================================== Import of massdata into the portal ================================== General procedure ---------------------------------- A record is read from the input-source-file and the data is checked. If the record can be imported, it is **appended** to the file XXX_imported.csv, otherwise it is **inserted** into the file XXX_pending.csv, if no record with the exact same date already exists in the XXX_pending.csv. The check is done by comparing the md5-digests of the new record with the existing records. When doing the import in pending-only-mode the XXX_pending.csv is taken as input-source-file and if a record can now be imported it is appended to the XXX_imported.csv file and removed from XXX_pending.csv. **Caveat**: if an record is inserted into XXX_pending, it will only be removed by importing in pending-only-mode. If a new input-file contains a record for the same object, with different data, that will not be detected at the moment. The XXX_imported.csv and XXX_pending file has these columns added: :imported_by: the member who did the import :import_mode: edit, create, delete :import_date: the date and time of the import :imported_from: the filename of the input-source-file :error: the error message (empty in XXX_imported)