetails {font-size: 0.6em;} |
| 68 | |
| 69 | /** Choice **/ |
| 70 | .path-mod-choice .results .data {border:1px solid #999;} |
| 71 | |
| 72 | /** Feedback **/ |
| 73 | .feedback_required_mark {color: #FF0000;} |
| 74 | |
| 75 | /** Folder **/ |
| 76 | #page-mod-folder-view .foldertree {width: 90%;margin:0 auto;} |
| 77 | |
| 78 | /** Forum **/ |
| 79 | .forumpost {border-color:#DDDDDD;} |
| 80 | .forumpost .row {background-color:#FFF;} |
| 81 | .forumpost .row.header {background-color:#EEE;background-image:none;} |
| 82 | .forumpost.firstpost .row.header {background-color:#DDD;} |
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| 84 | .forumpost .topic .subject {font-weight: bold;padding:4px 4px 0;} |
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| 86 | .forumpost .options div {padding:4px;} |
| 87 | .forumpost.unread {background: #9EBEFF;} |
| 88 | .forumpost.unread .content {border:2px solid #0046C7;} /** inside border of unread posts in nested format in */ |
| 89 | |
| 90 | #page-mod-forum-view .forummode, |
| 91 | .path-mod-forum .forumheaderlist .replies {text-align: center;} |
| 92 | .path-mod-forum .forumheaderlist .discussion .lastpost {font-size: 0.7em;} |
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| 94 | #page-mod-forum-subscribers .subscriberdiv, |
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| 99 | #page-mod-forum-view .forumheaderlist .discussion .starter, /** Discussion column background in */ |
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| 101 | #page-mod-forum-view .forumheaderlist td {border-color: #FFFFFF;} /** wire frame around cells in */ |
| 102 | #page-mod-forum-view .unread {padding: 0 3px;} /** unread column background on */ |
| 103 | #page-mod-forum-view .forumheaderlist {border-color:#DDDDDD;} /** border around posts in */ |
| 104 | #email .unsubscribelink {border-width: 0px 1px 0px 0px;border-style: solid;text-align:center;} |
| 105 | #page-mod-forum-view .highlight2 {color:#AA0000;} |
| 106 | |
| 107 | /** Glossary **/ |
| 108 | .path-mod-glossary .glossarypost {border:1px solid #DDD;} |
| 109 | .path-mod-glossary .glossarypost .entry {padding: 3px;} |
| 110 | .path-mod-glossary .glossarypost .concept h3 {font-size: 1em;margin: 0;font-weight: normal;text-align: left;} |
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| 112 | .path-mod-glossary .glossarypost .entryheader h3 {display:inline;} |
| 113 | .path-mod-glossary .glossarypost .entryheader, |
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| 119 | .path-mod-glossary .glossarypost .commands, |
| 120 | .path-mod-glossary .glossarypost .author, |
| 121 | .path-mod-glossary .glossarypost .time, |
| 122 | .path-mod-glossary .glossarypost .entrylowersection .icons, |
| 123 | .path-mod-glossary .glossarypost .entrylowersection .ratings, |
| 124 | .path-mod-glossary .glossarypost .entrylowersection .aliases {font-size: 0.8em;} |
| 125 | .path-mod-glossary .glossaryexplain, |
| 126 | #page-mod-glossary-view .glossaryaddentry, |
| 127 | #page-mod-glossary-import table.glossaryimportexport {text-align: center;} |
| 128 | .path-mod-glossary .glossarydisplay {width: 90%;text-align:center;} |
| 129 | .path-mod-glossary .entrybox {border-width: 0px 1px 1px 1px;border-style: solid;border-color: #BBB;} |
| 130 | .path-mod-glossary .entrybox hr {border-left:none;border-right:none;} |
| 131 | #page-mod-glossary-report table tr.teacher {background: #F0F0F0;} |
| 132 | #page-mod-glossary-view table.glossarycategoryheader {background-color: #DDD;} |
| 133 | #page-mod-glossary-view table.glossarycategoryheader h2 {font-size: 1em;margin: 0;} |
| 134 | |
| 135 | /** Lesson **/ |
| 136 | .path-mod-lesson .compacttable, |
| 137 | .path-mod-lesson .standardtable, |
| 138 | .path-mod-lesson .mform .box.contents {margin:1em auto;width:80%;} |
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| 146 | .path-mod-lesson .progress_bar_table {width: 80%;} |
| 147 | .path-mod-lesson .progress_bar_completed {background-color: green;} |
| 148 | .path-mod-lesson .progress_bar_todo {background-color: red;text-align: left;} |
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| 150 | #page-mod-lesson-view .password-form {margin-top: 20px;} |
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| 152 | #page-mod-lesson-essay .sent {color:#006600;} |
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| 164 | |
| 165 | /** Page **/ |
| 166 | .path-mod-page .modified {font-size:0.6em;} |
| 167 | |
| 168 | /** Resource **/ |
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| 170 | #page-mod-resource-view .resourcecontent.resourcepdf {padding-top: 15px;text-align: center;} |
| 171 | .path-mod-resource .modified {text-align:center;font-size:0.6em;} |
| 172 | |
| 173 | /** Scorm **/ |
| 174 | .path-mod-scorm .orgtitle {font-weight: bold;font-size: small;} |
| 175 | #page-mod-scorm-player .toc {width: 80%;margin-left: 20%;} |
| 176 | #page-mod-scorm-player .structlist {font-size: small;} |
| 177 | #page-mod-scorm-view .structurehead {text-align: center;} |
| 178 | a#mod-scorm-log-toggle {font-size: 0.7em;font-weight: bold;} |
| 179 | |
| 180 | /** Survey **/ |
| 181 | .path-mod-survey .resultgraph {text-align:center;border-width:1px;border-style: solid;} |
| 182 | .path-mod-survey .questiontext {font-size:1em;} |
| 183 | .path-mod-survey .surveytable .rblock label {text-align: center;} |
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| 185 | #page-mod-survey-view .r1 {background-color: #DDDDDD;} |
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| 188 | #page-mod-survey-report .reportbuttons, |
| 189 | #page-mod-survey-report .centerpara {text-align:center;} |