1 | Instructions Part 2
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4 | Usage of the SRP Backend Portal
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8 | Object hierarchy
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11 | Browse through the data and visit all levels which reflect the real structure of the University. The deepest level is the Certificate Course, for example BOT111 'Diversity of Plants' has the path:
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13 | ::
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15 | Academic Section
16 | > Faculty of Agriculture
17 | > Department of Agricultural Economics & Ext. Services
18 | > Certificates
20 | > Level 100
21 | > First Semester
22 | > Diversity of Plants
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24 | ..
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26 | Also the URL reflects this hierarchy. It's a path along the Ids of the hierarchical ordered ancestor objects:
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28 | http://srp.waeup.org/campus/academics/AGR/AEE/certificates/BAGAEE/100/first/BOT111.
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30 | For each Certificate Course there is a corresponding Course object. The Course objects are in the course folder of the department offering this course:
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32 | ::
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34 | Academic Section
35 | > Faculty of Life Sciences
36 | > Department of Botany
37 | > Courses
38 | > Diversity of Plants
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40 | ..
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42 | or: http://srp.waeup.org/campus/academics/LSC/BOT/courses/BOT111
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44 | At the moment there is no direct link to the Course source. But you can easily use the search function, e.g. search for BOT111, and you'll find not only the Course source itself but also all other Certificates referring to this course.
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46 | The content types of all objects are ordered in the same way:
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48 | ::
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50 | AcademicsFolder > FacultyFolder > DepartmentFolder >
51 | CoursesFolder > Course
52 | CertificatesFolder > StudyLevel > Semester > CertificateCourse
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54 | ..
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56 | The datastructure of the objects (also called attributes or properties) are defined by their content type.
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59 | Register new portal members and delegate roles
60 | ----------------------------------------------
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62 | 1. As a Portal Managers you can register new members. Click the 'Members' tab in the navigation bar and then 'Create' in the horizontal object action bar. Enter the member data. Do not tick the Manager box. Create for example a member called ART Manager.
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64 | 2. Go to the Faculty of Arts (Academics -> Faculty of Arts)
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66 | 3. Click 'Delegate'.
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68 | 4. Search for '*'
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70 | 5. Tick Art Manager and assign the role 'Section Manager'. Now the member ART Manager has got the local manager role exclusively for the Faculty of Arts.
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72 | 6. Log out
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74 | 7. Log in as ART Manager and see the difference: If you go to the 'Faculty of Arts' you will be able to view the data, edit the data, delegate your role to other members, add a new department, approve the data or see a list of unchecked items inside the Faculty of Arts. The same functions are also available for all departments below the ART level. If you go to another faculty, only the 'View' tab appears. This shows how the delegation of roles works.
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77 | Check and approve data
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80 | Couse and Certificate data have to be checked. Only checked data will be available for course registration in the frontend module.
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82 | 1. Go to any Certificate object and approve this object (Click the 'Approve' tab in the object action bar) . The status in the object action bar (on the right) will change from 'unchecked' to 'checked'. Be aware that only the certificate status has changed, not the status of the children objects, i.e. the CertificateCourses. Thus, do the same for the CertificateCourse and Course objects.
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84 | 2. Alternatively, you can use the 'Select all' tab at the end of a contents table. For example, go to the list of courses of any department, click 'Select all' and then 'Approve'. The status of all objects in this list will change from 'unchecked' to 'checked'.
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86 | 3. If you want to see your 'worklist', i.e. all objects which are still unchecked inside the faculty or department where you currently are, click 'Unchecked Items'. Only when this list is empty, the work is done.
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88 | Add data
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91 | Probably many items are missing. You can add the respective data from the place where you are. Also these items have to be approved after creation.
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